Author has written 41 stories for Ranma, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, Stargate: SG-1, and Card Captor Sakura. 22nd May 2006 Dear All, as I am finding myself having less and less available time to write fanfiction I am going to post up everything that I have started to write over the years. I very seriously doubt that they will be continued but some of them I spent hours upon hours on and I feel bad not sharring them with at least someone other than myself. Mandara x Notes about me: Previous Names (Oldest first): Japanese Goth , Slytherin Queen, Slytherin Snake, Lady Snake, Lady Mandara Snake, Mayhem El-Diablo Female Born: 13th of March 1987. Lives: South Coast, Brighton, UK. If anyone has any sketches of what they think the Dark Mark looks like can UPDATES UPDATES UPDATES NEW STORY Harry Potter and the Hunt for the Horcruxes! NEW CHAPTER Chapter two of HP and the Hunt for the Horcruxes NEW CHAPTER Chapter three of HP and the H4tH ONE SHOTS (24): Azkaban Rambles (Harry Potter) Call to the Sea (Harry Potter) Coward (Harry Potter) Dead Dobby (Harry Potter) Earth Angel (Stargate SG-1) Final Steps (Ranma 1/2) Ghost (Harry Potter) Hate is a very strong word (Harry Potter) Haunting (Harry Potter) Hide in the Shadows (Harry Potter) Memories (Pirates of the Caribbean) My Pirate (Pirates of the Caribbean) Poison (Harry Potter) Promesas Calladas (Harry Potter) (Silent Vows in Spanish) Raining Tears (Card Captor Sakura) Shining Stars (Harry Potter) Shouted Passion (Harry Potter) Silent Vows (Harry Potter) Some Scars Run Deeper the Others (Harry Potter) Stolen (Harry Potter) Stone Statues (Harry Potter) The Wolf (Harry Potter) Together Forever (Harry Potter) Waiting for the opportune moment (Pirates of the Caribbean) COMPLETED STORIES Old Flame: (Harry Potter) Plagued Dreams: (Harry Potter) Suicide Solution: (Harry Potter) The New Light: (Harry Potter) Once More and Again: (Harry Potter) hides from oncoming attack I'm sorry I haven't posted anything at all in ages! I'm completely bogged down with college work and I have server writers block. Though hopefully with the onslaught of proper work my incentive from doing something that's not important work but looks like it is may spark up again soon and you guys could be getting some more stories! Though I plan to finsih everything I've started before starting something new. Though I desperately want to write a Hermione/Severus and a Hermione/Harry fic - not in the same story line ponders that idea for a bit... nah not same story line, I also want to try and do the Hr/SS as a time travel fic. Recently I've read two stories, one where Severus comes forward and one where Hermione goes back, and they've got me thinking lol - always a bad sign. Anyway this is the order of which I plan to hopefully finish some of these stories: TheHarry Potter ones will be finished first, then I will move onto doing the others. Sorry to everyone who wants them and not Harry Potter! Screaming Echo's - sigh I miss writing this one. It will proberly be one of the first I go back too. Sequeal to Once more and again - I have plans for this, have had plans for it since it was first written. So you might all be lucky! The Painting - More popular then I thought it would be, I have a few ideas for this one, so keep checking it :) Dragon's Tears - Lots of people asking, this is one I do want to work on, but not as much as some of the others, purely because the Harry/Draco paring doesn't really appeal to me anymore - I will try and make it a good ending that works, though I can't see it being more than 2 maybe 3 more chapters. Goodbye to Romance - Horrah for Ranma fans! Not sure what else I'll do in this so it's not really at the top of my things to do list, haven't had much of a hit from it either, I'll post a few more chapters and if it doesn't take off, I'll take it down. HP and the Hunt for the Horcruxes - Not happening, I'm going to delete this one too. Sorry everyone! Never had a story for this pair? Now you do! Series - LMAO if I ever get drunk again (unlikely considering I don't drink any more) I will write some more, don't think it's high in demand though lol. The Way the Wind Howls - I love the title but this story has no ... well anything so the entire thing will be deleted. Suicide Solution - I get at least one person a day asking me when I will be posting the sequeal to this, and as it is I don't think I will be writing one. Sorry! hides from attack again I just can't bring myself to go back to it, though I will try. Right onto other stories that are in the making: Breaking all the rules: not much to this - will have to read through again and censor the songs out of it :( ... can't remember if I planned a pairing for it lol. Gothic Dragon and Angel of Light: Again I'll have to read though and censor the songs - which is a shame with this one I've put alot of work into it and the songs make it work. Oh well I'll have to see if I can post it elsewhere. Draco/Hermione _ Family: Will have to re-read and censor - Harry/Draco :) And an already started Hermione/Severus story which is currently half a page long and has no title lol. Right that's it for now, wow lots of information :) Hope to get writing soon, hope you enjoy reading everything I've written _ Kaiya Darkwolf |