AN: This chapter is dedicated to my esteemed headmistress Burrow Dweller, I love you darling!

Chapter 11 – Many Conversations.

"You okay?" Hermione looked up at Draco's question.

"Yeah, you?"

Draco sighed, "I don't know."

Hermione smiled sadly, "It's a lot to take in isn't it?"

Draco nodded, sitting down on the sofa by the fire in their Head Student common room.

"Yeah, and you, Potter and Weasley have been dealing with this stuff since 5th?"

Hermione sat down too. "Well in detail yes, we didn't know about the old crowd until 5th, but Voldemort stuff has been dealt with since first really." Draco didn't flinch as she said 'Voldemort' though he turned to her in shock when she stopped speaking.

"First! That's insane!" he cried.

"I guess it is, but it's what happens every year without fail. Attempts on Harry's life, someone hurt, deaths, an attack and lots of pain." Draco got up and pulled the now tearful Hermione into a hug. Holding her tightly, running his fingers through her hair.

"Shh, its okay, got me this year too." She laughed slightly.

"But no Harry or Ron." She whispered quietly before breaking down and crying into his shoulder. Draco just held her tightly he didn't know what to say.

Later that night there was a knock at the door. Hermione was asleep, in the same position as earlier, not wanting to wake her Draco opened the door with his wand.

Severus Snape was standing there.

He took in their positions and stepped into the room.

"Mr Malfoy."


Snape moved over towards him, but didn't sit down.

"Would you like a drink professor?" Draco asked, retaining his manors.

"No thank you Mr Malfoy, I am here to talk to you about this summer." He said, adding "Alone." With a glace at Hermione.

"Please sit down sir, and there is nothing I would keep from Hermione, and she's asleep anyway."

Snape seemed unsure whether or not to accept that, but in the end he sat opposite Draco and began to talk.

"This summer has been an interesting one hasn't it?"


"Your father was most displeased at your actions, and he has been taking out his frustrations on Narcissa."

"What!" Snape held up a hand to stall his demands.

"I say again, Lucius had been taking out his frustrations on Narcissa, but she disappeared over a month ago. The Dark Lord has also been very disappointed in your decision."

"What about you sir? Are you disappointed too?"

Snape was silent for a moment. "No, Draco, I am proud."

That wasn't the reply Draco had been expecting and Snape took advantage of his silence. Glancing at Hermione he spoke again.

"I saw the health sheet, Madam Pomfrey has asked me to make some very specific potions for Miss Granger, she said that you were aware of the 'damage'." He raised his eyes to look at Draco instead.

"Yes I know what happened."

"Do you know who?" Snape asked him.

Draco felt Hermione tense ever so slightly, she was awake and apparently had been for some time.

"I'm not certain no, but I have a few guesses."

"Who?" there was a hint of demand in his question.

"It's not my place to say, sir." Draco looked down at Hermione as he felt her relax again, he was stroking her hair and he hadn't even realised it. Snape would have noticed though, in fact he properly noticed her wake up.

Snape glared at him, "For her own safety, we should be informed of you're guesses."

"we' sir? You mean the 'old crowd'?"

Snape looked at him sharply, "What has she told you!" he snapped standing suddenly. Draco held his ground.

"Hermione has told me nothing of the old crowd, nor your extra-curricular activities. Professor Dumbledore however has."

Hearing the headmaster was responsible, Snape's anger diminished slightly, at least at the couple in front of him, his annoyance at the Headmaster however, grew.

"That may be so, but see to it that you speak of it to no one, do you understand that?"

"I know how to keep a secret sir, you forget the qualities of your own house and those of a Malfoy."

"I do not forget Draco, you never can." He went quiet for a moment, "I will speak with you again, see you in class Mr Malfoy." He turned to leave.

"Oh and miss Granger, you did very well in pretending to sleep, I would recommend however that you learn to Occlude your mind properly, you were broadcasting your thoughts. Good night both of you."

"Good night sir." Draco replied, and Snape left the room.

Draco looked down at Hermione. "Are you alright?"

She went to nod her head and then paused and shrugged her shoulders instead.

"Did you mean what you said?" she asked him softly.

"Which bit?" he helped her sit up, though he would never say it, he liked having her lean on him.

"About my…my injuries, about if…if you knew, who was the … the cause?"

"Yes, I know who it was." Draco replied, Hermione took a sharp in take of breath but didn't say anything.

"It doesn't change anything Hermione. Not one thing." He smiled at her, a proper smile, and she smiled back.