The characters of the Ranma 1/2 universe are the creation and possession of the brilliant Rumiko Takahashi. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi and her licensees (Shogakukan Inc., Kitty-Fuji TV, Viz Communications Inc.) No copyright infringement is intended.
"AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! YES, yes ! yes! I got the job! Daddy, Nabiki
Kasumi! I got the job!" Akane yelled as she ran around the house looking
for her family. Charging into the room she spotted her erstwhile fiancé
and family sitting at the table. Ranma, a pair of chopsticks sticking out
of his mouth, had a shocked expression on his face. He blinked a few times
before asking in a puzzled tone, "Whadya you mean you got the job? What
job are ya talking about?"
"I entered a modeling contest a few months ago by sending in a picture
of myself. The winner gets an all expense paid trip to Tahiti for the photo
shoot," Akane tilted her head slightly, simultaneously flashing a smile
that should have been considered an illegal weapon. "The plane leaves
in two days and I have to pack. The shoot is for a week and then I will be
coming back home. She held out a sheet of paper with the contest details.
Can I go daddy? Please?"
"No," Soun declared firmly. "I can not allow my daughter to degrade herself. . ."
"Says here the winner gets Ten-million Yen." Nabiki remarked, looking over Akane's shoulder.
" . . .and Ten-Million is a very honorable number."
"Oh dear," Kasumi looked at the contest rules. "Akane shouldn't go by herself."
"I'm not a baby!"
"Ranma will go with her." Kasumi said, as if that settled everything.
Ranma opened his mouth as if to argue, then closed it with a snap. Arguing with Kasumi was like trying to catch smoke. "Hai," he said simply. Sighing, he stood up and began trudging towards the stairs with a slightly dejected look on his face. In his thoughts however he was glad to be getting away from the craziness of Nerima.
"Man, why do I always gotta go with Akane whenever she decides to go somewhere. I know that we're engaged an all, but this is ridiculous. Then again, its gonna be great without th' other girls botherin' me. I better go pack, seeing as how it looks like Kasumi won't give in. Besides it's only for a week," Ranma said to himself as he climbed the stairs. Then he heard Akane calling his name.
"Ranma! Where are you going?" she said as she glanced at her fiancé who was climbing the stairs.
"To pack ya tomboy!" he replied.
"What's the matter with you? You're actually agreeing with this?!" Akane said with a slightly puzzled expression on her face.
"Yeah, there's no point in arguing, just look at your sister's face! I have no choice, besides your gonna need someone there ta protect ya!" Ranma said as he started to climb the stairs again.
"Why you! Are you saying that I can't protect myself? I don't need you to come along! I'm a Martial Artist too you know!" Akane proclaimed as she stalked closer towards Ranma to stand in front of him, both of them were standing nose to nose.
Ranma glared at his fiancée and said without thinking, "Hey if th' shoe fits ya Uncute macho tomboy!"
"You Jerk!" Akane yelled as she raised her left hand and proceeded
to punch Ranma in the face. Only this time Ranma did something that she never
would ever expect. He grabbed her fist in mid-swing, just before it connected
with his cheek. Switching his grip he flipped Akane in the air and then caught
her on his shoulder in a fireman's carry. This left Akane too shocked and
stunned to do anything except hang there and gape like a fish out of water.
"Come on Akane, we have ta pack for th' trip or by the time you're done,
we'll miss th' plane." Ranma said as he trudged up the stairs.
Akane couldn't get any leverage to do much damage except one thing and that was pinch Ranma on his rear end. "There's no way I'm going to do that," she thought to herself, then noticing the unnatural silence coming from the living room, she glanced back towards her family. They were all frozen in shock, neither one had moved since they saw Ranma block Akane's punch and flip her in the air.
"Ranma. ..!
Five minutes passed before the first of the Tendos unfroze. "I didn't see that! I must have been dreaming," Nabiki said as she turned towards her oldest sister Kasumi. "Tell me I didn't see that."
"Oh my, that's the first time I've actually seen Ranma do that. Why do you suppose hid did that to Akane father?" Kasumi said as she glanced at Soun with a slight frown on her face.
"I have no idea Kasumi, usually Ranma would be soaring through the sky by now," Soun said while staring off into space in confusion.
"Soun, I think this would be a great opportunity for them to get to know each other better," Genma said to his friend as he moved over towards the Shoji board and sat down.
"Yes Saotome, this will give them a chance to get to know each other better and if Akane wins the contest, we'll be able to pay the bills for another year. Do you think they would have agreed to this if I forced them to go together? When they come back we'll have everything ready for them," Soun said as he smiled not unlike his middle daughter Nabiki when she had a patsy in mind.
"What do you mean Tendo?" Genma said as he moved a game piece.
"Why the wedding plans of course!" Soun replied as his grin blossomed into that of a shark.
"Ah, now I get it," Genma replied. Then both of them stood up, placed a foot on the game board and whispered loudly while waving fans in the air. "Its Genma and Soun's Operation Marriage!"
Sniff, Sniff. "Saotome, I just realized that my daughter will be leaving me and I won't be able to protect her," Soun said as he raised his arm to cover his watering eyes.
"Don't worry Tendo, my boy will do the right thing if he knows what's good for him, Akane will be fine," Genma replied as he walked his friend out of the room. "In the mean time, why don't we have some of the Masters stash of Saki to celebrate!"
"Good idea Saotome, good idea," Soun said as he walked out of the room with a slight spring in his steps.