Author has written 65 stories for Witchblade, Fastlane, Roswell, CSI: New York, Bones, Arrow, and Flash.
So I made a little discovery about FFN not allowing people to click through to AO3. Tricky bastards.
Quick fix: go to archiveofourown dot org and search "chasethewind" and you should be able to find me.
About me:
Name: Chase
Age: 30ish
B-day: Oct. 4
Location: Chicago
Occupation: Graphic Designer, photographer, storm chaser, and soon to be meteorologist
Writing Prefs: Savage Garden/Darren Hayes, Witchblade, Roswell, Fastlane, Alias, The OC, CSI:NY, Bones, Ghost Adventures, Arrow
Shows: Arrow, Revenge, Sleepy Hollow, The Flash, Gotham, Once Upon A Time, The Tomorrow People, Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Chuck, Top Gear, Ghost Adventures, Fringe, CSI:NY, CSI: Miami, CSI, Crossing Jordan, House, Bones, Fastlane, Witchblade, Alias, Roswell, The OC (well, the first season), Mythbusters, Dirty Jobs, Storm Chasers
Movies: All Marvel Movies, Napoleon Dynamite, 40 Year Old Virgin, Troy, The Matrix trillogy, Lord of the Rings trillogy, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, All Fast and the Furious movies, Pirates of the Caribbean (all of them too), Happy Gilmore, Harold and Kumar, James Bond (every single one), Transformers, Knocked Up, Because I Said So, Blades of Glory, Smokin' Aces, Charlotte's Web (the original), The Italian Job, Planet Terror, Death Proof, Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Sex and the City, and a whole bunch more
Music: Darren Hayes, Savage Garden, SafetySuit, Maroon 5, Coldplay, John Mayer, Paolo Nutini, Augustana, Sia, Lifehouse, Howie Day, Damien Rice, Nelly Furtado, Linkin Park, Goo Goo Dolls, Rascal Flatts, Teddy Geiger, Nickelback, Oakenfold, Frank Sinatra, Oasis, Justin Timberlake, Timbaland, Graham Colton, Metro Station, A Fine Frenzy, Robbie Williams, Boys Like Girls, Dido, Langdon Pigg, Ceesau, Reliant K, 30 Seconds to Mars, Aneiki, Colbie Callait, One Republic, Taylor Swift, Carrie Underwood, Keith Urban, Secondhand Serenade, and a whole bunch more
Books: CSI:NY series, CSI: Miami series, Temperance Brennan series, Angels and Demons, The Da Vinci Code, Why Moms Are Weird, Why Girls Are Weird, Dog Handling, Love: A User's Guide, Boy Next Door, Boy Meets Girl, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Vampire Chronicles, Mayfair Witches, Twilight, Big Weather
Quotes: "Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia." - E.L. Doctorow
"Don't be afraid of indulging your dreams out of fear of regret or you will regret never trying to indulge your dreams." - Anonymous
"Saying you're only a comic artist is like saying you only play jazz; you're just limiting yourself by your own words, no one else's. You are an artist and you are a musician." -Anonymous
"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep." - Scott Adams
"A thing of beauty is a joy forever: its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness." - John Keats
"It is not sufficient to see and to know the beauty of a work. We must feel and be affected by it." - Voltaire
"Things are pretty, graceful, rich, elegant, handsome, but until they speak to the imagination, not yet beautiful." - Emerson
"The trouble with weather forecasting is that it's right too often for us to ignore it and wrong too often for us to rely on it." - Patrick Young
CSI: NY- Danny/Lindsay, Mac/Peyton, Flack/Stella
CSI: Miami- Eric/Calleigh, Ryan/Natalia
Crossing Jordan- Jordan/Woody
Fastlane- Van/Billie, Van/Cassidy
Witchblade- Sara/Ian
Alias- Sydney/Vaughn
Roswell- Max/Liz, Michael/Maria
Bones- Brennan/Booth, Angela/Jack
Arrow- Oliver/Felicity
Fringe- Peter/Olivia, Lincoln/Altlivia
Revenge- Emily/Aiden
The Tomorrow People- John/Astrid
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.- Skye/Ward, Fitz,Simmons
Finished Fics:
The Twisted, Tied Up, and Tangled Series: Part 1: Iris (Witchblade)
Sub Zero (Fastlane)
If Tomorrow Never Comes (CSI:NY)
On The Verge Of Something Wonderful (FKA: Let It Snow) (CSI:NY)
Broken (Arrow)
The Impossible Journey (Arrow)
On Hiatus:
Family Feud (Fastlane)
Depth (Fastlane)
Boys Of Summer (Fastlane/Witchblade crossover)
A Photo Worth a Thousand Memories (CSI:NY)
When Love Isn't Enough (Arrow)
A Little More About Me:
I'm Macedonian and proud of it, but I live in the States, so I don't get to visit often. It's a beautiful country, and I highly suggest checking it out if you ever get the chance. I love to write and design. I enjoy art and have a healthy respect for the masters along with a bunch of the contemporaries. My BA is in Interactive Multimedia with a concentration in Graphic Design (try putting that on a resume). I work for an apparel company designing logos for baseball hats and jerseys and will soon be expanding into other areas. I have a weakness for boys with high voices, muscles, tattoos, and glasses. Chocolate is yet another weakness, and will probably be the death of me someday (lol). Cars are my passion; classic, modern, futuristic. They're all cool to me. My life revolves around the computer, it seems, and around my TV. That's where you'll find most of the time.
As of late, my interests have shifted from graphic design to meteorology. I've been taking classes at the College of DuPage (which has the best meteorology program out of any community college in the US) and storm chasing during the spring and summer. I've seen some pretty amazing things as well, like parts of the country not many people get to experience. I've also seen some impressive weather (Dumas, TX anyone?) Not to mention, I've nearly died twice. (Nothing like a near death experience to keep the blood pumping.) I've still been spending a lot of time in front of the computer, but it's been more along the lines of looking at weather forecast models in order to predict what's going to happen in the next week. If you ever have any weather related questions (or you'd like to hit me up about adding weather related things to your fics) feel free to PM me anytime. I'm happy to share my weather knowledge with anyone who asks.
Meet the Muses:
Paris: The literary muse. She's a fickle little creature, beautiful and bold, delicate yet powerful. She comes and goes as she pleases, sometimes at the worst moments, like in the middle of a story I'm trying to write. But she always comes back to finish what she starts, and never leaves me for very long. Likened to Aphrodite, she emanates love, beauty and sexual rapture.
Athena: The artistically creative, wise, and tempestuous muse. Much wiser and more powerful than all my other muses combined, she keeps them all in line with one crack of her ancient staff. Her purpose is to provide me with inspiration in all my artistic ventures. Although she is quite good at it, there are times where she throws her fits and doesn't allow me to do my job, but like Paris, she always comes around and helps me finish what I start. Just like her namesake, Athena is a goddess of wisdom, war, the arts, industry, justice and skill.
Danny: The sexy, grounded muse. A lethal combination of sex appeal and smarts, Danny has a power over both Paris and Athena (and, I must admit, he's got a power over me too). He originally started out as a plaything for the girls, but after managing to shut Paris up during a particularly rough time for me, I elevated his status to muse. He is now the god of sex and sarcasm, akin to Eros, and aside from keeping Paris out of my hair and aiding Athena in her artistic whims, he helps me with both my writing and my art. He is always by my side, and unlike the other two muses, has never left me for one second, although he's been known to be somewhat cocky and egotistical.
Allegra: The fledgling muse. She's my playful muse who loves fluff and Miami. Unlike Paris and Athena, Allegra has a much softer side. She's the fun muse that likes fairy tales and happy endings. There's no angst with her, only sunshine and love. She's more or less responsible for any of the fluff I write, and whatever I end up doing in the CSI: Miami or Bones fandoms. She likes her weather warm and her men tall, fair, and handsome with hazel eyes and soft smiles. (Alright, so she's in love with Ryan Wolfe.) In Italian, her name means happy or jaunty, which is exactly what the other muses need.
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