20. "I'm going to bed."

Rating: K+

Pairing: Oliver & Felicity

Characters: Diggle, Roy, Oliver & Felicity

Season/Episode: Future fic

Category: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff

Disclaimer: (the usual, don't own, idea was mine though)

AN: Fic dump. Completing all these and then I'm done with this fucking fandom. Hope you haters are happy. Go fuck yourselves.

She was sitting in her chair, humming along to the song in her headphones waiting for the boys to get back from their (finally) completed mission. With the bad guys in custody, they'd signed off on the comms and were headed back to the lair, all safe and scratch free from the sound of it. But that wasn't how it unfolded a few minutes later when Roy and Diggle rushed into the lair with Oliver limping between them.

Felicity was out of her seat in seconds, running towards them as she scanned his body looking for the source of his injuries. "I thought you said everything went according to plan!" her high pitched screech echoed off the old foundry walls as her piercing gaze turned to Diggle.

"It did!" he shot back, carrying Oliver over to the medical table.

"Then why is he hurt?" Felicity couldn't help herself. She hated seeing Oliver in pain, physically or mentally, and right now, he looked to be in absolute agony judging by the way he squeezed his eyes shut as Roy and Diggle laid him out.

"His bike got clipped by a semi," Roy finally filled her in. Felicity's gaze shot straight to him.

"What?!" she cried in disbelief. Of all the ways she'd imagined Oliver getting hurt, from being shot to being stabbed, a car accident had been the least of her worries. But watching him writhing in pain as she placed her hand against his shoulder made her realize just how serious this was. "Why didn't you take him to the hospital?"

Felicity scurried over to the medical cabinet and grabbed supplies as she waited for someone to answer her. Of course she knew why they hadn't taken him to the hospital. He was still dressed in green leather, wearing a hood and a mask. The second he stepped foot in there, he would have been treated then promptly arrested.

"I don't need a hospital!" Oliver growled as he sat up then quickly laid back down as pain shot through his left side.

"Yeah, you do!" Felicity barked back. "And if you don't think so, then I think it's about damn time we invested in that x-ray machine I mentioned a while ago, because it's becoming pretty obvious that we're going to need one in the future if you guys keep getting hurt like this."

"Can't really argue with her logic," Roy piped in. They all shot him a glare and his gaze fell to his shoes as he slinked back into the shadows while Felicity and Diggle began helping Oliver strip out of his leathers.

"What hurts?" she asked, grabbing the zipper of his jacket and making quick work of it. When he wouldn't answer, she stopped and glared at him. "What. Hurts?" Felicity demanded, her eyes narrowing at him. Oliver continued to evade her question, something he would quickly come to regret when her hand fell to his left arm and squeezed. His pained groan told her all she needed to know.

Pushing the jacket off his right shoulder, Felicity then moved to the left and carefully began pulling the sleeve down. "Oh, my god…" she gasped. "That is some gnarly road rash." Oliver's arm was black, blue and red from shoulder to wrist. "Leg too?" This time he nodded his answer. "I'm gonna go get ice packs… Lots and lots of ice packs."

It took an hour to clean up all of the cuts and abrasions along Oliver's left side. Diggle had checked for broken bones and found none, although he was willing to bet money that there were probably several hairline fractures all along the joints of his arm. It had taken the brunt of the force in his fall, along with his hip. Thankfully the ice and several doses of over the counter painkillers were quickly easily his suffering.

Wrapping one more strip of tape over the gauze around his elbow, Felicity leaned back and popped a few joints in her spine. After having to lean forward so long, it was nice to finally stand straight again. "You're done," she said. Her hand reached for the zip up hoodie Roy had thrown over her chair and helped Oliver put it on. Although he winced slipping it over his left side, he looked to be a little more at ease than when he'd first come in.

"Let's go," Felicity said, gently looping her arm around his as Oliver stood. "I'm taking you home now because you need to rest."

"I'm fine," he grunted only to receive a glare from the woman standing beside him. Oliver let out an exasperated sigh before relenting, "Okay, Mom, you can take me home." That only earned him another angry glare and he wisely shut up before digging himself into a deeper hole.

They were sitting in her car pulling out of the parking lot when she turned to him and said, "Don't ever call me mom again. I'm nothing like that woman."

Oliver's face softened. He reached over stiffly, his left arm aching as he moved, and wrapped his hand around hers where it rested over the shifter. "I know," he softly whispered. "I'm sorry." As his thumb traced over her knuckles, Felicity sighed. "You'll never be anything like her, not if I can help it." He brought her hand to his lips and placed a soft kiss to her palm.

Felicity's heart fluttered in her chest. It made her weak in the knees when he did things like that. Even more so when he placed her hand over his heart and held it there, letting her feel each beat against her fingers. "Hey," Oliver murmured, and she glanced over at him for a moment as she pulled up to a red light. "I love you."

It was rare to hear him say those words, no matter how long they'd been dating. They always made the hair on the back of her neck rise while the rest of her skin tingled with excitement. Her heart would beat a little faster too, jumping into her throat every so often, just like it was doing it now. Although his actions clearly let her know the depth of his love, it always felt special when Oliver said it out loud.

"I love you, too," Felicity whispered back as she smiled at him. The light turned green and soon she was focused on the road once more. It only took them a few minutes to get to her apartment. In that time, Oliver had dozed off, his exhaustion prevalent on his features as he slept. He startled awake as soon as she put the car in park, his eyes darting around his surroundings as if checking for threats.

"Hey, it's okay," Felicity cooed, her fingers tightening around his hand. "We're home." Oliver relaxed back into the seat with a sigh of relief. "As soon as we get inside," she continued, "I'm going to bed. And you're coming with me." All he did was nod in agreement before pushing the door open and getting out.

They were inside the warmth of her apartment in no time, kicking off shoes and stripping clothes off their backs. By the time they reached her bedroom, Oliver was in his boxers and Felicity was in a plain pink cotton bra and matching panties. The covers were pulled back from her bed and he slipped beneath them first, careful not to put too much pressure on his left side.

Felicity was about to slide in beside him, but thought better of it. Instead, she headed to her bathroom and grabbed a couple of ice packs, wrapping each in a towel before returning to her room. Oliver's eyes followed her as she came to sit beside him, easing each towel wrapped pack onto the worst of his injuries: his shoulder and his hip. He winced momentarily before relief spread through his features and he relaxed into his pillow.

Her body finally slid beneath the covers once she knew he was at ease. Felicity wrapped herself around him until his head came to rest beneath her chin, his cheek pressed to her chest. Every soft breath he took went ghosting across her skin as she settled beside him. One hand wrapped around his neck, holding him close as the other fell to the ice pack on his shoulder to keep it in place.

"I love you," Oliver whispered as his lips pressed soft kisses to her skin.

Another smile crawled across her face as she kissed his forehead. "I know," Felicity murmured. Her fingers ruffled through his hair as his arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her flush against his chest. "I love you too. Get some rest, baby," she said, pressing her lips to his temple this time before closing her eyes. They drifted off together, their arms protectively wrapped around each other for the rest of the night.