Reviews for Her other brother
Guest chapter 1 . 2/12/2017
This was reeeeeeeeaaaaallllyyyyy good I'll always love Thea queen
CrazyDiamond33 chapter 1 . 5/15/2014
I liked it, can't Tommy and Thea are really siblings.
Elaine du Lac chapter 1 . 3/8/2014
Wow. just wow. Amazing. Bravo. I have no words to say how awesome this story is.
a tattered rose chapter 1 . 11/30/2013
I have to note upfront that I have nothing useful to say here because I'm on approximately episode 6, first season, and was having Tommy/Thea feels. And now there are canon things that I know and I don't yet know how I feel about any of -that- but... This was perhaps the most gentle way, the most sympathetic and *feels* way I could have found out, so thank you for that. Because I still feel like I was hit by a bus, but it's the technicolour bus I would have sought for balm, only it's rather incredible that the heightened depth of really good fanfiction is how canon hit me.

The quality of the writing bought me in and kept me, and Thea here is a fully realized character, strong and weak, confused and balanced. It makes me wish, really, for a followup between Thea and Oliver, because I very much want to see how you would treat them having a full conversation, something of a reconciliation, whether based on their relationship with Tommy, or just their own unique history. The wish for more, of course, being intended as a compliment, because I believe you see these characters and their relationships deeply and truly, and discovering aspects unsussed by me but sussed by others is as close to magical as I've ever found.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/29/2013
It is funny how Tommy is actually Thea's brother
LianaRamsay chapter 1 . 11/24/2013
Spoiler Alert:

How does it feel knowing they are actually related, and she does have two brothers - Tommy and Oliver?
This was really sweet when I read it before, but reading it now, it's even better.
Niendil chapter 1 . 7/8/2013
This was nice. Getting to spend some time in Thea's head is nice. She kinda got the short end of the stick in the show it seems. The only suggestion I have is to reduce how much you use present tense. "She misses pulp" is perfect since it is almost like a thought. "Thea considers" is a little awkward because this is from outsider perspective. It's awkward to explain without going into rules and all that jazz. But don't let that detract from my compliments. I truly enjoyed this. Believe me, I review selectively.
vulnera-sapientia chapter 1 . 6/20/2013
Oh man this was so sad! So many feels :'(

Good job, i especially love the way you finished this :)
JoyScott13 chapter 1 . 6/20/2013
Words can't explain how much I loved this :)
Ani-maniac494 chapter 1 . 6/19/2013
This is absolutely wonderful! Such a great look at events through Thea's eyes, and I loved her thoughts about Tommy.

Excellent work! :)

CamJ chapter 1 . 6/19/2013
I have goosebump all over ! Nice story. Very touching
DKM chapter 1 . 6/18/2013
Well, I'm gonna go cry in a corner now...

Ugh, what a wonderful story! Loved it!