Reviews for Don't Take the Girl
Montana chapter 18 . 5/27/2014
Frank haha I was hoping Horatio would get a mention too hehe
LindsayMontanaMonroe chapter 11 . 5/27/2014
oh shit, I hope they're safe
Guest chapter 20 . 12/13/2013
Keep going its so good!
Stampiej chapter 20 . 12/6/2010
wow, such a great story and build-up. Too bad you didn't finish it. Maybe after two years you're muse came back? :-)
CaledoniaThunderGirl26 chapter 20 . 6/13/2010
i love your story. :)
chaoticmom chapter 20 . 6/11/2010
Please finish this story. It was one of the first ones I read when I found this site, and I love it. I don't know how many times I've come back to reread it. I would love to know how it ends. take care
sjwht chapter 20 . 4/28/2010
I love the story. But are you going to finish the story.
ObsessiveReader1411 chapter 20 . 7/10/2009
OMG is this over this was amazing i really like it and i don't want it to be finished it's just one of those storys that should never end exceot to say that there having a baby or getting married type of endings ya know wat i mean
ladyofthedragons1 chapter 20 . 5/2/2009
this story is great update soon
SuperPenguinLovesHerEdog chapter 20 . 3/5/2009
yay! wonderful story i started last night nad finished...oh wait lol its after midnight here i guess that was two nights ago. I am pleased with your ability to stay true to dannys character thank you. Its so hard to find people with that ability on here with fanfics i want to read. Please update soon. Cant wait to find out what happens next.
brinchen86 chapter 20 . 10/18/2008
I just wanted to read this story again and noticed that I didn't even review the last chapter! Like I already told you, I totally love this fic. It was one of the first I ever read and I couldn't stop. I spent hours with reading it and I fell in love with it. It's so intense and so full of emotions. Great, great work! I love it!
Devil-may-care101 chapter 20 . 5/20/2008
This is so good, please keep going. i can't wait to see what happens next - tho i hope that they have a proper date before things get rocky :S

great job

PatryTrusky chapter 20 . 5/2/2008
Hey! I really like this chapter after what has happened to Lindsay and I'd really like the next chapter!
jagnic233 chapter 20 . 3/31/2008
Gah! When you going to update? Please please update soon!
bookworm45 chapter 20 . 3/22/2008
Aww, I hate to come to the end of it, but seeing as there should be more coming soon, I'll survive. You're doing an amazing job with this piece. It's well thought out, interesting, complex - but still simple enough to understand, cute, funny and sweet. Keep up the fabulous work!
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