![]() Author has written 11 stories for Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Harry Potter, Ben 10, How to Train Your Dragon, Flash, Frozen, and Avengers. Hello to you all, readers of fanfiction. I don't have much to say; have been reading fanfiction for three years now, but only just decided give a try writing a story myself. I will try to update on a weekly basis, if not faster. Hope you all enjoy my stories and will keep reading them. Keep the reviews coming, they give me inspiration to write. If you have any suggestions or queries, please PM me; I'm all ears. Dear bullies, See that girl you just called fat? She is starving herself. You know that girl you just called ugly? She spends hours putting on make-up hoping people will like her. That boy you just tripped? He is abused enough at home. See that old man you made fun of cause of the ugly scars? He fought for our country. See that young boy you just made fun of for always being sick? He has to walk home in the snow cause his family is too poor. That guy you just made fun of for crying? His mother is dying. Re-Post this if you are against bullying. Favourite pairings: 1. Harry/Hermione (Harry Potter) Special recommendation: Like Father Like Son (Darthmittens), Tell Me You're Pretty (Paladeus), Harry Potter and The Sword of Gryffindor (Cloneserpents), Harry Potter and Future's Past (Driftwood1965), or mostly anything by robst. 2. Percy/Artemis (Percy Jackson) Special recommendation: Everlasting Promises (Starblade176), The Queen's Champion (Anaklusmos14) 3. Ben/Gwen (Ben 10) ; Honestly, this was my favourite couple when I first entered the world of fanfiction. But the quality has gone south since and after Auumaan disappeared; can't really think of an excellent story right now. 4. Barry/Caitlin (The Flash) Special recommendation: Say Something (Caitlin51), New Beginnings (Gust-In-A-Flash) 5. Harry/Luna (Harry Potter) Special recommendation: Runemaster (Tigerman), Faery Heroes (Silently Watches) 6. Elsa/Anna (Frozen) Special recommendation:Anna Summers, PA (Hmselsanna) 7. Hiccup/Astrid (How To Train Your Dragon) Special Recommendation: Getting Used To It (Miss Pookamonga) 8. Harry/Fleur (Harry Potter) Special recommendation: The Lie I've Lived (Jbern), Harry Potter and The Veela (Z-Bond) 9. Percy/Zoe (Percy Jackson) Special recommendation: Altered Destinies (Anaklusmos14), The Son of Vesta (Pluto's Daughter 11) 10. Harry/ Susan (Harry Potter) Special recommendation: Harry Potter: Junior Inquisitor (Sprinter1988), Thank You Ms Bones (old-crow). Multi pairings/Unusual stories: Partially Kissed Hero (Perfect Lionheart)-Probably the most unusual fanfic one can ever run across, and by the time one reaches chapter 20, they really are forced to wonder how the author retained his sanity. Contains Harry/Hermione/Luna/Susan/Hannah. Heart and Soul (Sillimaure)-A believable story about challenges in life and in spite of the fact that it falls into one of the "Marriage Contracts" stories, the style, pace and dynamics are really nice. Harry/Hermione/Fleur. Just A Face on a Train (Katheryne)-Just something that allows us to reconnect with our friendly neighbourhood hero, Spider-Man. Wand and Shield (Morta's Priest)-With an unparalled writing style and intriguing plotline, it is no wonder that it is one of the most successful cross-overs ever. Blackened Dawn (Solerius)-A very different look into a Percy Jackson story, and probably the most interesting approach to Dark! or at least, non-conventional Percy. Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality (Less Wrong)- If I have to describe anything about this story, it would be an insult to it's awesomeness...and it won't cast a very favourable light on your intelligence, either. Still, for it's basic plot, it involves a Harry who is possibly the smartest being in the universe. Enough said! Others: Too Many Dates (Fantasy1290), The Harem War (Radaslab), When In Doubt, Obliviate (Sarah1281), Embers (Vathara), Chunin Exam Day (Perfect Lionheart), Harry Potter and the Price of Being Noble (Driftwood1965), Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived (The Santi), Harry Potter and the Four founders (Darth Marrs), Make a Wish (Rorschach's Blot), Harry Potter Mercenary (DobbyElfLord), Evil Be Thou My Good (Ruskbyte) and many others... Status of My Stories: In-Progress- 1: Slower and better: My current muse. I think I am obsessed with Snowbarry at the moment. 2.The Warrior Of Light: Arc 1 done, outline completed. It would contain about 30 chapters and easily above 100K words. 3.Where The Magic Happens: Just at the starting point, will require a lot more work than I initially anticipated. Expect a bit of slow updates. Features a bit of Super! Harry. Anticipating about 150K words. 4. Watch and Learn: Outline done, random updates. 28 chapters is my target, but can branch into more. Completed: 1. Birth of a Terror-First one-shot, so nothing special; just a bit of non-conventional writing. 2. To Love and Conquer-A humorous look at how some minor changes to canon can lead to a much happier ending, at least for me. 3. Better Be Vigilant-My travel into the 'Humour' genre. Complete for now, but I might add to it later. 4. Harry Potter and the Divergent Rebound-No, not a crossover with "Divergent", but it shows a multitude of diverging plot-lines. Four Founders, manipulative Dumbledore, traitor Ron, Lunar Harmony...what more could you ask for? 5: In The Throes Of Passion: Hiccup/Astrid, sort of fluffy but what it really is...well you have to read to find out. |