Disclaimer: People in ancient days used to believe that the Earth was flat, so some people might have formed an erroneous conclusion that I own Frozen, but sadly it all belongs to Disney. On with the story now…

Chapter 3: First Day In College

"Yaahhh!" Anna screamed, quite loudly, causing the other occupant of the room to drop the book she was engrossed in, raise a perfectly manicured eyebrow and ask very slowly, "May I know the cause for your screaming?"

The redhead didn't even seem to register the comment and mumbled to herself while walking up to her desk (although it was pretty loud for a self-involved conversation) 'born in 1995-so that's a year before me-so not possible-but must confirm…' She finally addressed Elsa, "You're not the teacher, are you?"

"What exactly gave you that idea?" Elsa stared at the other girl, stupefied.

"It's just that you're really early to class-I'm early too, but that's because I'm new here and I thought I must make an early start to the Chemistry Lab so as to not get lost but I didn't get lost so I'm just early, and I didn't think anybody else would be here except maybe the teacher; also, I was kind of reading this book just yesterday night where a girl has a new neighbor and she turns out to be a teacher in her school so when I saw you here…well, I just screamed because you being my teacher would be really awkward." Anna explained, without ever pausing for breath.

Elsa somehow managed to make sense of the word vomit and tried to answer them in chronological order. "First of all-no, I am not the teacher. Secondly-what kind of book do you read where the protagonist makes such a stupid mistake…or, wait a second-do you mean to imply that I look old enough to be a teacher?" She glared at Anna.

"No, no." Anna exclaimed, seemingly appalled at the idea, "Of course not. Who said so? Not me, nope. You could never look anything but gorgeous." She winced, "I didn't mean to say that out loud-not because you aren't, because you are-I mean…"

"Watch out." Elsa screamed in alarm as the animated redhead's one flailing arm went flying over to the rack of acids in course of her explanation and even without waiting for her to stop, Elsa tackled Anna bodily to the ground, which finally shocked the redhead into stupor. However, it was now Elsa's turn to speak, "Do you even realize where we are? You could have just gotten both of us killed…"

Anna was hardly listening, as her brain had short-circuited the moment Elsa was on her top.

Elsa. On her top. Wow…

"…Did you even get what I was saying? You must be more careful from now onwards. This is hardly the place…"

"I completely agree with your statement, Miss Arendelle. This is hardly the place to engage in such acts of… intimacy." Came the rather nasally voice of their actual teacher from the doorway.

Elsa immediately stopped in her tirade as she tried to analyze how the situation would look from an outside perspective. Hmm…given in what position she currently was, pining down Anna (the redhead was surprisingly comfortable , acquiescent and silent-in fact, when she thought about it, Anna had not spoken since, ahem, the incident) , and the fragments of the conversation which the professor most likely had overheard…the situation did seem to be something else entirely.

Elsa was proud of the fact how quickly she was able to think of so many things and immediately jumped up to explain, mortified. "It wasn't intimate…I was just explaining…"

The teacher raised his hands, "I don't want to hear about it. Both of you, take your seats and save the explanations for later."

Since other students chose to use that moment to start filing in, the incident was dropped…for then.

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Given how embarrassed Elsa was (and how Anna was still in dreamland when the filling process was going on), neither of them had conceived the thought of moving away from each other and so Elsa found herself paired up with the animated redhead for the day.

"So Elsa, when the Hotel Manager asked Mr. Photon if he would like someone to carry his luggage, what did he say?" Anna quipped.

Elsa sighed. Anna was pretty silent during the start, so she had figured that she too was as embarrassed as she had been about the situation. That was good while it lasted. Within ten minutes of starting the class, the professor's monotone had lulled half the class into sleep, but it had only succeeded in sending Anna into hyper mode. Since then, she had taken to doodling, playing drumbeats, whispering a tune (although stopping quickly as soon as Elsa had glared at her) to avert her boredom, and now she was sprouting off lame science jokes.

Her internal monologue must have been a little too long as Anna provided her with the answer, " He said, 'No, I'm travelling light'. Do you get that? Photon-travelling light? He-he."

Elsa raised her hands and spoke in a dreary tone, "Yes I get that. It's a very interesting wordplay. How astoundingly clever of you."

"Oh come on, that wasn't so bad. Laugh a little, Elsa." Anna pleaded.

"Why don't we rather focus on the subject that's being taught?"

Anna waved her hands impatiently, "Oh iodometric titrations are so boring. I already learnt all of this. So I was saying…"

"Wait a second." Elsa quirked an eyebrow, "You already learnt all of this?"

Anna suddenly looked alarmed, "What? Who, me? Nope, I meant we-that is, me and my previous classmates already covered this last year. That's it."

"Did you know that your left eyebrow twitches when you lie?" Elsa deadpanned.

"Say what?"

"Miss Arendelle. Miss Summers."The professor's voice boomed, addressed towards them. "Since you two seem to know all about the topic, would you mind educating the rest of the class about the remaining procedure?"

There was a collective 'Ooh' from the class as everybody knew what these words meant-'You better be able to explain, or else…'.

'Twice in trouble in the same day? That's got to be a new record for me.' Elsa thought to herself, but she wasn't too alarmed for she actually knew all about it and that was why her attention had wavered-the fact that Anna was plain gorgeous and she liked hearing her talk had nothing to do with it. Nope. She began, "Well, we should..."

"Not you, Miss Arendelle. I think our new student here, Miss Summers should be given a chance to make her previous school proud. Please ,Miss Summers, do enlighten us about the procedure."

That was so unfair. He was purposely bullying Anna. Elsa was about to say something, when, surprising her, Anna stood up, and gave an excellent impromptu lecture about the procedure, adding her comments here and there. It was even better than she herself could have managed.

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"So…" Elsa began.

"Yes?" Anna questioned meekly.

"You come to classes early. You order books from Flipkart and choose to go to the Park and Library as first place of interest in the town, and have precise knowledge about a procedure that is supposed to taught only this year-and I think this college has one of the most advanced curriculums in the country." Elsa ticked off the points with her fingers, "So why do you want to give out the impression that you are an airhead without much interest in academics?"

Anna seemed to be struggling for a moment before suddenly turning shy and looking down, "Because nobody likes a boring bookworm".

Elsa was amazed. Who would have thought that even this vibrant, wonderful girl had such vulnerabilities? On an impulse, she clasped Anna's hand, "I don't know about others, but I don't think bookworms are boring-and, you are so much more than a simple bookworm."

Anna smiled, "Thank you" before suddenly turning suspicious, "Wait-how did you know that I had gone to the library as the first place in this city? And how on earth did you notice that my left eyebrow twitches when I lie?"

Elsa was alarmed, 'Uh-oh, probably shouldn't have mentioned that.'

Anna grinned exactly like the Chesire Cat while posting her next question, "Say, neighbor-have you been spying on me?"

"Um, my next class will be starting soon, goodbye…and no, I wasn't spying on you." Elsa practically sprinted away, missing the gleeful expression on Anna's face.

'Yay me.' Anna thought as she walked back home, mulling over the events of the day in her head. All in all, it had been very satisfactory, although something kept puzzling her.

Elsa's hands-they had been just as cold today as the first day she had come in contact with her, except for that one instance when Elsa herself had grasped her hand-they hadn't felt nearly as cold then. How was this even possible?

Maybe she was just over-thinking things.

A/N: So sorry for the delay, I have been out without Internet access. How was this chapter? Good, bad or terrible? Please let me know.