Author has written 40 stories for Coldfire Trilogy, Devil May Cry, Ninja Turtles, A-Team, Ironman, Final Fantasy VII, Xenosaga, Sherlock, and A-Team. Comments accepted, criticism adored, flames ignored. Unless they're really funny, in which case I may share them with my friends. Hey, there's nothing you can say that I didn't hear from my college profs. I started this profile to post stories about the Coldifre Trilogy, a really sweet piece of writing by C. S. Friedman that you've just got to check out. I notice that it's growing a fandom, finally. It took eight years, but better late than never. Clearly, my array of interests has grown since then, with sporadic stories in whatever fandoms manage to inspire me to write, but really, this whole idea was a gesture to someone I've never met, but who wrote some terrific stories about the Coldfire trilogy and only wanted to read some. Here's to you, Karasu Tendo! I do enjoy emails from fellow fans (and they by no means have to have anything to do with my writing), and I do enjoy hearing from folks on LJ. Go ahead, post on my blog. Don't feel shy about leaving random comments, friending me, or what have you. I do have a bit of additional fanfic on my LJ that I keep under a filter, mainly stuff I either haven't finished (and let's be honest, probably won't) or that I didn't feel was polished enough to flash around on here. I have no reservations about people reading it; my friends simply have a lot of different interests and I don't want to bother them all with fanfic they're not interested in. If you want to see it and you have a Livejournal account, just drop me a note and I'll make a point of adding you. Since doesn't like porn (and also their upload interface drives me bonkers), you can also find my work (including what I don't post here) in the following places: PrettyArbitrary on Archive Of Our Own (AO3): http:///users/PrettyArbitrary/pseuds/PrettyArbitraryarbitrary_fic on Livejournal: http://arbitrary_PrettyArbitrary on Tumblr: http://June 2012 update: My BBC Sherlock fic, No One's Bitch, got wiped out in 's latest censorship purge. For the vulgar word in the title, they told me. See, this sort of thing is why I never post any of my explicit porn over here. |