Author has written 34 stories for Dragon Ball Z, Gundam Wing/AC, Magic Knight Rayearth/魔法騎士レイアース, Ronin Warriors, G-Gundam, Yu-Gi-Oh, Kingdom Hearts, Naruto, Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Gundam Seed, Vampire Knight, and Gokusen.
(Solitude Whispers is in your extended Fanfiction.net Network)
(Formerly known as "Winter Yuy")
Check out my new group I started with Tanya Lilac, Winter Lilacs
~My Stats~
You are on the favorites list of 114 members.
You are on the author alert list of 95 members.
Numbers of hits to your profile page: 8,487
~Links to Me~
Livejournal (friends only!)
§ Started in December of 2000 writing fanfiction under the penname of "Winter Peacecraft-Yuy" for Gundam Wing.
§ Wrote first "M" rated story in December of 2001 ("Clover Falls") for Dragonball Z/GT.
§ In 2003, wrote a story for Kingdom Hearts ("Brightness and Darkness") and it trned out to be the biggest project. ...and it is still unfinished.
§ In 2004-2005, moved from old animes into new ones such as: Yuugioh, Yuugioh GX, and Naruto.
§ In 2006, shortened penname to "Winter Yuy".
§ In 2007, changed penname based on changes made in life and new beginnings.
§ In 2011, changed named back to "Winter Yuy" so that people are reminded of my roots, as well as myself.
Do yourself and everyone a favor and DO NOT read the stories I am about to list:
- Heishi Yosoki
- An Angel Brought Us Together
- A Forgotten Past Remembered
- Heartbreak or Bliss
- Love in another Deminsion, Love on Earth
- Someone to Lean On
- Clover Falls
- A Loss of Innocence
These stories are OLD and HORRIBLE! I hate my past works where I had just started out writing. I'm seriously debating on whether or not to DELETE THEM from EXISTENCE!
...can we all tell I hate them that badly?