Sooo i'm a nerd, a fanatic of kururugi suzaku, and a writer, so when you put all three together, you get this: suzaku related prompts based on SAT words. Hopefully i'll remember these words for the real SAT xD

SAT Challenge I – The Dream Catchers

1. Indispensable

He had always been the most essential, indispensable part of her; after all, she was the only one capable of turning that absurd and unheard of dream they shared into a reality.

2. Nadir

When Suzaku had enough of being discouraged and denounced by both the Britannians and the Elevens, Euphie waited at the bottom of his misery with the intent of igniting his former fervor.

3. Periphery

She was on the periphery of death, yet the only thing he could have done to make her happy was lie.

4. Dubious

Although many regarded Euphie's idea of equality with ambivalence, she would not submit to their disdain for as long as she held Suzaku's sanction.

5. Poignant

Euphie's proclamation for a Japanese territory moved the crowd to tears and even left her own knight misty-eyed, who was proud to have the privilege of protecting a woman who protected his dreams as well.

6. Infirmity

Euphie was naturally frail, but her infirmity gave Suzaku even more reason to continue staying by her side.

7. Sanguine

Even as he scavenged through the blood-drenched fields, Suzaku dared not lose hope in finding Euphie despite his fear of the worst.

8. Indignation

Suzaku, blinded by rage and fury, never lost focus on his ultimate goal: obliterating the world of Euphie's murderer.

9. Pragmatic

Euphie questioned the practicality of having Suzaku become her knight, work on the Lancelot, and attend school all at once; despite her concern, Suzaku reassured her, stating how Euphie mattered to him as Suzaku's education mattered to her.

10. Jubilant

Euphie's perpetually joyous personality flawlessly countered Suzaku's subtle dismalness.

11. Outlandish

To the Britannians, Suzaku existed as the freak amongst them while Euphie preferred to view him as her equal.

12. Histrionic

"But you'll get injured and possibly die, and then all of Briannia will burn in hellfire and–"

"I will return to you, Euphie."

13. Mundane

Euphie's first request for Suzaku as a knight was far from ordinary.

14. Lugubrious

After Euphie died, he promised to never stop grieving, for if he did, he was afraid that her memory might start to fade away from its color.

15. Latency

Euphie's spirit enveloped him like the wind: he couldn't see it, but he could definitely feel it.

16. Salvation

Suzaku didn't need to believe in Christ because Euphie had the power to save him from hell.

17. Improvidence

Despite his faith in Euphie, Suzaku's instincts told him that day that needless deaths could have been prevented if he had the prudence to keep a careful watch on Zero.

18. Burgeon

Before either Suzaku or Euphie was willing to realize, their love had begun to flourish in front of their eyes.

19. Ardor

Suzaku believed that it was better to have loved with passion than to have abstained from it to prevent heartbreak.

20. Vindictive

Suzaku was not one to forgive – he held onto spite and vengefulness even towards himself.

21. Irascible

It angered Suzaku when he realized that his means of reaching his goal were not much different from Zero's unethical intentions.

22. Presumptuous

Euphie had always been a bold woman from the day she fell from her window to the day she commanded him to love her.

23. Intrepid

Suzaku kept in mind that if he were to become a soldier, he would have to trade his fear for valiancy.

24. Flippant

After the meetings and politics were over, Suzaku and Euphie liked to poke fun at each other, no longer having to worry about appearing well mannered in front of the higher class.

25. Penitence

Euphie had once told Suzaku that Forgiveness was a monologue itself and that only he had the power to relinquish those feelings of resentment.