DISCLAIMER --- This story, although written by me, is not an original work. The world, races, jobs, cities, ect. belong to their creators and Square-Enix. Some characters in the story may be found in the game. Players I've met in the game itself have given permission for me to use them in the story and I will give them credit when needed. Thank you and please enjoy.

UPDATE: Thank you AydrianSeraph for the information. All reviews are read and any information that is incorrect in the story that is corrected in reviews will be fixed as soon as possible. Thank you and keep reviewing.


Chapter One

Vana'diel was always a land of splendor, even during the many years that the land had been under siege by countless wars. Plentiful fields of both plants and animals were turned into barren wastelands by powerful magic unlike anyone had seen. Although many wastelands could be found across Vana'diel, the true beauty fought its way through to the surface. It was this beauty that many bards chronicled in their songs and that hundreds of artists tried desperately to show in their works. The war over thirty years ago was between the cities themselves. The most famous of rivalries was between the Kingdom of San'd Oria to the north in the lush mountainous Ronfaure Region and the Republic of Bastok to the south in the wastelands of the Gustaburg Region.

This minor skirmish was quickly pushed aside when the beastmen hordes moved in under the guidance of the Shadow Lord. Orcs, Quadav, Yagudo, Goblins, and many more charged upon one of the smaller, but promising cities. This city many records do not hold within their logbooks but those who survived the skirmish whisper the name through quivering lips. The town rested upon a large mountainside, a fortress of its own, and held hundreds of men, women, and children of all races. This city, known by very few, was called Tavnazia. The beastmen hordes targeted the town for its mineral rich lands, as well as its magnificent potential of being a powerful natural fort.

It was night of Darksday, the moon was full with small clouds rolling in. Most of the town of Tavnazia was sound asleep. The powerful force of guards, consisting of both fighters and arcana users, stood vigil as they watched the horizon. Word of the beastmen movement had been known all over Vana'diel for well over a month, which was an unsettling thought to families who had suffered through the skirmishes of the other cities not long prior to this. Forces from San'd Oria, Bastok, and the distant city of Windurst were sent to this town to aid should the beastmen attack; unfortunately, the leaders of these nations knew not of the massive power the beastmen held. A crack of thunder shook the ground as the many roars of beasts echoed on the wind.

A journal entry from one Tarutaru black mage guard that had stood behind the main wall, over looking the battlefield, took note of what monsters were in the arsenal of the beastmen that night. The Tarutaru's handwriting had been shaky; the pages had spots of what seemed to be blood upon them as he wrote:

"Behemoths, giant beasts that resemble feral dogs that stand well over three stories were their first wave upon us. My fellow mages and myself that stood along the top of the wall began casting our strongest spells upon them only to be felled as the wall gave way to the Behemoths' weight. I barely managed to escape the fate of my friends.

The archers did their best to avoid the crumbling wall, few of them survived. The steadfast mass that was the first unit of melee that was to meet the enemy head on lined up inside, prepared to fight to the death. Large sums of them were trampled or shot dead as the beastmen charged through the town gates from behind the large bodies of the behemoths and began to slay the people one by one We stand no chance against this force as we are."

Men, women, and children did all they could to escape. The fortified town that once protected them was now their prison. Escape routes were raided and inevitably sealed off. Those who did survive never reveal it to anyone. Though they escaped with their lives, they felt they had lost their sanity. That was almost twenty-four years ago.

Within the walls of Bastok, a town built of stone and thriving on the ore found in the mines, a young girl was working hard as a practicing apprentice white mage. Born and raised in the Republic of Bastok, she was only six when Bastok was a target by a minor invasion by the turtle-like beastmen, called Quadav, where her family was killed in the battle. Fortunately for her, she was away with her teacher, Plureague, an exiled Elvaan priest from San d'Oria and renowned war hero for Bastok that lives in a small house near the goldsmith's guild. That was eleven years ago.

"Aonir?" Plureague shouted from upstairs of a small house. "Aonir, where are you?"

"I'm cooking dinner for us, Sir Plureague." A girl with shoulder-length brown hair said as loud as she could without sounding disrespectful.

He limped down the steps, his gray hair shimmering like the moon on Iceday and smiled at her and said, "You remind me a lot of your mother." He continued into the kitchen and raised the lid to see what was inside. "Heh, heh, heh. Eggs for dinner?"

"It's all we can afford at the moment." She said sadly. "White mage job availability isn't at its highest."

"Maybe I should get back into the field. Living off of your income from your errands around town and my small retirement money is not right." He said to her.

"You can't." She quickly stated. "You're injured from working in the mines."

"I can always go back to work. My injury is healed. No injury should stop a white mage for ensuring the safety of his or her companions."

Aonir stood there with a determined expression upon her face. "You can't go out there in your condition. Besides, why not allow me to get a job? I'm a white mage. I've passed through all of your tests thus far. Aren't I qualified?"

"Aonir," Plureague stated in a sigh as he sat down at the table, "you are still a child. To send someone so young out into the hell of a world Altana has left us would be disastrous."

"I am not a child!" Aonir said harshly, slamming the lid down on the pot causing some of the water inside to spill out and onto the fire below. "I am seventeen years old! I have worked my way to a being a second rank citizen of Bastok."

"Yes, but you have not experienced the harshness of the world outside the walls of Bastok and the other three major cities. I have always been with you, holding your hand as we went." Plureague preached. "You have yet to prove you can take care of yourself let alone be responsible enough to be trusted with the lives of anyone who travels with you."

Aonir moved toward the table, sitting on her haunches and bracing herself on the table as she looked up at Plureague. "Consider this a chance to test me again, sir. I know I will never be as strong a white mage as you but I can at least try."

Plureague sat silent for a moment before turning to her. "The answer is still no, Aonir. Your parents entrusted me with your life and I intend to keep you safe."

"What a bad excuse! Surely you can tell me something better." Aonir said as she stood up.

"You want a better reason? Fine. I'll give you one. You have yet to show enough responsibility to be left alone in the kitchen since you're eggs are about to boil over." Plureague said with a grin.

"Oh no!" Aonir shot over to the stove and quickly put out the fire using a cup of water she had placed on the counter. Plureague was chuckling to himself all the while with began to bug Aonir. She turned around putting her left hand on her hip. "Ha, ha, ha. Laugh it up, Master Plureague. This wouldn't have happened had you just let me go out and work."

"Don't go blaming your misfortune on me." Plureague laughed.

Aonir puffed her cheeks out for only a second before she said, "My misfortune, need I remind you about the bottom step? How you fell through it shortly after I shouted to you to watch the step because it was worn?"

"That was in the past. No power in its defense."

"Yeah? Well, if that is how it works then you've lost a lot more arguments than you've bragged."

"Why is that?" He asked intrigued.

"Well," Aonir began just as a knock rose from the front door, "we'll continue this later." Aonir said in a huff as she put down the rag she was using to clean up the spilt water.

"It's probably Giraenis. I'll go upstairs and change my clothes. These smell like boiled eggs." Plureague said with a laugh as he turned the corner and began his way up stairs.

Aonir sighed, her hand on the doorknob, not having any idea who Giraenis was. "Don't forget that the railing isn't steady. Some of the nails have loosened."

"Of course." He shouted down, his tone seeming uninterested and uncaring.

Aonir opened the door, letting in the bright sunlight, to see a tall, gray, muscular figure in front of her. It was a Galka. Galka are not uncommon in Bastok in the least but Aonir was surprised to see one at her doorstep.

"Is Plureague in, Miss?" The Galka said in a booming voice.

"Yes. He just went upstairs to change his clothes. Are you Girenes, Gironis?" She said, butchering the name horribly.

"That I am. I suppose you would better know me as Iron Hawk."

Aonir felt a little stupid having messed up the man's name so she stepped to the side and presented the hall to him. "Would you like to come in and wait for him?"

"That isn't necessary, Aonir. I'm ready to go." Plureague said with a grin upon his lips. "I may be getting old but I don't take three years to dress myself."

Aonir's eyes shot wide open when she saw what Plureague was wearing. The clothes were highly decorated with shades of red, yellow, gold, and brown and the designs were seemingly tribal. It was Plureague's White Mage uniform.

"What are you doing in that outfit?" She said quickly, her mouth still agape from shock.

"While I'm out I'm going to find myself a job. You are to stay here and not leave Markets for any reason." He said staring firmly at Aonir. "Sorry for making you wait, Giraenis. Aonir nearly burnt the house down."

"I did no such thing!" Aonir quickly commented only to be ignored.

"The best thing you can do for her is let her practice so she may perfect it." Giraenis said with a smile.

Aonir watched as the two made their way down the street before closing the door and rushing up the stairs, nearly toppling the railing over as she went. She bounded into her room and quickly opened up the trunk that rested at the foot of her bed. Inside were her doublet and other items that she wore whenever she and Plureague went out on their quests for Bastok. She was forbidden to wear them for any other reason but she did not care. She had been trained to be a white mage for as long as she could remember and she was going to prove she could handle herself.

Removing her house clothes, she quickly put on the equipment, fastening her hairpin as she ran down the steps and down another flight of stairs into the basement. There, hanging on the wall behind a magic barrier rested shields, clubs, and staves of all types. Aonir pulled a small, rock-like object from her pocket and slid her fingers over the engraved markings. It was Plureague's stone, but Aonir needed it to break the barrier.

She took a few steps toward the barrier then held the stone up toward it, touching the barrier only slightly. Light rebounded off of the stone like a prism, and then the barrier neutralized. Aonir only had a few moments to choose her weapons before the barrier would restore. She grabbed a small shield, club, and a staff for safety measure and then quickly moved up the steps into the main body of the house just as the barrier flickered back to life.

"I'll prove my worth to them both. I am not a child!" Aonir said quickly as she slid the shield onto the forearm of her left arm and then slid the club into her belt on the same side as her shield.

Taking up no more time in the door, Aonir rushed outside and down the cobblestone street toward the gates that would lead her outside and into the Gustaburg region. She was going to travel alone and find a job as a professional white mage with or without Plureague's consent.

Crowding was bad in Markets this day due to a strange game that was taking place. People were talking to a Moogle, a small stuffed bear-like creature with bat-like wings and a red bon-bon that appeared to float above their heads, then rushing outside. Aonir was too busy to check it out any further than that. She continued on, passed the steps that led up to the Auction House and Fire Water Fountain and then passed the three stores that lined up on the left side of the street as she neared the gat.

Her heart racing as she came closer to the opened gate, she had only seen the outside a few times in her life and even then it was not what she wanted. She collected herself and caught her breath as she made her way to the gate. Her mind on her possible future adventure she failed to pay any attention to what was around her and she met a Mithra, a race of feline people, forehead to forehead underneath the gate arch with a hard thud. Aonir lost her balance from the shock of the accident and fell backwards, nearly dragging a guard with her.

"HEY!" the Mithra shouted as she caught her balance, her blonde hair swaying into her face slightly. "Watch wherrre you're going!"

Aonir rubbed her forehead and hoped a lump would not appear. "I'm sorry. I guess I let my mind wander a bit too much in my rush."
"Rushing isn't an excuse. Just because you'rrre a Hume, you think you can rrrule the land. You betterrr watch your back." The Mithra said before she quickly rushed by Aonir in a huff.

"I said I was sorry." Aonir said as she stood up, hoping the Mithra had not heard her. "I wonder what had her by the tail."

Aonir shrugged the incident off and continued toward the open gate. Dust rose from the ground as a swift breeze grazed over it. Aonir covered her eyes slightly with her right hand to prevent the dust from blinding her too badly. She stood outside the gate and waited for her heart to stop pounding before she stepped out from the shade of the arch.

"That's not fair! I did nothingaru to you so give it back!" A small voice said to the right of the gate.

"Heh heh, you did do something, runt. You joined Bastok's ranks." A man's voice said in a laugh.

Aonir turned to see a Hume man with shaggy brown hair holding up a staff and hat away from a small, blue-haired Tarutaru. She did not understand what was going on and decided to check the situation out before continuing on her adventure.

"All you Tarus are alike. Thinking you're the best of all of Vana'diel since you study magic and since Windurst is the only city permitted to sell advanced spells." The man stated.

"Give my items back or you will regret it!" The Tarutaru demanded, cupping his hands and allowing the tips of his fingers to touch.

"Ooh, so scary. Gonna murder me with Arcana, eh? Bring it on, stumpy! I'll punt you all the way back to where you came from."

"Hey!" Aonir shouted, confused at why she had but did not bother to question herself since the two of them were staring at her. "Leave that Tarutaru alone. He has just as much right to be here as anyone else."

The man grinned. "Oh, so the mages flock together, eh? You're a Hume yet you'll back-up this Windurstian reject?"

"I said for you to leave him alone. Return whatever it was you stole and leave him be." Aonir said quickly as she forced her voice to stay firm.

"Look mage, if you don't back your ass out of this I will introduce you to my sword." He said angrily as he pointed to the large sword that he had on his back.

Aonir gulped. That sword had to be as long as she was tall.

"I want you to leave that Taru alone and that is all. I don't want to fight."

The man threw the staff and hat at the Tarutaru, knocking him to the side about a foot then he drew his sword and faced Aonir.

"I did what you wanted, now to prove to you I'm not bluffing."

Aonir took a step back as the man charged. She quickly drew her club and stood ready to be hit.

"Fire elements, come to my hands!" The Tarutaru shouted as a burst of flame erupted in between Aonir and the man.

Aonir watched as the Hume dove through the flames. She jumped back, the sun glistening off of the man's blade. He swung. Aonir brought up her club. The two weapons clashed with a loud clink. The vibration from the impact stung Aonir's right hand as she tried hard to push the sword back. The Tarutaru rushed toward them, staff in hand.

"Time to face the music, white mage." The man said with an evil grin as he pushed down upon her club with added force.

"Never underestimate the power of mages!" The Tarutaru shouted, slamming his staff into the back of the man's knee.

His leg caved from beneath him sending him to the ground. Aonir managed to knock the blade away from her and move just as he hit the dusty ground. The Tarutaru took a few steps away then placed his hands in the cupped position once again.

"Bettaru leave us alone or else you will be in pain. This time, I plan to cast the spell on you rather than in front of you."

The man rose to his feet and put his sword up. "Hmph! I'm tired of wasting my time on you. I've got other matters to tend to."

Aonir kept her guard up until the man turned into the gates.

"Phew! That is the second person I've ticked off within the past twenty minutes." Aonir said heavily as she put her club back in its place.

The Tarutaru adjusted his hat and placed his staff in the holder on his back before looking at Aonir. "You not a good white mage?"

"It's not that. This is my first time out on my own. I literally ran into a Mithra at the gate and then I ticked that man off while trying to help you. I guess today just isn't my day."

"Hmm." The Tarutaru thought for a moment. "Well, how about we travel together-weather? This is my first time out on my own, too."

Aonir felt the weight of her depression lift. "Really?"


"Ok. I'm game." Aonir said with a smile.

"My name is Tokurio-Monzisan, but you can call me Toku." The Taru said with a smile.

"I'm Aonir Kotet. Just Aonir is fine."

The two shook hands on their deal. Aonir was excited and could feel her heart going wild as she and Toku made their way southwest through South Gustaburg.

"Um, Aonir. Can I ask a bigaru favor?" Toku said softly as he and Aonir made their way west.

"Sure. What's up?" Aonir said with a smile.

"Could we stop by Dangruf Wadi? It's just southwest of here."

Aonir thought for a moment. "I guess we can. I've never been so I'm up for just about anything."

Toku smiled and dashed ahead. "Then let's go! We'll have an adventaru together!"

Aonir smiled and chased after him. She was finally out on an adventure without her teacher leading the way. She had never been happier. She and Toku dashed across South Gustaburg, dust kicking up as the dirt tried hard to stick to their shoes. The sky was clear, the sun was beaming, and even though she had managed to make two enemies she could not have asked for a better way to start an adventure.