Authors Note: This story is for strawberries as late Valentine's Day present. Since I didn't know what to do for her, I figured I would write a fanfic from one of her favorite shows with her favorite pairing. I'm new to Naruto, so cut me a little slack. Here are some things to point out before you start:

¤ Characters will be slightly OOC.
¤ This will be a songfic. I'll either put the lyrics in the story or at the end as a closing scene
¤ I, personally, think that my writing sucks, so don't criticize me.
¤ I changed the ages of the two, which slightly throws off the timeline, but it'll be all good.

That's it. Hope you enjoy!


What Hurts the Most


Sakura stayed hunched over the toilet in her apartment, proceeding to empty to contents of her stomach into the porcelain bowl. Tears flowed from her light green eyes, rolling down her cheeks to join her supper in the toilet. She heard her friends outside the door, begging her to open it. She had locked the door with a sealing spell so she could be alone.

Sakura relished the feel of the cool ceramic surface against her hot skin. This is how it had been for the past five months. She was sick every day, never leaving her apartment. She didn't want to face the others. It was too hard. She wanted to kill Naruto every time he kissed Hinta or strangle Shikamaru when he would grab Ino's rear in front of her. She wanted what they had--she could have had it.

The tears feel fast from the lashes of her oculars, her body shaking from her harsh tears. She coughed harder, her breath hitching in throat as the memories came back to her in a brutal realization that he really was gone.


Five months ago:

Fifteen year old Haruno Sakura walked into her apartment, putting her keys down beside the door, kicking off her sandals before she entered the living room. She removed her leaf band and set it beside her keys. Slowly, the young chuunin walked into the small kitchen, intent on fixing herself something to eat before she went to bed.

Sakura sighed as she placed the pan over the stove, she couldn't help but remember how Sasuke had looked when he came back. Bruised and battered, her teammate had collapsed while she and Naruto picked him up, rushing him to the hospital. From the time the cell got there, Sakura refused to leave his side. She kicked one of the doctors who dared try to escort her away.

When the black haired chuunin had woken up, Sakura was by his side, checking him from head to toe, asking if he needed anything. His only response was staring at her, his onyx eyes seemed to burn holes through her soul. When the doctor had walked in and told Sakura that she needed to return home, she, of course, refused, but Sasuke told her to leave.

"There's no reason for you to be here, Sakura. Go home and rest. Leave me be."

Now at home, Sakura didn't know whether to punch the wall or cry into her pillow. Sasuke's words had hurt her, yes, but she didn't know if he was trying to push her away or he was actually concerned for her health.

With a flick of her wrist, Sakura turned off the stove, pouring the boiling water into her cup of ramen, contently waiting three minutes before starting to eat it slowly. Her mind wasn't focused on her food, but rather Sasuke--his hair, his eyes, his body. She adored everything about him. She had gone past infatuation and crush stage. The feelings for Sasuke that Sakura harbored had blossomed into love, and it was getting harder for her to keep her feelings a secret.

A knock at the door pulled Sakura from her thoughts. She raised an eyebrow and thought who in the hell would at her door at this hour. Cautiously, she walked to the door and slowly opened it, almost falling back at who she saw.

Uchiha Sasuke stood in her doorway adorned in his usual attired: black shirt and khaki pants. He held a blank expression on his face as he stared at her, one eyebrow quirked.

"Uh…S-Sasuke. What's up?" Sakura felt so stupid. Was that all she could say?!

"Hm…" He eyed her up and down before giving a small grin, "can I come in?"

Sakura's face turned a bright red as she nodded slowly, stepping back and opening the door to allow him in. Sasuke casually walked into the small, yet quaint apartment. The green eyed chuunin shut the door as she leaned against it, watching as her teammate quickly took in the environment.

"So, you want something to eat? How about something to drink?" Sakura asked shyly.

Sasuke shook his head, "I'm fine."

The two stood in silence before Sasuke turned around to face Sakura, his hands casually in his pockets.

"I'm sure you're wondering why I'm here."

Sakura nodded slowly, pushing away from the door. Sasuke turned to her, his eyes focusing on hers. She felt her body shudder with lust. What was he doing to her?

Sasuke tried to keep from grinning at her, "I wanted to thank you for staying at the hospital with me, but," he walked up to her, staring down, "you don't need to do it anymore."

"But Sasuke--" the black haired Uchiha placed a finger over her lips.

"I'm not ignorant like Naruto, Sakura. I know how you feel about me," The young girl's eyes widened as he continued, "and you don't need to love me. You need to stay away from me. I'll only end up hurting you. I'm not the right person you need to love. There are other guys out there for you. My past…my future cannot have you in it."

Sakura bowed her head, forcing her tears to stay back. She clenched her fists at her side, her body shaking. How could he be so cruel?

"You may think I'm a heartless bastard, but I don't want to see you hurt. There are things about me that you will never know or understand. So I'm telling you to back off before you get hurt."

Sakura closed her eyes tightly, a tear slipping, "I don't care."

"You're foolish," Sasuke wouldn't stop looking at her. He reached out and caught the salty tear in his hand, closing his fist. "I'm a monster. You don't need to love a monster. You need someone who will support you and be in your life. You--"

Sakura's fist connected with his jaw, causing him to take a step back in shock. He felt a small trickle of blood at the corner of his lips. Had she gone mad?

"What gives you the bloody right to walk into my house and tell me how I should feel about you?!" Sakura's sadness had quickly reverted to anger. Her head was how held high as she stared him down even though he was a least three heads and half taller than her.

When Sasuke opened his mouth to speak, she stopped him again, "You've got some balls! You just waltz your happy ass in here and think that I'll stop loving you because you're a 'monster' and I'll be 'in danger'! It's not like I haven't been in danger before, Sasuke! I--"

Sakura felt a pair of soft lips placed over her own. She slid her eyes closed as Sasuke massaged his lips against hers, his hands resting on her waist. Her long arms wrapped around his neck as she pushed herself up into the kiss.

The sharingan user pulled back after only a couple of minutes, his eyes half lidded as he stared into her green orbs. He grinned, "Shut up."

Sakura blushed, nodding her head, "Gotcha." She pulled his head down for another kiss and Sasuke was more than happy to comply.

Sasuke's hand roamed over Sakura's body as he took in every detail of her outline. Sakura fisted her hands in his black locks as she pressed her body closer to his. She felt nothing but muscle under his thin clothing. Sakura wanted to tear the barrier apart that instant.

A gasp of shock escaped Sakura's mouth when Sasuke squeezed her rear, her mouth opening enough for him to slide his wet tongue into her hot cavern, a small spark of electricity shooting through them both. Their bodies pressed together intimately caused the heat between to the two to become too much. They broke apart, panting heavily. Sakura could not only feel the dampness in her panties, but she was very aware of Sasuke's arousal pressing into her thigh. She could see the mischievous gleam in his onyx eyes, his skilled hands running up and down her sides.

Were they really going to do what she thought?

"Sakura," The way he breathed her name caused a fire to ignite inside of her. She ran the tips of her fingers over his face. He caught the hand, kissing each finger delicately before kissed the palm of her hand.

The green eyed chuunin closed her eyes, melting at Sasuke's intoxicating tough. She couldn't even protest when he gently lifted her into his arms, carrying her to the bedroom, laying her down onto the sheets after pulling back the comforter.

No words were spoken between the two as Sasuke stood beside the bed, quickly peeling off his top. Sakura sat up and watched as the moonlight illuminated every muscle on his body. She crawled to the edge, sitting up on her knees and pressing her hands to his chest, massaging the muscles gently. She heard what sounded like a low growl come deep from his throat at her touch.

Sasuke reached out and quickly shed her top, his eyes traveling over her chest and down her smooth stomach. He didn't even need to use the Sharingan to know that she was blessed with a beautiful body. He licked his lips in anticipation as he kicked off his sandals before laying her back down onto the sheets, his body hovering above hers, the black hair falling in front of his face.

Sakura chewed on her lower lip nervously. She had no idea what she was doing and she had hoped Sasuke felt the same way; although, Shikamaru had said once before that men were born with a natural understanding of making love. She would've sighed at that moment, but gasped loudly instead when Sasuke reached under her to remove her plain white bra.

"Sasuke…!" She looked up at him in surprise. He was being so straightforward!

"Shhh. Don't speak, just feel…and keep your hands where they are," Sasuke said huskily, referring to her hands that were unconsciously trying to get his pants off.

Sakura was more than happy to obey him and gained somewhat of a control of her hands long enough to rid Sasuke of his pants and boxers, letting her eyes wander over his flawless body. By the Gods, he was like her Adonis. She reached out to touch his rather painful looking arousal, but she froze.

Sasuke had started planting gently kisses on her neck and traveling down to her chest where he took one of the pink buds into his mouth. Sakura fell back onto the bed, arching her back in pleasure as the male chuunin's tongue ran over her erect nipple. He crossed the valley between her breasts and started on the other one while a free hand traveled down her stomach and slipped past her skirt and into her panties. Using his index and ring fingers, Sasuke gently spread her netherlips and used the tip of his middle finger to bump against her wet, little nub.

Sakura cried out in pleasure, her body stiffening under his touch. She had never felt like this before. It was getting harder to think and much harder to try to explain to herself what she was feeling. She could feel herself extracting even more juices as Sasuke played with her clit as he switched from one breast to the other. She felt like she was going crazy!

A submissive cry of pleasure ripped through Sakura's throat when Sasuke slowly inserted two fingers into her wetness. She arched her back up into his mouth, grasping onto his shoulders, racking her nails down his back. She heard him groan in pleasure, removing his mouth from her wet nipple. His fingers swirled around and pumped in and out of her quickly. He hooked them inside of her as she screamed in pleasure again.

It happened so quickly that Sakura's sex fogged brain couldn't register when Sasuke removed her skirt and panties, discarding them to the side. She gazed at him with lidded eyes as the black haired chuunin parted her legs, positioning his erection at her entrance.

Sasuke leaned over her, his hair falling into his face, lightly grazing his cheeks. She couldn't tell if he was smiling or smirking at the moment.

"I'm sorry," was all he said before covering his lips with her, plunging into her virgin body.

Sakura's pain filled scream ripped from her mouth, her body locking into place. She knew her nails had, by now, punctured the skin of Sasuke's back. When he pulled back, Sakura couldn't help but cry out again, tears spilling from her eyes, body rigged with pain.

"Sakura," Sasuke was trying hard not to pound into her before he tried to comfort her. "Relax. The pain will subside."

He started out at a slow and steady pace, his cheek pressed against hers to try and comfort her with gentle words. She could feel her juices mixing with her own blood between her legs as he pumped in and out of her lithe body. He loud cries of pain soon died down to soft moans of pleasure.

Sasuke sped up his thrusts, one of his hands grabbing her arm, forcing their fingers to intertwine. Sakura felt as if she would cry again from his beautiful display of affection. She felt him reach down with a free hand and grab onto her leg, forcing it up onto his hip. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head from the indescribable pleasure that was racing through her body.

"I've always wanted you…"

Sakura's eyes popped open at his revelation as she sought his out. He was gazing at her softly, the hard expression gone from his face. She let a tear slip from one of her green eyes, reaching up to run her hands through his hair. She opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off as he continued.

"I'm sorry," He declared as his now pounded into her with such sheer force that the bed was banging into the wall.

All the pink haired vixen could do was moan louder, grasping his hand tighter, which he returned. She wrapped her legs around his waist, showing him that she accepted his love. She felt her body starting to get warmer, the friction between the two becoming to much.

Sasuke gritted his teeth as he kept thrusting out of her hot core. He was saving up his chakra for the perfect opportunity. If he didn't time it just right, it wouldn't work. Sasuke put even more power behind his thrusts in hopes of hearing the woman underneath him beg him for more.

She didn't beg, but her cries could have been heard from across the village. She buried her face in Sasuke's neck, her eyes landing on the cursed seal on his neck. She moved the right way so she could place a gentle kiss on it, feeling his body shudder in response.

The two moved in a wild rhythm, both not wanting to stop the heavenly desire they felt. Sakura suddenly felt a burning sensation between her legs that spread through her veins like hot lava. She arched her back one final time, crying out to Sasuke with a passion filled voice.

When Sasuke felt her inner muscles wrap around his he quickly placed his hand over her stomach, releasing what chakra he had saved up into her body. He made a small wish on that energy, hoping it did what he had planned. While his other hand still held on tightly to hers, he arched up, releasing his wanted seed into her wanting body.

Sakura panted heavily, her body still recovering from her own orgasm and the feel of Sasuke releasing himself inside of her. She had felt him release a large amount of chakra into her. What had he done?

He slowly pulled out of her warm body, laying down and bringing her to lay on his chest. She cuddled into his touch, her leg draped across his. She felt him running his fingers on her back, causing her to stifle a yawn.

"Sakura," he said quietly, sitting up a little and running his hand over her stomach, "this is all I can give you."

She smiled up at him sleepily, "I know."

Sasuke smiled and kissed her forehead, "You're still a fool."

Sakura almost fainted when she saw that smile go across his face. She grinned, nuzzling her cheek against his chest, holding onto him tighter, "I know."

He rolled onto his side, wrapping his arms around her, "Thank you." He kissed her lips gently before they both closed their eyes, slipping into a dream filled unconscious.


Sakura cried harder at the memory of their first and only time together. She remembered falling asleep with him and waking up without him. She found him that night leaving the village. She begged him over and over not to leave her, saying that she loved him with all hear heart. She even wanted to join him on his journey. Sakura wasn't surprise to hear that he had knocked her out after she poured her heart out. She faintly remembered him saying something to her before he placed her on the bench.

"Thank you…Sakura."

"Why did you leave, Sasuke?" She coughed into her hands and just happened to look up and gasped in shock. She thought she saw him standing there, looking down at her. Quickly, she stood on shaky legs, undoing the seal on the door and running out. The pleas from her friends reached deaf ears as she ran out of her apartment, following what she though to be him.

Sakura's run didn't stop until she had reached Sasuke's old apartment. She threw open the door quickly and walked in before falling down onto her knees. It took so much strength for her to crawl over to his bed, pulling herself up onto it.

"I saw her today, Sasuke. I saw her…" She wrapped her arms around the growing bump in her stomach, rocking herself as she cried into his pillows.

Sakura cried herself to sleep in his room that night as she listened to the soft music come from his old stereo. His scent the lingered on his sheets brought comfort over her, like he was still there with her, his arms holding her tightly.


I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house
That don't bother me
I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out
I'm not afraid to cry every once in a while
Even though going on with you gone still upsets me
There are days every now and again I pretend I'm ok
But that's not what gets me

What hurts the most
Was being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was tryin' to do

It's hard to deal with the pain of losing you everywhere I go
But I'm doin' It
It's hard to force that smile when I see our old friends and I'm alone
Still Harder
Getting up, getting dressed, livin' with this regret
But I know if I could do it over
I would trade give away all the words that I saved in my heart
That I left unspoken

What hurts the most
Is being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was trying to do

What hurts the most
Is being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was trying to do

Not seeing that loving you
That's what I was trying to do


Well, that's it. Good, bad, or ugly? I'll let you all decide! Remember, Naruto is new to me so I hope I did a good job of everyone's character. I hope strawberries enjoys this. I think I made myself cry there at the end. I hope my lemon skills haven't gotten rusty.

I know I'm ending this with a very big possibility of there being a sequel, but if I do start one, it will be later. Too many stories going on as of right now to start anything new.

Remember to read and review! 3 to you all!

Solitude Whispers

(I HAVE WRITTEN A SEQUEL! It is more a less a spin off of what happens after Sasuke leaves. It's roughly around six months later. The main pairing is NejixTenten, but Sakura makes many appearances.

LINK: (That out the DOT and paste it into your web browser)

http://wwwDOTfanfictionDOTnet/s/3927415/1/Gomennasai )