Disclaimer: I don't own them except for the kids!
Out of Control, Part 1
Veronica Yuy scowled as she watched Vaughn Winner dance with Randy at Bobby Arquette's party. "She has a damn boyfriend, what does she need him for?" she muttered into her drink. In the back of her mind she knew that Donavon was working and would more then likely come when he got out of it. She never admitted to her jealousy. She felt that it was beneath her to admit it. "And I wonder what Donavon would say to his cousin if he saw him like that with his girlfriend?" She set her drink down and smoothed a hand over her short red dress. It conformed to her voluptuous figure. It earned her lustful looks as she crossed the room towards her two friends and to Bobby. Her eyes narrowed as she noticed how he was staring openly at Randy. It made her grit her teeth. She pasted a smile on her lips as she reached them. "I was wondering when you two were going to get here?"
Vaughn grinned at the blond in front of him. "I was going to come originally. Donavon was too except he got stuck working tonight. He'll be here later. He told me to keep an eye on her," he said as he nodded at Randy.
Randy snorted and tossed her hair back over her shoulder. "Like I need looking after," she said as she rolled her eyes, "but it is nice of him anyway," she added, giving Vaughn a smile.
Veronica mentally throttled Randy for a moment. She looked at Bobby. "Care to dance?"
"Always," Bobby replied as he took her hand and kissed the back of it. He led her out to the dance floor.
Vaughn's amethyst eyes followed her. "She's getting herself into a heap of trouble wearing that dress."
Randy snorted again. "Like she gives a damn. She's already slept with him. Bobby is her current "plaything." But it gives her a reputation and too many people know it," she said frowning. She looked at him out of the corner of her eye. "But you seem to appreciate how she looks in that dress."
"I'm male."
"Like that explains everything."
"It does. Randy, a guy will look at anything that has a tight ass and a nice set of breasts. Veronica has them. So do you. You get just as many looks as she does."
"I believe my dad cured them of that syndrome long ago with the shotgun," Randy added wryly. "It scared the hell out of Bobby, who then promptly told all the guys in the school about it. Then he fell into Veronica's arms and she into his bed."
"Like she's not getting anything out of it."
"I'm not saying she's not. She's more manipulative then I am. She'll use him, get tired of him eventually and move on. It's been that cycle for the past four years."
"You know why she started sleeping with guys then," Vaughn said as he faced Randy. He arched his brow.
"I know why. I figured it out along time ago. It was because of her competition with me. She felt like she would lose in the guy department when she saw that I had her clearly beat in the athletic and academic departments," Randy sighed as she shook her head again.
"And because you finally got that body of yours," he added, his eyes running over her curving figure in the short black skirt and the simple white tank top with the knee high leather boots.
She sighed. "I couldn't help that. I was a late bloomer." A smile then crossed her lips. "But I certainly gave her a run for her money since Carin never had the body to compete with Veronica. She could because she had a pretty face, she just lacked a body. I must say you liked it when I did."
He gave her a roguish grin and wrapped his arms around her waist. "I would be lying if I said no."
Veronica wasn't really paying attention to Bobby. She was still too busy looking over at Randy and Vaughn. Her sapphire eyes frosted over as she watched him pick her up and swing her around before setting her back down again. "What does she have that I don't? Why did Vaughn always pay most of his attention to her and not to me? I know she said that he's fantasized about me, but I'm more than certain that he's had ideas about her too."
Bobby looked down at the blond in his arms. They were linked about her waist. He considered her as his, but she was free to do what she wanted. She never showed any propriety towards him except in front of Randy Maxwell, the one who had got away because her father and his shotgun. The mere thought of that incident made his blood run cold. But Veronica had thawed that extremely quickly thereafter. He bent his head over hers. "Want to go somewhere else?" he whispered in her ear.
She leaned her head back and looked up at him. A practiced smile crossed her lips as she passed another look over at Randy and Vaughn still dancing. "Lead the way," she purred into his ear as she stood on her toes and gave his ear a sharp nip.
A delighted look entered his eyes as he led her from the room.
Vaughn's eyes followed Veronica as she left the room with Bobby. They narrowed slightly on him as he watched him give his friends a sly look. "He uses her just like she uses him. She'll get burned in the end," he muttered under his breath.
Randy had seen it too. Her eyes went to Vaughn's. His eyes were glittering dangerously as they watched Bobby. She shuddered inwardly. "And to think I went out with that slime ball once."
Veronica sighed as she stuffed her panties into her purse. She looked over her shoulder once more at Bobby, who was still asleep. She didn't say anything as she left the room. She glanced at her watch. It was a little after three in the morning. She made her way down the steps and past people passed out all over the place. She let herself out of the back door and walked into the driveway. Bobby had picked her up and brought her, but she really didn't want to wake him up. She was going to ride back with Randy, Vaughn, or Donavon, but she wasn't up to seeing the censure in Randy's eyes. She spotted Vaughn's Beemer sitting in the driveway. A mop of platinum blond hair could be seen over the dashboard. She walked towards it and poked her head in through the open window. "Hey blondie," she whispered as she poked his shoulder.
Vaughn slowly opened his eyes and turned his head towards the feminine voice. His eyes alighted on Veronica as she leaned in the window. He didn't say anything for a moment. "Get in. I'll take you home."
She walked over to the other side and slid onto the black leather seats. She looked at him as he backed out of his spot. "You stayed to wait."
"Someone had to. Donavon took Randy home at midnight. She has to go to the mill early." Vaughn replied as he pulled out of the long driveway and onto the road.
"It's a Saturday."
"Randy still had to go. Donavon was tired from work and he wanted to spend some time alone with her before he had to drop her off."
A sigh escaped her lips as she leaned her head back. "I wonder what they did."
"Nothing like what you were doing," he mumbled as he looked at her out of the corner of his eye. She did look debauched, but it didn't detract from her obvious beauty.
Veronica whipped her head towards him and stared. "What did you say?"
"Nothing," Vaughn lied as he shifted gear.
Her sapphire eyes regarded him carefully. His jaw was set and his eyes were flickering with an emotion she couldn't quite pinpoint. "You disapprove?" she asked.
He looked over at her as he stopped at a light. "I'm not going to have this conversation with you Ver. It only leads to shouting and everything else. I'm tired and I want my bed, so I'm not going to say anything at all."
Her lips twitched a little before she let out a yawn. She covered it up with her hand. "I'm tired too."
Vaughn looked over at her as she leaned her head against the window and closed her eyes. He sighed. "Lean over and put your head on my shoulder."
Veronica peeked an eye open at him and slipped her arm from under the seat belt. She scooted over as far as she could and leaned her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes again. "Thank you Vaughn," she whispered sleepily. She was out instantly.
He sighed again as he started up again. He was careful to drive slower. He finally reached the Yuy/Merquise mansion. He entered the code on the keypad and stated his name into the voice box. The wrought iron gate opened slowly. "Allah help me if Heero's up. He's the one man I do not want to see the wrath of, for bringing her home this late this time," he said as he pulled up in front of the front door. He looked over at her, still sleeping on his shoulder. He didn't have the heart to wake her up. He slowly eased her away from him and got out. He went to her side and opened the door, picking her up in his arms. He made his way up the steps to the door. He fumbled around for a moment, finding her keys as he held onto her. He pushed the door open with his foot and closed it behind him with a barely audible click. He heard her sigh and snuggle deeper into his arms as he carried her up the steps. He kept on looking over his shoulder, waiting for Heero to appear. He opened her door and gently lay her down on her bed. He pulled up the velvety chenille coverlet on the end of the four-poster until it covered her shoulders. He bent down and pressed a kiss on her temple. "Sweet dreams Ver," he said quietly as he then made his way out of her room. He closed the door and turned to see the Prussian blue eyes of Heero Yuy. "Shit!" "H…H…Heero."
Heero raked his eyes over the youngest Winner son. "I thought I heard someone come in. You brought her home."
"Yes, I brought Veronica home," he replied, swallowing thickly.
Heero arched his brow at Vaughn's obvious discomfort. "Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you."
Vaughn breathed a sigh of relief.
"But I would like to know, why so late?"
"Because she was…uh…still there."
Heero's brow furrowed. "What was she doing?"
Vaughn cringed and didn't answer.
When he didn't get one he shook his mop of dark chocolate hair, streaked with gray. "Don't answer for I'm sure I don't want to know. But if this happens again, I will kill the guy that made her late in the first place and for the one who brings her home for he…" he said pointedly at Vaughn, "…or she will want to wish they were dead because they did nothing to prevent it. Got that?"
Vaughn paled. "Yes sir."
"Now get on home Winner. Get some sleep," Heero said as he nodded his head towards the steps.
Vaughn nodded his head mutely and ran down the steps. He closed the door behind him and breathed a sigh of relief. "Twenty years old and still scared to death of Heero Yuy." He got back into his car. His eyes fell on something on the floor on the passenger side. He picked them up and felt color race up his face. White lacy panties. Veronica's. He stared at them for a moment. He shook his head and stuffed them into his pocket. "I'll give those back when I see her later," he said as he started up his car and sped down the driveway.
Veronica pulled the blanket over her head as her alarm clock went off. "Damn," she mumbled as she tossed it down and slapped her hand over the dials, turning it off. She sat up and shook her head, clearing the remnants of sleep. Her eyes fell on her father sitting in one of the chairs next to the French doors. He was wearing a blank expression. "Morning daddy."
Heero arched a brow and observed his youngest daughter. "You're awake," he stated flatly as he noted her dress. He didn't know what happened with her. He never had this kind of trouble with Victoria or even Dominic. Veronica was more rebellious then the two of them combined. "What made you come home so late?"
"I was at a party at Bobby's," she replied as she swung her legs over the edge of the bed. She discreetly tugged down the hem as she went over to her vanity and brushed her long golden hair back into a ponytail.
The mere mention of the guy she had been seeing off and on for the past four years made his teeth grind. He didn't like Bobby Arquette. He wasn't stupid. He knew what she was up to when she would come home that late. And just the thought of some guy's hands on his daughter made him want to kill them. "I knew I should have killed that boy when she first came home that late," he mumbled under his breath. He looked back at her. She was more Relena's image then Victoria had been. "Winner brought you home."
"He was nice enough to wait," Veronica stated as she put down the brush. She smiled a little. "He didn't have to."
"Apparently someone had too since Duo called this morning and said that Randy was a little worried about you not leaving with her and Donavon last night."
She scowled. "Randy and Donavon wanted to be alone and I wasn't ready to leave."
"So I hear."
"And what's that supposed to mean."
Heero took a step away from the wall and turned her by her shoulders to face him. "You know exactly what it means young lady. You were lucky that Winner stayed to bring you home."
"I'm twenty years old, I know what I'm doing," Veronica said archly as her brow furrowed.
"Don't take that tone with me young lady," he said sternly as his Prussian blue eyes narrowed slightly. "You're twenty years old and you still have no idea what you're doing."
"Its my life."
"And you're reputation. You think I don't know? I know plenty of your "reputation." You're ruining your own name. Do you even know what your own brother in law has said about you? Victoria punched him for it, but he still said it. And what people do know, it circulates even as high as the circles the President of the ESUN runs in. You're the daughter of woman who's been in the public eye since she was younger then you!"
"I'm not mom!"
"No you're not. But when people hear about you, they talk!"
"And what did Chris say about me?"
"He called you a name that I don't even want to repeat because it's linked to you."
Her sapphire blue eyes frosted over completely. "What did
he say?"
"Veronica, clean it up or else! I won't have you dragged through the mud more then you already have been! And the first thing you should get rid of is that boyfriend of yours," Heero growled.
"And what's wrong with Bobby?"
"Bobby talks and you know it. Duo was right in keeping him away from Randy. I shouldn't have let him near you either, but I thought he would make you happy from just breaking up with Donavon."
"Saint Randy," Veronica sneered as she jerked away from her father. "She's just like me and she gets away with everything."
"She doesn't sleep around and you know it! I don't know what it is with you!"
"Randy dresses like a hooker and she gets away with it! She gets drunk, she loses a boyfriend in the process and she gets a new one in a few weeks! What do I get when I do all of that? I get bitched at for it all!"
"You give me reason too!" Heero yelled. "You think I like to? I don't! Believe me, I don't! And I wouldn't have to if you didn't pull all this! And if you cared, you wouldn't do it because it's a reflection on me and your mother!"
"Why do you always throw Randy up to me when you're yelling at me! She's just like me!" Veronica yelled back as her temper came to the surface.
"She's nothing like you and you know that too! I want you to stop! You're going get hurt in the end! I quell as many of those stories about you as possible because I don't want it leaking to the press about how I can't control my youngest daughter!"
"Then isn't that too damn bad! I make sure no one talks about me! They know better! And if that's all you got to say dad, I'm going to get dressed and go downstairs for breakfast!" she snapped as she brushed past him and went over to her closet, slamming to door open as she went.
Heero sighed and raked his hand through his hair. He hated yelling at his kids. He didn't want to have to do it. He knew it was because Victoria was too much like him that he hadn't had this problem. Dominic as well, although he was more like Relena. Veronica had a combination of both, but it seemed like she had gotten more of the undesirable traits that both of them possessed. He also had kept most of the talk about her quiet because he didn't want his wife to know. It was better that she didn't. She had more then enough to think about with her line of work. It was bad enough that every one of the kids knew and the parents knew. He just didn't know how much more he could keep this up. He left the room, sighing as he walked down the steps. "Zechs didn't even have this much trouble with Kellie. I was the "perfect soldier!" What went wrong?" he asked himself as he shook his head.
Veronica yanked her dress off and threw it in the hamper. She was angry. "I'm never as good as Randy! Never! She turns sixteen and everyone goes nuts over her! It was bad enough that she's almost a genius and that she excels in athletics! She always had one more thing on me! I didn't need her taking the guys too! I won't have her lord everything over me! And what does dad know! I know what I'm doing! This is my life!" she shouted to the empty room. "This is my life and I'll be damned if I'm going to let anyone tell me how to live it! I'm a Yuy and I don't take orders!"
A/N: How did you like it? Should I continue? Please let me know! XOXO!!