Author has written 3 stories for Warriors, and Hunger Games. So...this profile will probably be full of cool quotes and stuff like that mostly. I'm King Sabre Tooth, or KST, a name dating back to when I was obsessed with TLKFAA and the Lion King. It sorta stuck :) I have the same name on several websites, like Tumblr, Deviantart and a several other rplay websites If u see a King Sabre Tooth, 9 times outta 10 its me. Feel free to say hi. My fav franchises, ect at the moment are: Transformers, Merlin, Sherlock, Warriors, Lion King (just occasionally, but meh) Primeval, Harry Potter, Terra Nova and Father of the Pride. And any gold ol' fashioned Disney movies. Cos that's awesome. I like drawing (manga), reading (every genre, all sizes), writing and exercising (NO ball sports - running, swimming, cycling - usually with my MP3 (although not in the pool though, because it would, y'know get wet...) I'm a British Gal, but half of me comes from the wild hills of Ireland. The loud side. I like History, Art and English, but also am quite interested in Psychology, philosophy and sociology. When I want to grow up, I sometimes want to be in the army, be an archeologist or a paleontologist, a writer, a scientist, a politician or a doctor/dentist. But, at the same time, I wanna be me. That's about it. I'm open to anything - commissions, requests - both writing and art related. And I have a crush on TFPrime Starscream. Oooh, those hips! :p 12 Characters- Ok so I've seen this on here like a million times I go :) 1. Merlin 2. Uther 3. Gauis 4. Morgana 5. Lancelot 6. Arthur 7. Gwen 8. Gwaine 9. Percival 10. Leon 11. Ygriane 12. Freya 1) You're out on a night out with 8 when you're savagely and drunkenly attacked by 2. What does 8 do? Er… (shouldn’t really Gwaine be the one drunk?!) Gwaine would kick Uther’s butt. I would observe from a distance. 2) What would happen if 9 got 5 pregnant? A lot of confusion, that’s for sure. 3) 6 and 11 go to a strip club. What happens? Arthur gets grounded. Like, forever. 4) 7 and 12 are making out when 4 walks in. What's 4's reaction? Girl threesome? Or, more likely, Morgana will smirk. 5) 10 falls in love with 3. 1 is jealous, what happens? Merlin kicks Leon’s butt. Magic will always triumph. 6) 4 pulls up beside you, and offers you a lift. Will you take it? Gulp. Yes?... but not if she’s smirking. 7) Why is 6 afraid of 7? Gwen’s awesome. Arthur’s a prat. 8) 10 is getting ready to marry 5, when 9 runs in to stop the ceremony. What is 9's reason? Percival loves Lancelot! 9) Give a title of a romance movie about 3 and 12. …..’Eww’. 10) Fill in the blanks: "(1) and (9) are in a happy relationship, until (9) runs off with (2). (1), brokenhearted, has a short relationship with (11) and a brief unhappy affair with (6), then follows the wise advice of (8) and finds true love with (3)." "Merlin and Percival are in a happy relationship, until Percival runs off with Uther. Merlin, brokenhearted, has a short relationship with Ygraine and a brief unhappy affair with Arthur, then follows the wise advice of Gwaine and finds true love with Gauis." That’s… just horrific! If you read people's profiles, looking for things to copy and paste to your own, copy and paste this already! If you ever wished you could live in a story, copy and paste this to your profile. Chocolate is YUMMY! If you are a chocoholic, copy and paste this to your profile. If you realize that copy and pasting things to your profile is totally pointless, and yet you do it anyways, pointlessly copy and paste this to your profile. If you think having wings would be one of the COOLEST THINGS EVER, copy this to your profile. If you are sometimes anti-social, but still really personable, copy this to your profile. If you think being unique is cooler than being cool, copy and paste this to your profile. If you are obsessed with over 30 characters from books...copy and paste this on your profile. If you have ever cried when your favorite character in a movie, T.V show, or book died, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever walked into a room then forgot what you were doing, then started walking away and remembered copy this into your profile. If you have ever seen a movie (or show) so many times that you can quote it word for word, and you do so at random moments, copy and paste this in you're profile. If you've been on the computer for hours on end, reading numerous fanfictions, copy this into your profile If you have ever forgotten what you were going to say, right before you say it, copy this into your profile If Fanfiction to you is what MySpace is to other people, copy this into your profile. If you actually take the time to read copy and pastes, copy this onto your profile. If you should be doing homework right now, copy this into your profile. If you get way to excited for books, movies, ect. to come out, copy this into your profile Will Turner: This is either madness... or brilliance. 'It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."Albus Dumbledore 'When you don't know who the villain is, nor where to find the bones - When Gregson tugs his whisker ends - and so Lestrade and Jones - When Scotland Yard runs around half-made, whilst Whitehall quakes and moans - Then seek 221B, my lads, and ask for Sherlock Holmes “And don’t come over high and mighty with me, Sir Terence. I’ve seen you in a dress.” - Lady Eileen, The Squire, His Knight, & His Lady Girls are like apples 98 percent of the teenage population does or has tried smoking. If you're one of the 2 percent who hasn't, copy and paste this in your profile. You cry, I cry, you laugh, I laugh, you fall off a cliff, I laugh even harder. If you burst out laughing at that, Copy and paste this into your profile. If you're still reading this, copy and paste this into your profile If you've been on the computer for hours on end, reading numerous fanfictions, copy this onto your profile, and add your name to this list: danyan, Zutara Lover, Black'n'red'Butterfly, Enrica, twilightgirl1918, Just A Little Bit Dramatic, Pirates OWNS you, Cripsee, I'll have some stupid cliché, Katie-3llen,Angelz on Edge, CloudyWind732984, Bethakinz, merlinfan1998, ruby890, TheJunebug1218, King Sabre Tooth. LIST TWELVE OF YOUR FAVORITE MERLIN CHARACTERS IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER 1. Merlin 2. Uther 3. Gauis 4. Morgana 5. Lancelot 6. Arthur 7. Gwen 8. Gwaine 9. Percival 10. Leon 11. Ygriane 12. Freya 1. Have you ever thought of Six and Eleven as best friends? Seeing as he only knew her for a few seconds; nope. 2. Do you think Four is hot? How hot? 3. What would happen if Twelve got Eight pregnant? Freya x Gwaine? Now, THAT’S a shipping I haven’t seen yet! 4. Can you recall an awesome thing about Nine? When he dropped his only weapon, and saved the three’ lil kids. Aww. 5. Would Two and Six make a good couple? Why does Arthur keep pairing with his parents? 6. Five/Nine or Five/Ten? Why? Lancelot/Percival, I suppose. At least they know eachother. 7. Is there any such thing as One/Eight fluff? Merlin/Gwaine? On this site, definitely. 8. What would you rate Five? All of the GwenxLancelot haters out there; he’s too HOT!!!! 9. (1) and (7) are in a happy relationship until (9) runs off with (7). (1), brokenhearted, has a hot one-night stand with (11) and a brief unhappy affair with (6), then follows the wise advice of (5) and finds true love with (12). 9. Merlin and Gwen are in a happy relationship until Percvial runs off with Gwen. Merlin, brokenhearted, has a hot one-night stand with Ygraine and a brief unhappy affair with Arthur, then follows the wise advice of Lancelot and finds true love with Freya. (Only the very end makes any form of sense.) 10. Does anyone on your friends’ list read 3 hot? Maybe. 11. Does anyone on your friends’ list write or draw eleven? No. 12. Would anyone on your friends’ write Two/Four/Five? Uther x Morgana x Lancelot? Morgana x Lancelot would be interesting. Morgana x Uther would not. 14. What would happen if Seven walked in on Two and Twelve having sex? Gwen walks in on Uther… and Freya? Interesting. (where did 13 go?) 15. Suggest a title for a Seven/Twelve in a love scene? ‘Eww’ 16. What would be a good pick up line for ten to use on two? Bootlick! Or give him a bunch of sorcerers to execute. 17. What would be a good title for this? There are no words. 18. How would you feel if Seven/Eight were in a fight? Amused. But it would be a close call thing on whoever wins it. 19. What would you think if you found (5) was a really good friend of a sibling or relative of yours? YAY! OMG! WTF! :D 20. How would you react if you saw (8) and (11) in a closet together with a rubber ducky? Disturbed, very disturbed. 21. How would you feel if (2) dissed you in the worst possible way ever? My head would be gone. 22. You just came home from school and all of your friends hate you, your teacher just gave you an F on the most important project of the year (just imagine it happened for thsmart alecks out there), and your parents have grounded you as your teacher had already called and told them of your grade. You open the door to your bedroom and you find (10) rummaging through your stuff. What do you do? Leon! HUGGIES!!!!! *Slyly steals sword and walks back to school.* he he he! 23. What would you think if (1) was emo and had tried to slit his/her wrists? If (1) is already emo/slit his/her wrists already, what would you think if (1) became the most optimistic person in the world? Confused. Merlin is too goofy to slit his wrists. Although Dark!Merlin might. 24. What would you feel this second if (4) gave you a daisy right now? I’d take it as a form of death threat. 25. (6) has just stolen your hairbrush. What is the first thing you would say? WUVVIES!!!! 26. (7), (9), and (4) have banded together at 3 in the morning and start to sing the most annoying song you know as loud as they can, waking you up. What is the first thing you think? Gwen, Morgana, Percival, and Justin Bieber first thing in the morning? Kill me now, folks. 27. What if (2) and (11) were your teachers? Very Interesting. Uther would be mean, but lovestruck… 28. What would (8) say if (1) and (5) got married? Gwaine: “NOOOOO!” Eats apple* 29. Would (2) most likely be related to (10) or (9)? Leon. He keeps living, no matter how much people want him to die, like Uther. 30. What would (6) most likely be buying at Target? A DAGGER!!! 31.The end! By the way, I set you up on a date with two. ….YAY!!!!! (Yes, you might notice I hate and love all the characters… at the same time.) I love MERGANA! I can’t help it! Arwen is cool too. 'Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservation.' –Elton Trueblood "There is a thin line of being a hero and being a memory." Your life is yours and yours alone. Rise up and live it. -Am I naked in front of millions of viewers? We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us. Life is a game that the player has to figure out alone. A heart will break, but broken, will live on. "Real detective work is not always in the manual, so keep your wits about you" Well Joey, I'm a headhunter. I hook up out of work Soviet scientists with rogue third-world nations. Hi Rasputin! ” "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. " "What is life but one giant surgery?" -Chris, in Science Class "My life has gone to the Insane Festival, hosted courtesy of the one and only: Hell." "If all the world's a stage, I want to operate the trap door." -Paul Beatty "I am free of all prejudices. I hate everyone equally." -W.C. Fields "Mr. Madison. What you've just one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response was there anything that could even be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. " -1776 "If con is the opposite of pro, what's the opposite of progress?" "One day, we will look back on this, laugh nervously, and change the subject." "A learning experience is one of those things that says, 'You know that thing you just did? Don't do it.'" If you are weird, insane, crazy, odd, not-normal, a freak of nature, psychotic, random or anything similar, copy this into your profile. John Myers: 'What makes a man a man? A friend of mine once wondered. Is it his origins? The way he comes to life? I don't think so. It's the choices he makes. Not how he starts things, but how he decides to end them. ' The world is full of woe and wonder – Russell howard Never let a boy be the reason for your tears. Let him be the one to wipe them away. 'Retreat? Hell just got here' Welcome to my world good luck finding your way out. I'm least alone when I'm alone My answer to train question in Inception: because some things are worth the risk. Ever had a ghost tell you to get a life? When you put your life on the line for what's right and for what you believe in, sometimes fate calls in that debt. ‘No sacrifice, no victory’ The love that lasts the longest is the love that can never be We always long for the forbidden things, and desire what is denied us To the world, you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been Loving you is like trying to touch a star, I know I can never reach you, but I can't help but try The love that we want the most is the love that can never be 'Til all are one'. What makes a man a man? A friend of mine once wondered. Is it his origins? The way he comes to life? I don't think so. It's the choices he makes. Not how he starts things, but how he decides to end them. The world is full of woe and wonder "Retreat, hell! We're attacking in a different direction!" When you run with the Doctor, it feels like it'll never end. But however hard you try you can't run forever. Everybody knows that everybody dies and nobody knows it like the Doctor. But I do think that all the skies of all the worlds might just turn dark if he ever for one moment, accepts it. Everybody knows that everybody dies. But not every day. Not today. Some days are special. Some days are so, so blessed. Some days, nobody dies at all. Now and then, every once in a very long while, every day in a million days, when the wind stands fair, and the Doctor comes to call... everybody lives. I don't speak to people. People speak to me. “I’ve come back for you… to remind you of something. Something you once knew…” There comes a point where you have two choices in all things; that's conversation, or violence. Please, meet your end with dignity. I despise whiners. Before a society can move forward, everyone must agree on the rules. Now kneel! Chaos. Panic. Disaster. I think my work here is done. But a true champion, face to face with his darkest hour, will do whatever it takes to rise above. Because surrender is death, and death is for pussies. Heaven wouldn't have me and Hell's afraid I'll take over Stand before the people you fear and speak your mind -- even if your voice shakes. Be careful if you make a women cry, because God counts her tears. The woman came out of a man’s ribs. Not from his feet to be walked on, not from his head to be superior, but from his side to be equal, under the arm to be protected, and next to the heart to be loved. If you want to go to heaven, you've got to raise a little hell You are nothing unless you have something to fight for. There’s a storm coming... And you and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits, you’re all going to wonder how you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us. |