Author's note. It's been a little while but here's a chapter for everyone.
Suggestions are very welcome.
Enjoy and please review.
"It's alright son," Megatron said comfortingly. "You'll see them again."
Bumblebee just buried his face into Megatron's warm armour, trembling all over with emotion. Rubbing his back, Megatron started to head back to the Throne Room. He passed Lugnut who simply bowed but did not speak, seeing that the young Prince was distressed about something.
"I'm sorry," Bumblebee, feeling embarrassed about how he was acting despite his distress.
"Don't be," his father said gently. "I can see why you like them so much, they are loyal and care about you."
"Yeah," his son agreed. "I…..couldn't ask for…better friends."
"I know," murmured Megatron, still carrying Bumblebee.
Once they reached the Throne Room, he settled his son on his lap and cuddled him close, still rubbing his back. After a while, he asked.
"How is your aft Bee?"
"Dad!" Bumblebee whined, he didn't want his dad talking about that.
Megatron smirked slightly.
"Well, how is it?" he chuckled.
"Uh….better," Bumblebee mumbled, giving it a quick rub just to be sure.
"Good, I'm glad you're doing better," Megatron said soothingly. "Are you still stiff?"
"Kinda, yeah," Bumblebee said after only a moment's thought. "It's like this weird ache that I can't get rid of."
"You're healing then," Megatron said with satisfaction. "Well son, you can't go racing until you are completely better but you can still exercise your limbs to take care of the stiffness. There is also oil we can apply, we need to keep you in the best condition."
Bumblebee flushed at this, it had been a very long time since anyone had wanted that. Not that his team on Earth hadn't done their best but they didn't exactly have top grade supplies so all of them had had to make do. Sure, Earth had raw materials but they did not have the equipment to convert it into Cybertronian grade material.
There was also a budget issue, Sundac industries and to a certain extent, the city itself gave them an allowance in return for their protection from Decepticons. A good chunk of this went towards fuel and general supplies as well as non-essential supplies. Although Bumblebee still felt that a giant television and gaming system was extremely essential. Speaking of which…
"Dad….," he said, giving him his best hopeful look.
"Yes?" Megatron replied, raising an optic brow. He recognised that look.
"Does anyone here play video games?" Bumblebee asked eagerly. "Or watch television."
"Why?" his Sire questioned, still with a raised optic.
"Well, when we weren't doing anything, me and my team would either watch some shows or play games," explained the excited yellow bot. "My favourite was Extreme Drag strip III!"
"Is that so?" Megatron said, now extremely amused.
"Yep," Bumblebee said brightly. "And Extreme Drag Strip IV is coming out really soon."
"Hmm, well, perhaps if a certain Minibot shows me what kind of a solider he can be, he might receive it as a reward."
"Awesome!" Bumblebee yelled, pumping one fist into the air.
"I see you feel a lot better," Megatron commented on and his son sobered a little.
"I still miss them," he stated. "But….I know they miss me and that makes the difference."
Megatron nodded.
"Come," he said, placing a hand on Bumblebee's shoulder. "I believe now would be a good time to do those exercises."
"Okay," Bumblebee agreed, following his Sire from the Command Room.
Bumblebee shifted, trying to fall asleep again but having no luck. As he'd promised, Megatron had taken him through the exercises that would help his body heal faster and he enjoyed it, especially as he was hanging out with his dad. However, it had left him tired so Megatron had put him down for a nap before later waking him up to drink some Energon.
But the downside to all this was that when he'd settled down for the night, he'd had trouble getting to sleep. His Sire, checking in on him, had kindly offered to remain with him and so Bumblebee had managed to fallen asleep cuddled against Megatron's chest. But a few hours later, extremely early in the morning, he had woken up again and could not go back into recharge.
He was doing his best not to toss and turn too much so he didn't disturb his Sire but it wasn't easy. His body was tired but his mind active, something that really sucked. He just wanted to go to sleep and wake up in the morning like normal but at this rate, if he did fall into recharge then he'd sleep half the day away.
And despite what Ratchet had sometimes said about him being lazy, he wasn't like that all the time. Tomorrow, he didn't want to sleep, he wanted to have some fun.
Maybe he could hang out with Shockwave tomorrow, learn more about him. Especially about his mate, he really wanted to meet the famous hornet someday. He started to think about the different things Shockwave had told him about Minibots, some of them under his Longarm disguise….
Bumblebee suddenly sat up in shock, causing his dad to snort and shift in his sleep. Not paying any attention to this, he suddenly mulled over the things Shockwave had been telling him. And the sudden realisation that he'd made a terrible mistake back in Boot Camp.
"Wasp….I sent him to the Stockades…..for nothing," he whispered in horror. "Oh no."
He now glanced down at his adoptive Sire, did he know about this? Possibly not, it was unlikely he'd taken the slightest interest in the stupid Minibot who'd wrongly sent a fellow Autobot to prison. He moaned, he'd been so proud that he'd routed out a Decepticon spy, especially as Wasp had been mean to him but now he knew he'd probably ruined the green Minibot's life.
He couldn't believe he'd thought Shockwave was a nice guy when he was just a liar.
And if Shockwave had lied to him about Wasp, what about Blurr? He was a Minicon and it was abundantly clear that Shockwave liked Minicons. And wasn't Longarm Prime a member of Ultra Magnus's personal staff.
"He's his prisoner," Bumblebee concluded grimly to himself.
He knew what he had to do, he needed to find out everything he could about Blurr's location and then somehow get the information to the Autobots. But how to do that, his dad didn't seem at the stage where he'd allow them to meet face to face. Sure, he might allow him another call but he'd definitely be there watching so there was no way Bumblebee could try to tell them anything.
Nope, he'd need to think of another way.
Since Megatron was still holding onto him, he decided to settle down again while he considered the problem. He couldn't use the computers, they were all password protected and he was no hacker. Trying to sneak out wouldn't work, someone was always with him and if he got caught….
He shivered, giving his aft a rub. He did not want to be on the receiving end of another spanking and also he did not want to disappoint his dad. Even though he'd been initially kidnapped and the creator bond had been created against his will, he was growing to love his adoptive Sire. The young bot could feel that Megatron genuinely thought of him as a son and truly wanted a relationship. It made Bumblebee feel both strange and warm at the same time, it was still hard to believe that the Decepticon warlord wanted an Autobot reject for a son, especially given the better choices out there.
Like the bossbot for instance, he was still technically a Prime despite all that had happened and he'd proved to be a great leader who'd managed to maintain things here on Earth. Okay, he was a bit older than Bumblebee but he was still loads younger than Megatron was.
He giggled at the thought of Optimus being cradled like a sparkling in his dad's big arms, he would not enjoy that at all. And to be fair, neither would any of the others especially Ratchet. Bumblebee almost laughed out loud at the very idea of the grouchy old Mech being babied, he'd probably curse his head off. And then get spanked.
"Hee hee," he giggled, unable to stop the stream of giggles escaping his lips.
"What is so funny?" a deep but tired voice asked, startling him.
"Oops, I didn't mean to wake you," Bumblebee apologised, looking down at his dad who still had his optics closed but clearly was awake.
"No matter," the older Mech answered. "Now what were you laughing at?"
"Oh, well…," Bumblebee said, not sure if he should say but then the image of Ratchet assaulted his processor and he started giggling again.
"Do you…..heh…..really want to know?" he asked, covering his mouth.
"Yes," his dad stated, yawning slightly.
"I was just wondering… it would look if you tried to feed Ratchet like a sparkling," the young bot finally burst out, giggling madly.
This caused Megatron to finally open his optics and stare at his son.
"Where on this dirtball did you get an idea like that?" he wanted to know.
"I just thought it would be funny if you adopted some of the team," Bumblebee explained, grinning widely.
Megatron snorted at the idea.
"That medic of yours is far too old for that," he stated. "As for the others, they might be much younger but I do not see any of them as potential sons."
"Just me?" Bumblebee asked and was pulled close so the large grey Mech could kiss his forehead.
"You already are my son," he said firmly, holding him close. "I need no other."
Bumblebee blinked before snuggling into the warm armour.
"Thanks dad," he said gratefully, allowing himself to relax into the gentle embrace of his father's arms.
There was a moment silence before Bumblebee asked. "Dad, can I ask you something?"
"Of course son," Megatron said. "But we'd better go back to sleep afterwards."
"Okay," Bumblebee agreed. "Have you ever thought of getting a mate?"
Megatron blinked in surprise before shrugging. "I have never felt the need for one."
"No?" Bumblebee said curiously.
"No," chuckled the large Mech, stroking his son's head. "I have far too many responsibilities for that, the Decepticon cause is my life. I live for each campaign that I take on, especially when certain goals are reached. And now that I have you my son, I am feeling very satisfied with my lot in life."
Bumblebee nodded thoughtfully.
"I guess I thought since you wanted me, maybe you wanted a family at one point."
"It has always been in my mind to have an heir of some sort," acknowledged his dad. "But I thought it best to keep an optic out for a suitable successor rather than having my own. There is hardly any guarantee that a sparkling of my own would take after me and perhaps would be less likely to become a suitable leader. Especially if they were spoiled or couldn't handle the pressure."
"What if I'm not good enough?" Bumblebee couldn't help but ask.
"I believe you are, my little bee," Megatron told him before adding. "Now, I believe we should go back to sleep, I have work tomorrow."
"Don't you want to have a lie in?" Bumblebee asked teasingly.
"Decepticons don't have lie ins," Megatron told him with mock seriousness. "That's why you Autobots never get things done."
"Hey, we get loads done," defended Bumblebee hotly.
"I'm sure you do," Megatron said, settling the younger bot into a more comfortable position. "Now, go to sleep my son."
"Alright," the young Mech said with a wide yawn.
"Good boy," murmured the larger Mech, sending his son waves of comfort through their bond, trying to lull him into recharge. He felt his son gratefully receive the waves and even send a few back. Megatron smiled, he had chosen well in his new son.
With this thought in mind, he too
Author's note. What does Bumblebee do with his new revelation? Does he get into any trouble? Find out next time, until then.