Author has written 75 stories for Harry Potter, Lord of the Flies, Les Miserables, Newsies, Misc. Plays/Musicals, Frankenstein, Fairy Tales, Sherlock, Supernatural, Radio Dramas, and Walking Dead. WRITING CONTEST! Go to: http:///pollythenewsie for details! Hello. My name is truemizzie and you have come into my batcave. I cannot promise that you will come out alive, or in one piece, or the same way as you came in even...but hear this:you WILL enjoy your stay...however long it may be. Below you will see a list of the stories which I have written. Read them, and you may have a chance to leave this place. I certainly do hope you enjoy them. Now, for a bit about me. I LOVE Les Misérables. A little too much perhaps! I also like Harry Potter. And musicals. I adore musicals! I also love Newsies, and have a bunch of fics for that fandom now! MUHAHAHA! A little on why I write certain stories. Let's face it...they're the real reason you're here, aren't they? HARRY POTTER: A Very Harry Bus Trip: Halo addicts, verbal romances, a considerably intelligent four year old and mistold adventures, this a fiction for anybody who's ever been on a long bus ride to enjoy! Just wait to say: "That's SO true" to nearly every line! Reason: I've never written a true crack!fic outside of (maybe) HPPW. I thought: in which situation would the characters be forced to have a true crack!fic experience. My school band is going on tour soon, and I'm an arts freak. This would be true crack. So, I put together a few funny lines and wrote this. I hope you enjoy it, as it may continue! A Day With The Dursleys Reason: This is probably some of my worst work. It was written way too quickly. Still, I might re-do it to fix a few things about it, and make it funny again. Just a few grammar fixes and we'll be on our way! A Rubber Duck Reason: I saw a request on FictionAlley for a fic in which the Granger's meet the Weasley's. I didn't know any to request, but the idea was too great to forget. This is what happened, and I love it. It was also my first innuendo fic. Well...there's not THAT much innuendo, but I'm proud of what little there is. Astronomy Tower Truth or Dare Reason: I was reading Truth or Dare fictions with a passion the week I started writing this. I wanted one that was a total parody, totally insane, and completely fun. I had waaaay too much fun writing this, and could have sworn that it would be hated, but people seem to enjoy my unique tale. I hope you do, too! Death of A Mirror Reason: I, truemizzie, am in love with Gred and Forge. So, I wrote an angst piece for them. The funny thing about this story? I wrote the first chapter as a "noob", without a great amount of experience in writing. So, I'm not very proud of the first chapter. I've written chapters at very different times, at very different levels of skill in fan fiction writing. Therefore, I like the last three POVs (Dumbledore, Hermione and George), but I'm not so proud of the first two (Third Person" and Ron). I'll probably write Percy or Harry soon. You'll hate me for this, but I actually have the Fred POV all planned out already, just not written down. I'm saving it for the end. From the Past Reason: Another staple I needed to write. I mean, come on: every writer needs their staples: A super-fluff one-shot, a Truth or Dare, a POV story, a Mega-Angst and, yes, a Time Travel tale. I'm trying to make this one as unique as possible. Unfortunately I haven't found much time to update, but it is all planned out, so don't worry. I'll write another chapter soon! Goblet of Fire For Kindergartens! Reason: There are some things you just have to finish. Like my "For Kindergartens" series. I'd feel so bad if I just left it hanging. Because I seem to be writing these backwards, look out for Prisoner of Azkaban For Kindergartens - it's coming soon! HalfBlood Prince For Kindergartens! Reason: My own little unique creation. I'll finish the series someday. You see, this one came so easily, and all the jokes were so simple. The rest are really's weird. Harry Potter Performs Wicked! Reason: I'd prefer not to discuss this. It was my first fic. I...hate it...but we won't get into that. It's not all bad, but I'm sort of embarrassed by it. Oh well. Losing My Religion Reason: A total muse. Banned books were mentioned among friends the other day, and I started thinking about why. I'm a Christian, and yet I always dream about magical things happening to me. I ask myself: "If it did, would I be sinning?" Hermione's muggle-born, and could have been Christian. I just had to explore this, I suppose! Not A Witch Reason: This was one of those things that just comes to you out of the blue. I wanted to make my own character for Luna's mother, something unique, and I think I succeeded. I'm still kicking myself for not making it Harry/Luna, but I think that the storyline is already too far-fetched to add a non-canon ship. Order of the Phoenix For Kindergartens! Reason: Another part of my "For Kindergartens!" series. Petrified Reason: I just can't stop musing! The idea that the petrified people in the Hospital Wing could have been aware was a random idea of mine, and, like always, I had to write it down. I admit that it was partly inspired by the film, and the way the petrified students appeared in the film: doll-like. Yet, their eyes still seemed so human. Their consciousness seemed to me to be a horror in disguise, and the fiction quickly became an angst. Still, I knew the ending had to be inspirational after Justin's borderline suicidal feelings, and wrote Nick's final POV. I feel so bad for cutting out Penelope and Mrs. Norris, but I'm glad I did. I want to keep the emotional impact by focusing on the four I chose. Serpents Reason: Someone suggested in a review that I write a Justin/Hermione piece, and I decided that the idea was wonderful! I definately wanted it to be a sequel to Petrified and to have a similar feel to the writing style. Still, I didn't want to write in POVs, as that felt too restriction for a romance fic. Also, because Petrified was (possibly) canon, I wanted to keep this one canon also. That meant it couldn't be set before year six. So, I wrote it with all that in mind, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. The ending seems a little rushed, and I might add to it sometime, but otherwise I like it. And it's fluffy - who doesn't love the fluffy? The Blind Date Reason: I needed a fluff. It's a staple. Everybody needs a Ron/Hermione fluff, and this was mine. The end! The Mirror of Erised Reason: I just can't stop musing, can I? I wanted to give meaning to Dumbledore's vision of socks in the mirror, and this is what happened. "It wasn't the socks that mattered, it was the peace and calm he had all throughout his life." That's the message behind the socks. I love the different views on Harry's response to Voldemort, though...some think it's cute, some think it's witty, some think it's meaningful. Not many, I think, got my originally intended message for that line, but I love that. I've always wanted to write something that meant different things to different people, so I'm super happy with this. NEWSIES: Best Friends Reason: Another muse I had while walking home from school. That's usually when they happen, actually. I tried to explain a couple things in this fic, like Spot's name, the shooters and Boots' line. A few people have noticed that it's not terribly detailed...this was actually on purpose. I wanted it to be mainly plot, so people could insert their own interpretations of the story. I think it worked! Choice and Reason Reason: Why have I so many muses? Everybody has a Newsies!BuroughWar fiction, and I wanted to write one of my own. Then I got to thinking about how Race always seems like a Brooklyn newsie in Manhattan, and how close he is to Spot, and just got this idea. How do you like it!? Jake Reason: I've always loved Jake...there was something so innocent about him, and so pure. He was just the nice little forgotten newsie, who's happy even without a spotlight. So, I put my Jake!Muse to work and got this. It was meant to be a ficlet, but manifested itself into something a little bigger, and will possibly continue in the future. Jekyll and Hyde Reason: This was inspired by Literature. It's my first violent fic (other than Choice and Reason) so I wanted to give it a shot. There's more info inside the fic about why I wrote it, so check it out! Just My Brother Reason: I wrote in my story, Best Friends, that Racetrack and Snipeshooter were brothers. I always love exploring lesser known characters (like poor little Snipes) and decided to write a fiction about him. I wanted to make him loveable, and I don't know about you guys, but I sure love him more! Also, I like the Jack/Racetrack interaction in this story. I tried to make it realistic. Literature: Reason: My local Dance Academy is doing Peter Pan for our recital (I'm a flamingo, a pirate, a pirate, and a pirate with a plot line (name coming soon). Yay for being in way too many classes!) so I really wanted to give Peter Pan some love. I also wanted to give Newsies some love. Not to mention, Jack, who I fell in love with after I wrote Just My Brother. It's also a new style I'm trying, so please give it some review love! Not Right Reason: I've never written a slash or a real (less than 100 word) ficlet. I put them together and got this. It's kind of sad, but sweet. Polly's Story Reason: I wanted to see if I could write an OFC without creating a Mary Sue. So far I think I've succeeded. The storyline has always been crawling around in my brain, and I finally wrote it down. I'll continue it soon, I promise - there's just some troubles going on with the plot pacing right now. Flashbacks may be a must, due to my own misconceptions. Racism Reason: Just a little muse that needed a home. I tried to write it as tastefully as possible, while eliminating too much cheese. I've just always wondered what it would be like to be a minority in that era. LORD OF THE FLIES: After the Fire: Reason: Okay, it wasan English project. So sue me. We weren't allowed to use description, explaining the lack thereof. Still, I added some, and I'm pretty darn proud of it. I got 90-something percent, at least! MUSICALS: A Friend, A Father Reason: This was such a random muse it wasn't even funny. I was looking through my Les Misérables souvenir booklet and saw a picture of A Little Fall of Rain. I looked through the other one...similar photo. What's the same? Grantaire and Gavroche. The last time I saw the show there was a huge connection between those two characters, which also comes across a little bit in the novel. I wanted to explain why they were always posed like that in the show as well as describe why Grantaire has such a fondness for Gavroche. I'm very happy with it. Enjolras' New Profession Reason: You know what...I have no idea whatsoever. I saw an incomplete Enjy-Is-My-Teacher fic and had to write my own. Plus, I've always dreamed that the Amis lived in my attic (which is not very exciting - you can't actually get up there!). Don't even ask. :P For You Reason: This was a request. However, I did feel that Needs needed a prequel. Something that explains how the Audrey/Orin relationship got started. I really liked the idea of a really sleazy Mushnik. Plus, I wanted to make Orin a little bit more human (I miss-typed this word "guhman" that a sign?) by making him seem like a fairly good person before his decline into Audrey abuse. Needs Reason: Request. I was to write an Audrey/Orin fic. I'm insanely proud of how it ended up. It was so hard to figure out a not overdone idea for the plot, and I think I succeeded. Plus, I love Addict!Orin. Coming Soon: Harry Potter Performs Our Town: Because HP Performs Wicked stunk so much (don't deny it), a friend and I have decided to write a fic about the HP characters performing Our Town at the Wizard Theatre. "Crucio a leg!" Prisoner of Azkaban For Kindergartens: Who didn't know this was coming? Yeah, I'll finish the series! WRITING CONTEST! Go to: http:///pollythenewsie for details! |