A ficlet with Draco and Goyle.
"D'you think he really…?"
"Yeah, he's dead."
Draco and Goyle sat alongside each other at St. Mungo's. All of the Hogwarts students were being given forced check-ups with the Healers. It was almost Draco's turn.
"Burned?" Goyle asked.
"Must have been."
Draco couldn't help but feel as if Goyle was shaking slightly beside him.
"What were we thinking?"
"What do you mean?" Draco inquired.
"Following Carrows. Hurting people. Crabbe…"
"He loved it too much. He was a bad person."
"Are we bad people?"
Draco paused in thought.
"Of course we are. We always have been."
Goyle convulsed. Draco sighed.
"But we can still change."