Don't have the heart to read your kindergarten students Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince? Well then, just read them this - Half-Blood Prince, Kindergarten Version!
Half-Blood Prince, Kindergarten Version!
There was a boy called Harry Potter. Harry was a wizard. He lived with his aunt, cousin and uncle. They were not wizards. They were mean to Harry. Harry was sad.
One day Dumbledore came and took Harry to a school called Hogwarts. Dumbledore was also a wizard. Hogwarts was a school for wizards. Harry liked Hogwarts.
Harry had two good friends. Ron and Hermione. Ron loved Hermione. Hermione loved Ron. They did not date. They hated each other sometimes, and didn't other times. Harry thought they were funny because of this.
Harry had an enemy. His name was Voldemort. Voldemort was bad. He was only half wizard, and did not like that. Voldemort sent Harry's parents to Cancun forever. He sent a lot of people to Cancun forever. But not one person. He sent Sirius to Disney land instead. Sirius was afraid of curtains.
Harry had a potions class. He found a cheating book in his class. He used the cheating book. Harry liked the cheating book. It was written by a person called the "Half-Blood Prince."
Ron fell in love with Lavender. Lavender was silly. She called Ron "Won-Won." This was very funny. Ron and Lavender dated a lot. Ron ate her face. They broke up.
Harry fell in love with Ginny. Ron was Ginny's brother. Ron did not like their relationship very much.
Luna was weird. Harry took her to a party and she was even more weird. She did funny Quidditch commentaries. Harry liked Quidditch. He was the head of the Griffindor Quidditch team. This was fun for him.
Neville was sad. His parents were silly. He wanted his parents to be less silly. He didn't like silly people. He and Luna went sailing one day. Their ship sank. It was sad.
Dumbledore and Harry looked for a special object. It was called a Horcrux. Dumbledore had to drink some soda pop. He did not like the soda pop. This made him sad. They found the Horcrux. They went back to Hogwarts.
Draco was a bad boy. He never did his chores. Dumbledore made him do his chores. This made Draco mad at Dumbledore. They went to the top of a tall tower and had a fight. Snape came. Snape was a mean teacher. Snape sent Dumbledore to Cancun forever. Snape was The "Half-Blood Prince." harry was sad. He lost the Horcrux.
Everybody was sad. They missed Dumbledore. Remus and Tonks went sailing. Their ship did not sink. This made people happy. They had a party for Dumbledore. Harry was mad. He wanted a Horcrux.
The End.