Author has written 5 stories for Harry Potter, Dragon Age, Elder Scroll series, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Fallout, Assassin's Creed, and F.E.A.R.. I'm new to this but I read a lot of fanfic so I'll probably not suck as much as you expect. That's a wishful thinking by the way. I'll post something as soon as I can but it will require much patience on your part. I'm working on a few things at the mo but any stories I do submit will be SLOW! And I've kinda got a thing for crossovers, so expect lots of those. Finally got my first story up "The Potter Brothers and the Assassins Creed". I'm thinking the title could do with a bit of work though. Hmm... Mostly concentrating on "My Dragon Age: Scoundrel" so I'll be updating that at least once a month if my luck holds. If anyone's interested in drawing some cover's for my stories or anything that would be awesomely appreciated. Ideas for future stories. In progress/Main Focus - My Dragon Age: Scoundrel - When you wake up in a different universe, you panic. And when you're done with that, the soul crushing fear sets in. And after that... you do whatever you want. This is My story. The Potter Twins and the Assassins Creed - Harry Potter and his twin brother Alex go to Hogwarts and find magic and wonder around every corner. But Hogwarts holds an Ancient secret, one intrinsically tied to the Potter family. One that will change the Wizarding world forever, and the Potter twins along with it. But now Alex has lost his memory and must fight to reclaim it, as ancient secrets are unveiled... Dead Space: Survival - Most people's birthdays included friends, family, cake... For P.C.S.I Officer Michael Clarke he gets a different package. His birthday on Aegis VII, 2507, will be one he will never forget... The Shepard - Starting from the beginning, we follow Shepard as he fights through Saren, Geth, Collectors and the Reapers. But some enemies are not so easily beaten. Some enemies live within... [Hiatus] - Saviours of Skyrim - No one would've known. If Alduin was even a minute late then the world would've ended. But he wasn't. This is the tale of what happens when you are right where you're supposed to be. This is the tale of the Dragonborn. {Reconsidering several themes and issues that I have with this story} Dovakiin Age - After the death of Alduin, the Dovahkiin, Hero of Skyrim, hears of dragons plaguing the lands of Thedas. Fearing Alduin's return he hurries to Ferelden in time for the Fifth Blight. {Planned continuation of Saviours of Skyrim} Bioshock: Infinite Dark - A Life Clears the Debt. Bring us The Girl and Wipe away the debt. These words were burned into the mind of John “Jack” Estacado. Alongside Booker DeWitt, he unravels the secrets of a floating city, a mysterious girl and an intangible enemy... (Under Revision) GONE: The Prototype - Alex Mercer is 14 years old. His life up until this point could not be described as uneventful. But now the shit has hit, and Mercer has use use everything he's ever been taught to survie the FAYZ. In a world without God, where the Devil reigns supreme, people ask for an Angel. They got a CHERUB instead. {This is a shred of an idea at the moment, not sure if it'll grow or not. Basically a crossover fic with Gone/Prototype/Cherub/Modern Warfare/Young Bond taking up the stage. What do you guys think?"} FEAR of Sunnyhell: Things are drawn to the Hellmouth, even if they didn't know why. After the events of Fairport the Point Man ran with the Third Child. And of all the places to end up, he landed in Sunnydale... And the child grew. Fallout: Changes - "All of a sudden, I wasn't a resident of Vault 101. I was the Lone Wanderer. And for better or worse, I'm gonna carry that name until I die. Who I was before the Capital Wasteland? That doesn't matter as much as who I am now." The Lone Wanderers story, from humble beginnings in 101 to the very end. Contains some changes, crossovers and more dialogue but mostly a novelisation. Let me know if any of these ideas interest you, either as a starting point for your own story or as something you'd like to read. |