![]() Author has written 38 stories for BlazBlue, League of Legends, Deus Ex, Elder Scroll series, Dishonored, Total War series, Grand Chase, Fallout, Mass Effect, and Final Fantasy I-VI. "Art is never finished, only abandoned." - Leonardo da Vinci Welcome to Full English Breakfast! Your host for today's potential reading session is a twenty-one year-old South London manchild with a terrible speech impediment, poor handwriting, and an incessant drive to post his ramblings in the form of fanfictions! While writing mostly for his own amusement was his favourite thing in his wide-eyed youth, the confusing life of university education and following that the trying times of a full time employment has left him unable to write as much as he wants to - which is a damn pity! Below you'll find my clunky collection of sub-par works, but like most writers out there you're sure to find the occasional gem amongst the asphalt! And by the way: If you can't find me by the alias Shadowfang3000 (Which was my online name from way back in 2006!), try my more recent monikers: "Lestrade", "Boysenberry", "Stradlater", "Gladrags" and/or "KinoMoxi"! (Just make sure it's the right person, or you might confuse some random stranger!) Oh, and do you see those earlier stories? You know, from back in '09 and '10? Good, because neither do I. UPDATE 06/04/14: THE END OF LE LIST OF PLAN-DA-MORDIUM FICTORIUM Personal Recommendations: TES IV: Nothing Like Home (T) (I wrote IV and V pretty much back to back right after I'd finally settled on a direction for the TES series. I feel that this at last allowed me to explore some of the cast as characters in themselves rather than sticking to them as vessels for jokes! Still its constant exposition sort of hampered it at times, so in my books it's narrowly beaten by...) TES V: The Thinking Chair (T) (... TES V! I feel that I learnt from some of the rambling mistakes in IV here, letting me at last give some much needed backstory to regular Silent-He-Wonders and recurring character Faelindra. Hell, Faelindra finally got a proper backstory that turned her from a throw away joke character to someone with a background that subverts modern tropes! That alone gets it up here!) A Lady in Waiting (T) (A much stronger pilot for a series than TES' poorly aged "The Busty Argonian Maid", I feel that this ME fic is a solid adventure comedy with a good sense of pace. In particular I feel that Farah Servilia's story was articulated well enough that this fic could be read as a one-off quite happily unlike the constant unanswered questions in TES that came from a backwards attempt at trying to be cryptic.) Bravado (T) (This is what "Grey and Gray" was meant to be! While it got a bit hamfisted near the end, I enjoyed writing up much of the interaction here. The relationship of Swain and Leblanc is one I feel needs a lot more exploration in the future, and this second take does justice to how I like to see them in my headcanon.) Rebound (K) (The time travel spin makes a simple story a bit more refreshing! One of my few stories written specifically to appeal to teenage audiences, I feel the moral is articulated well enough whilst still being a silly romp for people of any age! There's also a poop joke. Yep.) The Breadwinner (K) (Silly comedy antics aimed at an even younger K age bracket, the overwhelming length is the only thing that damages this fic for me. Plenty of gags for young'uns and a couple of innuendos here and there for older readers!) X |