Disclaimer: I neither own nor have had any help in the development of either Assassins Creed or Harry Potter. To paraphrase, I'm just a poor boy from a poor family, spare me the life of a plagiarist please. Easy come easy go, please enjoy the show. First fic and I am so excited to roll it out

AU, obviously. Harry Potter and his twin brother Raoul go to Hogwarts and find magic and wonder around every corner. But Hogwarts holds an Ancient secret, one intrinsically tied to the Potter family. One that will change the Wizarding world forever, and the Potter twins along with it.

Prologue: Those Who Came Before.

"James, you cannot ask this of us!" declared Moony indignantly. "The very idea goes against everything we've done! Everything we've fought for."

"Moony, calm yourself," James commanded in a resigned tone. At his friends silence he continued, "I have fought for peace all my life. For my wife. For my friends. But most of all, my children. But the war is not over and I feel my time is coming to an end. If Voldemort finds me and Lily, you have to promise to teach the boys."

"He's right James. We fought so that others didn't have to. You know the dangers of this life… You would put your sons through that?"

"Padfoot…" James whined against his friends words. "This war will never end, not in our lifetime anyway. We have to ensure the future is protected against our enemies. And they will no doubt come for us even if Voldemort is defeated. Those of the Red Cross are relentless and unless there is a line of defence, they will win. And you know what that means for us. Unless every single one, everywhere, dies none of us will be safe. Mankind will never be safe!"

A few moments of silence followed these words as the three thought upon them. Finally James sighed. "I'm not asking you as Mentor. I'm asking you as a friend. No matter what happens to me, my family must be kept safe."

"What would you have us do?" asked Sirius in an angry tone. "Grab the babes and show them how to wield a blade! They are children James."

"I am not asking you to do that. When they are older, old enough to make their own decisions, give them the choice. But make sure they are ready. I want them protected."

Remus started towards James and shouted, "There is protection and then there is this! Myself and Padfoot can protect the boys, and the others are yours to command. There is no need to bring your children into this."

"Remus, please," said James, raising his hand. Remus growled angrily and paced back to his original spot. "This is only if something happens to me and Lily. If the war ends before my boys are men, then they need never know of what we are. But it won't. Voldemort will rise and fall, but the Templars…" James sighed and turned away. "It matters not either way. If you will not train the boys then they will figure it out for themselves." James allowed the ghost of a smile cross his face. "They are Marauders after all." The others smiled at this, albeit reluctantly.

James readjusted his robe, pulling the white hood over his head as he stepped to the edge. "They are Assassins," he whispered as he Disapparated, leaving his friends alone on the tower.

"What should we do Moony? What he says is madness, but makes sense as well. When we are gone, who is to hold the line?" Remus sighed as he stared up at the stars.

"We must do as our Mentor commands. If he wants the boys trained in our ways… Then we cannot object. And as you said, it makes sense." Remus chuckled and Sirius glanced at him questioningly. "They're Potters Sirius. Knowing them, they'll probably start an army to fight injustice if we don't." Sirius chuckled himself, knowing that's exactly what James would do.

"Ours is a hard life, filled with blood," whispered Sirius as he remembered his many years as an Assassin. "But in the end, is our goal that noble? If we are ashamed to even consider letting the boys have a choice, how proud of our actions are we? We who work in the dark to preserve the light?"

The two men shared a glance and continued staring into the sea. "It doesn't matter anyway. James and Lily will be fine. Neither Voldemort nor the Templars can't get to them with the Fidelius charm in place. James will train the boy and one day he'll lead us as well as his father did, as long as we aren't old codgers yet," chuckled Sirius. "As long as you are a good boy Moony, I promise not to have you fixed and sent to the old dog's home."

"Same to you Padfoot," smiled Remus. "Safety and Peace Brother."

"Safety and Peace."

Both Disapparated and tried to forget the task their friend had asked of them. Within the week, the Templars destroyed most of the Assassins, Lily and James Potter were murdered in their homes by Lord Voldemort who was later defeated by their child and Sirius Black was imprisoned. Remus was forced to flee to avoid the carnage that befell the Assassins and hung up his cowl, vowing to never don it again. The Assassins were destroyed, though there was a faint light in the darkness…

Authors Note: Hope you guys enjoyed that little taster. This story is going to be majorly AU and I want only contructive critisism, though I have no flame shield to stop you. I should also mention that Desmond will not be in this story, though I'm stealing Connor, Ezio and Altair etc. Just think that in this world, desmonds Granparents all moved to England or something. This story is un-betaed so if there's any mistakes, please let me know. Review after you've read this and let me know if you want me to skip straight to the Sorting, or start from the beginning.