Author has written 9 stories for Pokémon, Mabinogi, and Hetalia - Axis Powers.
November 22, 2015 (10:22 AM CST)
Um...yeah, hi. I'M HERE. I'm also still in school, though I have possibly three more semesters to go and I'll have three degrees under my belt hopefully! Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, and Associate of Applied Science in Graphic Design!
It's been over a year since I've updated, and part of why that is partly is due to school, but also that I've been focusing more on art, personal writing, and RPing. The RPing itself is amazing for keeping my writing skills up (because they're both Pokemon blogs, so it's very relevant.) They're actually very insightful into being able to write from the perspectives of my lesser-developed characters--I want to fully immerse myself into the minds of the LAK cast. I wasn't able to do that before, but now I think I can do it.
Though school still takes priority, ...
Regardless of that, any of you who are on Tumblr and wish to RP with an indie Latias and an indie Zinnia (who is my favorite problematic child, I love the girl so much), my URLs are skywayladeon and draconidxmemories. I still have the Riley that's a prominent part of all my fanfiction here at steeling-peace-of-mind.
Also, I'm collaborating with a new friend of mine, Vale (who calls me Friendpai, eeee~) for a side-by-side Platinum Nuzlocke. Similar to how Arch and I are collabing on LAK, but Vale has been an amazing source of me developing my characterizations and writing better while I'm trying to figure out how LAK will go. I'll have it in fanfiction form eventually, I hope!
Ikitsumi, over and out!
Note: CTRL and F text in the table of contents = quick navigation. XD Table of Contents:
Ikitsumi's Information
=The origin of 'Ikitsumi'
More Random Information!
=Favorite music
=MMORPGs I play
=Favorite Anime/Manga
Favorite Pairings
Ikitsumi's Information
YOU ALL ARE TOO LAZY TO CALL ME VICTORIA. XD Nah, but I respond to Victoria or my nicknames.
-Ikitsumi (Pen name, OC name)
-Internee-san or Internee-sama (by my awesomely-awesome co-writer and my best friend, ArchxDeath!)
-Viccy (and other variations by pretty much everyone. This is my preferred variation of the name.)
-Kimiyo (class name, middle name, and Japanese name)
-Iki (shortened from Ikitsumi, and the form that most of my friends use if referring to Ikitsumi)
-Kii-chan (also shortened, also from Kimiyo and Kitsumani)
-Friendpai (by Vale)
Well, I guess you can consider me an otaku and fujoshi (who also likes femslash, whee) who's had an obsession over Pokémon since the 2nd grade. My first shonen Anime was Trigun (though I never got into the fandom), followed by InuYasha, Rurouni Kenshin, and Yuu-Yuu Hakusho. XD I love drawing, writing, and playing games. I also adore MMORPGs, my favorites being Mabinogi, Perfect World International, Eden Eternal, Rusty Hearts, and Aura Kingdom. I'm also a very proud Gemini.
The origin of 'Ikitsumi':
Seventh grade was pretty hard on me, since that was when I'd started noticing the opposite sex. Hormones aren't fun. I started drawing a comic featuring an Anime-style me and Anime-style of the 3 boys I liked at the time. In 6th grade, my character looked like me, but was mainly an InuYasha OC--who I remade into Iko. This new character was a combination of previous Yuu-Yuu-Hakusho OCs named Inuaro, Kitsunire, and Okazaru who all had their own traits--Shyness, Humor, and Perverted tendencies/Anger/Sass, respectively. Eventually, I remade them into Ikitsumi, and renamed the last two into Kitsumani and Okizayu. Ikitsumi became the main character of the comic entitled "Personalities", which, with my Mom's translation, became "Kosei.” However, the meaning was wrong because I meant "personality" and not "book chapter," so it was renamed into "Seikaku." With 3 being my favorite number (as well as 7 and 13), I based Seikaku off of the number three, and decided to write three novels and have three central characters. It's all on hiatus, but I'll get back around to it. I've actually been reworking bits and pieces of it, adding new characters (and actually, one of the inspirations for Pro-Seikaku is back in my life, so it's made me more motivated to write.)
More Random Information!
Favorite Music:
I love Japanese music in general, considering that I was sort of raised on it. I was also raised on Elvis Presley, some oldies, and some classic country. However, my heart belongs to video game BGM. And Evanescence. And Ayumi Hamasaki's music from 2003-2006. I'm not terribly picky about my music and generally listen to whatever's on, I guess... Lately I've been listening to the wonder that is the Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven OST.
:IkitsumiDaminito (my fanart)
:Ikitsumi (strictly original)
:ikitsumidaminito (personal/multifandom)
:skywayladeon (Latias RP)
:draconidxmemories (Zinnia RP)
:steeling-peace-of-mind (LAKverse Riley RP)
Favorite Anime genres:
MMORPGs I play:
:Alexina, Ikitsumi (Elf)
:Mari, Julchen (Human, Warrior/Martial Artist)
:Mari, Leolin (Elf, Bard/Archer)
:Mari, Taochi (Giant, Mage/Alchemist)
Eden Eternal
:Obsidian, Ikitsumi (Martial Artist)
:Obsidian, Inuaro (Engineer)
:Obisidian, Katiere (Knight/Magician/Cleric)
Aura Kingdom
:Phoenix, Ikitsumi (Ravager/Guardian)
:Phoenix, Erileon (Guardian)
:Phoenix, Letalinchi (Tachi)
Perfect World International
:Heaven's Tear, Ikitsumi
:Heaven's Tear, Marade
:Dreamweaver, Kitsumani
Rusty Hearts
:West/Estel, Ikitsumi [Angela]
Favorite Anime/Manga: (Italics denote current fandoms)
(Axis Powers) Hetalia (World Series)
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (Kai, Rei, Kira)
(Zoku) Natsume Yuujinchou (San) (Shi)
Strawberry Panic!
Ouran HSHC
Jigoku Nube Sensei
Fruits Basket
Hanazakari no Kimitachi he
Case Closed/Meitantei Conan/Detective Conan
Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicles
Togainu no Chi
Devil May Cry
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Gakuen Alice/Alice Academy
Love Hina
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Kimi ni Todoke
Kuroko no Basuke
Yuru Yuri
Kimi ni Todoke
Koisuku Boukun
Sword Art Online
Kyoukai no Kanata
Attack on Titan
Free! (Eternal Summer)
Hibi ChouChou
Owari no Seraph
Favorite Pairings
[Human x Human]
BookshelfShipping (Lucian x Shauntal)
ContestShipping (May x Drew)
EarlyShipping (Falkner x Bugsy)
EliteUnderShipping (Lucian x Aaron) The OTP that rivals my love for HaganeShipping. I'm the founder for the EliteUnderShipper's group on DeviantART.
FemmeGymShipping ( Erika x Sabrina)
FerrisWheelShipping (N x Touko/White)
FestivalShipping (Harley x Solidad)
FranticShipping (Ruby x Sapphire)
GirlPowerShipping (Cynthia x Dawn)
GlitterShipping (Candice x Maylene)
HaganeShipping (Riley x Roark) My first OTP. I'm working on several drawings and fics of this pairing because I love it so much!! Always will be a fave!
HaughtyShipping (Pearl x Platinum)
IgnitionShipping (Flint x Volkner)
LiveCasterShipping (BW2 female player x Curtis) SO. EFFING. CUTE.
MiakaneShipping (Jasmine x Whitney)
OriginShipping (Wallace x Steven)
PokeShipping (Ash x Misty)
PalletShipping (Ash x Gary)
TwinleafShipping (Barry x Dawn)
PreciousMetalShipping (Gold x Silver):
QuestShipping (Jimmy x Marina)
SacredShipping (Morty x Eusine)
SpecialShipping (Red x Yellow)
ToxicBoltShipping (Koga x Lt. Surge)
ValetShipping (Caitlyn x Darach)
WhisperStoneShipping/MetalDragonShipping (Steven x Zinnia)
WishfulShipping (Cilan x Iris)
[Pokémon x Pokémon]
#_51Shipping (Mew x Celebi)
AnomalyShipping (Riolu x Eevee)
CosmoShipping (Palkia x Dialga) One of my favorites. Also, I tend to make Dialga a boy and Palkia a girl.
DracoShipping (Latias x Rayquaza) Again, Glory for Sleep's fanfics inspired this, notably "Skyway Avenue".
FrostbiteShipping (Glaceon x Umbreon): Blizzard and Midnight.
GodmodeShipping (Arceus x Giratina) A bit self-explanatory. In my fanfiction, I tend to make Arceus a girl.
GuildShipping (Wigglytuff x Chatot)
KawaiiShipping Pikachu x Togepi)
LunarEclipseShipping (Cresselia x Darkrai)
MorningDewShipping (Vaporeon x Leafeon): Ocean and Meadow.
RaicuneShipping (Suicune x Raikou)Reading "Exile" by author Glory for Sleep inspired my love for this pairing!
RendShipping (Grovyle x shiny Celebi)
SulphurShipping (Flareon x Jolteon): Inferno and Storm.
[Human x Pokémon]
DowseShipping (Will x Gardevoir): For a RP that my friend and I were working on. Viccy got transformed into a Gardevoir.
DarkShipping (Gary x Umbreon) I've been fond of this for awhile.
[No official shipping names]
Eevee and Quilava -- For Mithos and Taus.
Gardevoir and Charmander -- For the aforementioned RP.
Samurott and Mienshao -- For Leolin and Taochi's feelings.
Feraligatr and Togekiss -- For Kureno and Hiyoko.
Sandslash and Bellossom -- For Kireme and Rena.
Riolu and Cranidos
Lucario and Rampardos
Mienfoo and Oshawott/Dewott -- For Taochi and Leolin. (pre-volved)
Mienshao and Dewott/Samurott -- For Taochi and Leolin. (evolved)
Audino and Dewott -- For Surala and Souwa.
America x England Fourth OTP.
Prussia x Canada Sixth OTP. Sakura Mau Toki got me into this pairing...she got me into Hetalia, period! :D
Russia x China Second OTP.
Spain x Romano Third OTP.
Germany x N. Italy Seventh OTP. .
Sweden x Finland Eighth OTP. Lian-kun is my Sweden in the Hetalia Gakuen forum!
Greece x Japan First OTP! Cats After I saw the Japan and Greece episode, I grew so fond of this pairing and was shocked at how popular it was.
Poland x Lithuania Fifth OTP.
Norway x Iceland Ninth OTP. (IDGAF if they're brothers. Seriously, 'cause like...the other pairings, I have no emotional reaction to (unless it's my fan-created ones below). When it comes to the brothers, I get all fangirl-ish. I seriously love this pairing, yo.)
fem!AmericaxIceland (I forgot exactly how I came up with this one, but it grew on me. Hard. I love the fact that these two share a love of cola and that I can be represented with a headstrong girl such as fem!America. :D)
Austria x Hungary
Norwayxfem!Japan (Oh yeah, this is how I got to love the fem!AmexIce pairing. o3o; Well, in my fanfic, you'll see why I ship these two. ...when I get to it *shot*)
Austria x Switzerland
France x Jeanne d'Arc (This is perhaps the only nation x historical figure pairing I like, although I'm tolerant of others. It makes me so sad though... Believe me, I plan on incorporating it into any fic that involves France perhaps trying relationships.)
Hong Kong x Taiwan
Hong Kong x Macau
Thailand x Vietnam
England x Japan
England x China
France x China
Prussia x Japan
N. Italy x Japan
Belarus x Ukraine
Monaco x Seychelles
[The ones in italics are the ones I find canon. Usually one-sided though. D: ]
Kristell x Tarlach Yeah, this one is destined. It makes me sad that they can't be together...I'm probably gonna write a drabble on this later on.
Nora x Malcolm One-sided, but I still like this one.
Trefor x Dilys Forever one-sided because of Dilys' distrust in men. Drabble fic?
Aeira x Stewart I suppose it's sort of one-sided. I want to write a fic involving Aeira's constant attempts to get his attention, like the cooking incident. xD
Atrata x Taunes This is a sad pairing...I adore it so much though.
Sion x Ibbie I really adore this one, it's so cute. Maybe do a fic in Sion's POV. ...Hm, I could definitely try...
Leymore x Jenna Is this canon too? I like the pairing though..
Ruairi x Triona
Price/Redire x Aranwen
Delen x Aodhan I could write a hurt/romance fic on this. One-sided, I suppose...
Galvin x Delen Hm, this is also one-sided, no? It's kind of canon...G2.
Elatha x Andras Elathaaaaaa ;A;
Tupai x Alissa (I kind of blame that new illustration on the website...maybe I can do something.)
Deian x Alissa Seeing as they're both the youngest two in Tir Chonaill, I see this as possible.
Lepus x Meles They both seem to be about the same age, so...yeah.
Nicca x Effie: Nicca's a flirt, and in my head, he has a caring side despite his big ego. Seeing as Effie has a lost brother, I guess I can see Nicca gradually grow feelings for her instead of resorting to his usual flirting.
Heulfryn x Alexina: As much as it pains me, I can seriously see this happening, especially after reaching the deepest level of in-game dialogue with Heulfryn (where he reveals more of his personal life). It's definitely a hurt/comfort category. The thing is, I still like Ikitsumi x Heulfryn too much to let it happen.. . I HAVE A HUSBAND SO WHY AM I ALL CLINGY WITH THE NPC WHO INSPIRED ME TO AIM FOR MASTER HEALER?! ;A; Now, I do have a list of his quotes in which you can find this 'evidence'! But it contains spoilers since I copied everything down that I talked to him about. GOD THIS HURTS TO THINK ABOUT *punched*
[OK, and things I'd love to write on in the future involving Mabinogi...]
Qilla Base Camp group [Alexina, Effie, Nicca, Heulfryn, Ethna, Ffion as a minor character.]
Calida Exploration Camp group [Aranen, Belita, Kelpie.]
Iria Expedition Crewmembers! [Ffion, Meriel, Ethna, Voight, Arenen, Ilsa, Belita, Heulfryn, Effie, Kelpie, Nicca, Alexina, Myrddin, Petra, Carasek.]
If you don't know the origins of some of them (I find Meriel-Taunes, Voight-Ilsa-Arenen, Belita-Lucas, Nicca-Heulfryn-Alexina, and Ethna's stories worth exploring), then you should probably check some of them out. I still don't know much about Ethna though, she's one of the NPCs I tend to avoid for some reason. Maybe it's her personality...ugh. Well, I'll eventually spam her with Jasper I get from Metallurgy.
[Now then, if I had my slash pairings...]
[fxf] Lassar x Dilys (I could totally write this based on Dilys' Wand RP Dungeon scenario! Drunken Lassar ftw!)
[mxm] Kelpie x Phaselus (I can see this happening, in a way...they're friends, after all)
[fxf] Belita x Dilys (The two women who distrust men and were both from Emain Macha. Hm, there is something I do foresee here, perhaps a chance encounter? Maybe I can try...)
[fxfxf] Belita x Dilys x Lassar (This can be a follow-up to the Belita x Dilys, or even a part of it. With the idea I have now, it'd be one-sided on Belita's side, torn between two on Dily's side.)
[mxm] Ranald x Ferghus (Shoot me now. Just shoot me. This is a result of their constant drunken-ness.)
-gets shot in the face multiple times-
Also, I do plan on having [OCxcanon] character fics. Notably:
Ikitsumi x Heulfryn [A Falcon's Heart] - Complete
A Song For You [WIP]
HaganeShipping (RoarkxRiley)
IgnitionShipping (VolknerxFlint)
EliteUnderShipping (LucianxAaron)
Riley's an aspiring guitarist with an amazing voice, but it's due to his being antisocial, constantly picked on, and his asthma that's preventing him from going big. After Riley is given a temporary spot in the band, he wonders what exactly does this favorite 'band' have to do with the Legendaries?
Itsumo [WIP]
HaganeShipping (Roark x Riley)
RiptideShipping (Crasher Wake x Fantina)
One-sided MossShipping (Gardenia x Roark) (one-sided on Gardenia's side)
One-sided IronShipping (Byron x Riley) (one-sided on Byron's side)
No name (Lucario x Rampardos...or at least Riolu x Cranidos) I don't care if they can't breed!
TwinleafShipping (Barry x Dawn)
IgnitionShipping (Volkner x Flint)
Practicing their battling skills, living in the same home, being best friends, experiencing life as they grow up together...Read on and find how Riley and Roark's friendship led them to where they are now in their lives.
The Five, Part I: Johto Journeys [Currently re-writing]
This is Viccy's story as she travels from Sinnoh to Johto to begin her career as a Trainer and aim for the goal: Gym Leader. She and four friends all split up in order to accomplish their individual goals, promising to meet again when they've achieved their goals. One friend, Dios, travels with Viccy throughout Johto.
The Pokéathlon's Blue Wind
This is Kimiyo Mizushima's backstory--her first challenges taken on. She grew up sorely missing her childhood friends that moved when she was young, and promises herself she'll find them. Moving around to faraway regions so often as a child and teenager, on top of learning new languages, doesn't help matters at all. Having a niece that's a Gym Leader and a sister who's a renowned Pokemon Breeder does, though.
Isshu no Aoi Kaze: Advent (ArchxDeath came up with the initial title Isshu no Aoi Kaze!) [hiatus for rewrite!]
Kimiyo Mizushima trained alongside her Gym Leader niece's Pokéathlete Pokémon and made it into the Room of Friendship. Now, she's starting the life of a Trainer at 17 in her faraway home region: Unova. Joined by several people--including a man who shares as many secrets as she does--the former Pokéathlete takes on a new name and role to find out the truth of her past.
:The first of two parts of Kimiyo's initial Unova travels.
:Sister fanfiction to "Lost Smiles, Revamped!" and future installments written by ArchxDeath.
:Mixing elements of the Anime and games. Using my original Black team before I started a new game file...plus these newer ones. C:
:Also: Since this is taking place at the same time as ArchxDeath's fanfiction, "Lost Smiles, Revamped!", it'd be good to check that fic out since the timelines will eventually be in sync! They already kind of are! Chapter 30 of "Lost Memories, Revamped!" has already let these cross paths! Was so happy with that and still am! *throws arms in air*
Just My Luck
The wonders of a fall-winter college session with international students everywhere! For Lukas Bondevik, his passion lies in his music and helping a shy Japanese girl regain the sight she lost. No, not her regular vision. Her sixth sense that once allowed her to view the magical creatures of her home. She's got an overprotective British friend too. Oh, and let's not forget that his younger brother and a rambunctious American girl who's got a personality down to earth like his Danish friend seem to be getting along more than he'd like.
When Natalia--a girl who thinks of herself as too dependent on her older siblings--meets a swordmaker from the far East whose business isn't going so well, does she finally have a chance to prove herself useful and step out of the shadow of her siblings?
My own telling of a beautiful and wonderful Japan x Belarus fanvideo on Youtube entitled "Bodaiju" by rupyonnyu (on Youtube)/Rupyon (on deviantART).
The Five, Part II: Kanto Travels
The 12-year old Viccy failed to conquer the Indigo League, but made a promise to the first Elite Four member that she'd become a Gym Leader. Now she decides to travel Kanto in order to gain more knowledge of the world around her and meets Grey once again.
The Five, Part III: Hoenn Voyage
In her conquest to become a Gym Leader, the 14-year old girl travels to Hoenn and takes on the challenges there, meeting Naomi once again and traveling with the shy girl.
The Five, Part IV: Return to Sinnoh
Viccy is ready for the Gym Leader exam at long last. The 16-year old Trainer comes back home and prepares for the pathway that will let her see her dreams. She meets Cemi and travels the region with her to solidify all that she's learned. Also, she definitely has to make a trip back to the Indigo Plateau...
The Five, Part V: Let's Try Unova
Viccy told herself that she wouldn't travel to Unova because of her Gym, but eventually she gave in. She takes the unique Serperior that her aunt Kimiyo gave her and travels there to see how Unova is different from when Kimiyo had traveled there all those years before, and...who's Team Plasma, because they're quite active now and smell suspicious! Takes place nine years after Part V.
Isshu no Aoi Kaze: Exodus
The sequel to "Isshu no Aoi Kaze: Advent".
Just like the prequels, this will be in sync with ArchxDeath's fanfiction.
Kanto's War in the Blue Winds
The sequel to "Isshu no Aoi Kaze: Exodus".
Just like the prequels, this will be in sync with ArchxDeath's fanfiction.
Genesis no Aoi Kaze
The sequel to "Kanto's War in the Blue Winds."
This is also in tune with the 'Lost Adventures' and 'Aoi Kaze' series.
(Currently Unnamed!)
HaganeShipping (Roarkxfemale!Riley)
EliteUnderShipping (Lucianxfemale!Aaron)
IgnitionShipping (Volknerxfemale!Flint)
GlitterShipping (Candicexmale!Maylene)
Cynthia's holding a party at her place in Celestic Town for an once-every-10-years festival to celebrate the Sinnoh Deities. At the party though, a mishap happens when Lucian, Roark, Volkner, and Candice all get into a spat, resulting in Dialga and Palkia sending all the party-goers into another dimension, where several genders have been swapped, and it's far enough into the future where four 7-year-old children--Alcinda, Vincent, Rory, and Mandy--ask their 'parents' to train them in the ways of Pokémon battling!
The Pokémon world has almost been completely absorbed into the Reverse World under the influence of a corrupted Giratina. The last two remaining humans are sent back to the past with parting gifts from Mew--which are lost in their travel through time. Both Eon and Rory wake up in a world where Pokemon are constantly traveling, exploring, rescuing, and going on adventures. Rory, who has become a Riolu, and Eon, who has become an Eevee, have to get to the bottom of preventing Giratina's corruption. It won't be easy when a rather naive and bumbling Buizel named Napo decides to form a multi-tasking team--Team Launcher--with them! Eon soon discovers Mew's lost gift and how it can help them prevent the world's absorption.
Origin of the Twins
This is the story of Viccy's Eeveelutions, particularly how Midnight and Seer were born and how all of these Eeveelutions are more tied together than what it appears. Vee will have to confront the twins' 'father' while Ocean seems to be keeping a secret--something that only this 'father' should know. Somehow Inferno and Storm know of this as well, and have to keep it on the downlow. Blizzard isn't happy with Ocean in the first place, and Meadow's emotionally-fragile state is at stake were these secrets to get out. Oh, the woes of Pokémon!
Vale's and my side-by-side Platinum Nuzlocke. Evelina Latere is a college student doing homestay in Twinleaf Town. Her rambunctious neighbor, Barry, decides to visit Professor Rowan. But who expected that Evelina would meet Rowan's assistant, the very same Luken that she met during her trip to Goldenrod and one of her closer friends? Perhaps it was all planned. Perhaps Evelina was fated to deal with death even though she's never healed from her parents' deaths when she was a child.
Life is Awesome (pending)
After her dissolution and leaving Gilbert behind to fulfill the role of Prussia, Julchen is reborn into Erinn. Here, she takes advantage of her second chance at life by carrying out the goddess Morrighan's wishes. Along the way of discovering the plots and twists that range from the wars of the Gods to acting in the Global Theatre, to finding a lover, and even to a simple traveling warrior's life. Julchen discovers and sets it in stone that she won't let even a Goddess' fears take away the new life that she's been given.
Mabinogi/Meitantei Conan:
(Pending title)
While the Milletian race can't be killed, a series of PKs have been taking place within the cities of Uladh. It's up to the sleuths of the Mahou guild and a young detective who's found his way into the world as well to discover the truth!
Chronicles of Cor and Calida, plus Qilla Quips
Pairings (all of which are...onesided, wrrryyy):
Heulfryn x Alexina
Ethna x Nicca
Nicca x Effie
Belita x Dilys
Voight x Alexina
A set of oneshots that tell certain tales of the Iria Expedition Crew's tenants. Backstories of these hard-working explorers will be revealed to the Milletian. Not all of them are majestic tales of adventures, either.
(Currently unnamed!)
Milletian x Ego, Milletian x Butler/Maid
A series of oneshots involving the forbidden romances of the Spirit weapons and servants, plus their Milletian masters. Will probably be very fluffy.