![]() Author has written 35 stories for Pokémon, and Super Smash Brothers. "I left my soul in the dryer this morning?" In other news: Contest Status: Round: 3 POV: Shaymin Deadline: Saturday, 14 Author Status- Alright. I actually got into art (The class, not the practice) this year (-cue celebration-) so I've made a separate DA for all of my work and such. http:/// Reading/Watching: Tora Dora- Everyone in that anime/manga is insane. I highly recommend it if you like crazy people and clean-o-holics Legend of Zelda: Link's Log Book- If you loved Wind Waker, just read this. It made me want to cry it was so funny. Hetalia Axis Powers: So much stereotyping, but still a nice watch. Daily Questions: Describe your laugh in one repeated syllable. HOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO! Or HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH! Or KOLKOLKOLKOLKOL, but only on Tuesdays. Name three of your favorite myths/legends. The black dog legend is pretty a'neat. And the rainbow serpent has always been interesting. Er, and, mmm... Unicorns! YESH! Future Ideas~(Pokemon) -fixing, organizing, etc.- One Day Holiday A co-op fic with Goldeneye! Whee! I'm so excited! Plot: What? It cannot be! Arceus has given the legendaries a day off?! Ever since the incident with the Hall of Origin being demolished, she had never dared to again! Well, the Goddess is giving it another go, and she's hoping for the best- even the Being of all Creation needs a break every once in a while. Only, there's a problem, with no human forms available, how are the legends supposed to enjoy their day off? Wing it and hope for the best, of course! Genre: Humor/Action/Romance Note: Well, Golden and I are messing around with genders and pairings a little bit, so beware! :D It'll be 10 chapters or less, I believe. Pairings: Beware, beware, beware! :D RegicexRegirock RegisteelxRegigigas LugiaxKyogre UxiexAzelf MespritxEntei Arceusx Groudon Ho-ohx Giratina Deoxysx Latios Darkraix Cress Rayquazax Dialga Latiasx Heatran Palkiax Mewtwo Jirachix Mew Celebix Shaymin Suicunex Raikou MoltresxZapdos Delayed Reaction She would run until her paws bled and her lungs screamed at her to stop, but it would never be enough, because even the north wind can't make it to paradise. Angst/Romance, DarkraixSuicune. Wow, why on earth does every attempt I make at DarkraixSuicune turn into angst? Why? Breaking Boundaries There was always that voice, whispering to her, taunting her, making her doubt her morals and her friends and filling her mind with paranoia. And in these wars to gain full control, nothing was ever gained. That shadow would always sit in the corner, waiting for her to slip, and she would always try to push him away, while clinging to him so desperately all the same. LugiaxShadowLugia Future Ideas~(Other) Key: Title, genre, game, summary, length, other Teaming Up Humor/Friendship Super Smash Brothers Brawl One of the many tournaments has been assigned by Master Hand once again, and the smashers of Smash Palace are glad to enter the ring. There's a twist though, one that truly makes dangerous chemicals clash. For, while teaming up isn't unheard of, this time they must work with the same partner in battle for the entire contest- which happens to be an entire year. While it doesn't seem too awful if you actually get along with the person you team up with, Meta Knight with his terrible luck is pulled into a storm of failures, explosive food and other obscenities by the pink ball that is Kirby. But he's out to get that prize (whatever it is), even if it means he has to deal with the midget version of a Hyrulian hero with a pig obsession and plan for his taller counterpart's demise, two psychics, one in which is a pyromaniac and the other basically a coward, a 2D man from an obscure game that won't stop ringing that damn bell, a smart ass robot and a whole other mess of fighters who honestly can't get along. And then there's the guy in the box... Pairings: Are very faint. There is faint yaoi, because there aren't enough female characters in SSBB. Groan. Anyways, this'll be my first attempt, but it won't be much different, to me at least. Plus, I really hate Jigglypuff, honestly I do, not sure why. But I love Wigglytuff, because... well... YOOMTAH! And all that. Faint Meta Knight x Kirby (I do like this pairing ) and others. The main crew consists of Meta Knight, Kirby, Toon Link, Ness, Lucas and ROB- because, come on now, I fight with all of them the most. And plus, I really like how Ness says PK fire. -shot for being weird- Predicted Length: 20 chapters at most Pairings~(Pokemon) Because I'm strange, you'll probably never see a humanxhuman pairing from me. I tend to write PokemonxPokemon, which separates into normal Pokemon and legendary categories. I'm not against yaoi/yuri, I just don't write it for the fact that I like to play around with genders, (Making a usually male Rayquaza female, for example) though there are some exceptions. Heh. For instance, making two Pokemon that are usually ALWAYS female in every situation male, I'd do that, just to mess with people. -mauled- :D NEW AND IMPROVED- Now with 50 less sodium! :D LegendaryxLegendary: Raicuneshipping-Raikou xSuicune Lunareclipseshipping- Darkrai xCresselia. This shipping was the first of my stories on fanfiction.net. Thus it is special to me. Sightshareshipping- Latias xLatios. Not incest, if they weren't related. Orbshipping- Kyogre xGroudon. "They bicker like an old married couple, except instead of a few broken pots or sleeping on the couch, it turns into the resetting of the world. Eh, whatever." Ozoneshipping-Rayquaza xDeoxys. I usually do Ray as a male and Deoxys as female, but I might flip it. Cosmosshipping-Palkia(M) xDialga(F). #_51Shipping-Celebi xMew. Dracoshipping-Latias xRayquaza. Darkshipping-Gary xhis Umbreon, who is obviously a female. I got this idea from Midna-Mew-Eevee... heh... Godmodeshipping-Arceus xGiratina. Well, I've started making them both females, so -shrugs- I guess not so much, anymore. Regice x Registeel (Because I'm insane like that) Regirock x Registeel- Since TTR, I've come to love this pairing xD Geneticshipping- Mewtwo xDeoxys (=D Stolen from Glory For Sleep) Legendaryshipping- Ho-oh xLugia, with Ho-oh as the male and Lugia as the female. LiliopShipping- Azelf xUxie :D I make Azelf the female and Uxie the male. Silverlightshipping: Lugia xLatios (Recently has become obsessed. ) Aerozoneshipping-Lugia xRayquaza. Well, it's kind of like an undertone to LatiasxRayquaza and LugiaxHo-oh, as both might be under pressure. xD I like it. Lugia's the female, and Rayquaza's the male. Giratina x Palkia. Well, usually they're both dudes to me, but I actually like the idea of Giratina being a girl. Hehe... What can I say, "Shadowed Roses" by Saf Dawnheart got me into the pairing. xD Giratina x Rayquaza- You know... I'm not sure why. -laughs nervously- Registeel(F) x Darkrai(M)- ... Yays? LegendaryxPokemon: Umbreon x Darkrai- Well, do I really have to explain? :D Ariados x Giratina- Erm... don't... ask? PokemonxPokemon: Gallantshipping- Guess who's obsessed?! I am! Basically matching Roserade and Gallade together. I'm not actually sure why I love it so much, but I'm thinking because of Team Raider in PMD2. :D My god, if you wrote this I would love you for all eternity! Forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and... :D Your character in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and your partner~ Everyone who plays MD knows why, :D Guildshipping- WigglytuffxChatot Gah? What's this? I don't know why, I don't know where, I don't know when, but I love this ship -ish mauled- It's yaoi, I know, I know -_- But hey, why not? :P I mean, I guess you could look at all of those fluffy moments as just friendship, but, meh. I've never been against same gender pairings, I just suck at writing them xP This is probably the only same gender pairing I'll try ever. Eventually. Maybe. -ish mauled again- I suppose you could gender change, but that wouldn't be as fun :D -dodges storm of bullets- ?Shipping?: Weavile and Arbok from PMD2. I read MME's ship list and fell in love with the pairing. They're both from Team AWD :D JolteonxUmbreon- Wha? My favorite Eeveelutions together! :D Either way is awesome! Jolteon(F)x Glaceon(M)- I can't help myself! I know that Glaceon is usually the female in most ships, but I love the idea of a male one. And Jolteon is usually the male, so making her a female is double fun! :D Espeon(M)Umbreon(F)- I only like EspeonxUmbreon if Espeon is the male and Umbreon is the female. There are just too many of the Espeon female Umbreon male kind, so I got sick of it... :O Pairings (Other games) Key: FemalexMale (Game) Ammy x Issun (Okami) Midna x Link (LoZ: TP) Others, but I'm lazy :P Pairings (Manga/Anime) Key: (Manga/Anime) UK x US (Hetalia) Germany x N. Italy (Hetalia) CHALLENGE! So, I decided that I'd put this on my profile in case any of you writers wanted to give this a try. I'll be doing it myself, since it seems like a fun way to expand the romance section with some nice, fresh, original shippings. See my forums, "A Contest Challenge of Sorts?" Here are the details. Simply write the story, it doesn't have to be long, just a nice short one if you'd like. Then, after that, PM me that you did. I'll add it to a C2 for all legendary or PokemonxPokemon ships and then there will be a nice section for some not HumanxHuman romance. Yes? Wanna give it a try? Why not? I'll be typing this one up, see you soon! -Cleaning... cleaning... Sweep, sweep, sweep...- |
Community: | Legend's Library |
Focus: | Games Pokémon |