Author has written 83 stories for Happy Feet, Silverwing, Misc. Movies, Wild Thornberry, Pokémon, Raptor Red, Pirates of the Caribbean, Aliens/Predator, Suite Life series, Misc. Books, Future Is Wild, Ice Age, Land Before Time, Valiant, A Bugs Life, Rango, Left 4 Dead, Lilo & Stitch, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Mario, Pitch Black / Riddick, Spider-Man, and Little Mermaid.
Current Obsession/Avatar: Dry Bones from the Mario franchise (and Hammer Bros. too!)
Name: If you're a friend, then call me Sparky
Age: 22
Gender: Female and proud of it!
Favorite Movies/ Shows/ Other Stuffs (In no particular order):
Spider-Man, Rango, The Ant Bully, The Land Before Time, Pokemon, Digimon, Kung Fu Panda 2, Pirates of the Carribean, Ice Age: The Meltdown and The Dawn of the Dinosaurs, Future is Wild, Happy Feet, Extreme Dinosaurs, Everything that is Silverwing related, Valiant, The Wild Thornberrys...uh...I'll put more down later...
Favorite Character(s) from the List Above:
The Domehead Trio (Land Before Time)- These three only got like, 30 seconds of screen-time in the original movie. But they were so psycho in their attempts to kill Cera that I love them anyways. But I think it's my depiction of them in my story, Guilty Until Proven Innocent, that got me to really love them. Arrogant, cunning, murderous, and hateful towards other species, these three are probably one of the darkest characters I've ever had the pleasure of fleshing out.
Venom (Spider-Man)- My first love of the franchise. Even before I was interested in Spider-man, I would see this guy and think: Wow, he looks awesome. Now that Spider-Man is my obsession, it's only natural I would love this half-alien anti-hero, particularly the one and only Eddie Brock version! XD
The Lizard (Spider-Man)- A 7-foot tall reptile dude, what's not to like? I love the inner conflict between him and Curt Connors and I adore his hatred for mammals. Both violent and intelligent, he wants to take over the world (OF COURSE!!) and replace man-kind with reptiles like him. He is soooo kickbutt awesome...
The Green Goblin (Spider-Man)- Ahhh, Norman Osbourne. Sophisticated business man; psychotic super-villain. At first, I wasn't too impressed with Gobby, mainly due to his appearance (which I now love, strange how that works...), but he started to grow on me. Plus, I always have dreams about this guy for reasons beyond me and I grew to like him more. Now he's right up there with Venom and Lizard!
The Hobgoblin (Spider-Man)- Again, like Gobby, I didn't like him at first. He seemed like a blatant rip-off of the Green Goblin, albeit with an awesome costume. But at one point I decided to give him a chance whilst also introducing myself to Spider-Girl. Exactly like Gobby, he grew on me since then and again like Gobby, I frequently have dreams about this guy now! What's up with that? I only had one dream of Venom, none of the Lizard, and now these two Goblins invade my dreamland like friggin' Freddy Krueger! But, yeah, I love Hobby now!
Rattlesnake Jake (Rango)- Dude, a rattlesnake with firey eyes, a kickbutt hat, ammunition belts riddled down his body, a moustache marking, and a freaking Gatlin Gun for a rattle!! A notorious killer for hire that never leaves town without taking a soul. Death's incarnate, he claims to be from Hell itself...and I don't doubt that at all. But despite his evil deeds, he does have a few slivers of honor. I just love everything about him!!
The wasps (Ant Bully) - Dunno why I like them. They are muderous, and they look and sound awesome and they are 'bad guys' in the beginning that helps out later in the movie. Go Wasp Leader!
Sharptooth (Land Before Time) - Awesome revenge-seeking T-rex. Villain of the movie. Murdered Littlefoot's mom. Gotta love him! The original, near-indestructable dude that you have to give a lot of credit too! Most other LBT villains pale compared to him!!
Red Claw, Screech, and Thud (Land Before Time TV series) - Thud is my favorite of the three. The episode Escape from the Mysterious Beyond must have sparked that like. Taunting Chomper (which you can understand via subtitles!) and all...But Chomper saves him in the end and Thud has new respect for the "little biter". As for all three, I think it's very interesting that a T-Rex and two Utahraptors would work as a team. I dunno, I'm just drawn to stuff like that.
Sierra (Land Before Time: Stone of Cold Fire) - The brown, evil Flyer. He's just plain cruel, impatient, violent, and has no empathy for anyone, especially not for children. Many think he's some kind of psychopath/sociopath. And I love him so much, he's an awesome villain, one of LBT's best.
Ozzy (Land Before Time: Great Valley Adventure) - The Egg Stealer that sings the awesome Egg song!! I'm addicted to it; I only wish I had its catchy tune in my iPod! Anywho, I love this dude... Eggs are like his drugs or something! He's abusive to his almost-vegetarian brother, clearly despises Leaf-Eaters, and becomes very vengeful if you so much as ruin a snack for him.
Davy Jones and the Kraken (Pirates of the Carribean) - I always go for the Bad guys...enough said...
Cretaceous and the vultures (Ice Age: The Meltdown); Rudy, Buck, and Mama T-Rex (Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs) - Cretaceous looks awesome and the vultures are sadistic! Rudy's the kickbutt predator that everyone fears; Buck is mental, hilarious, and awesome (A winning combo); and Mama's just so sweet, it's adorable.
All Falconflies (Future is Wild) - Awesome overgrown killer wasps with bad attitudes...what's not to like? Especially Lance from the episode Extreme Bird Watching.
Zaga (Future is Wild) - From the episode Poggle's Not a Pet...Yet. Zaga, the Silver-Spider, was awesome. Treating the Poggles nicely with only the intention of eating them later..."No Poggle gets away on my watch!" He also seems to pop out of nowhere to get in a Poggle's face and I oh-so-fondly call him "Fur Molester" from all the petting he likes to do...
Gill and Butch (Future is Wild) - From the episode Electric Fisherman. 2 giant electric Lurkfish that fights with each other, becomes friends, then fights again!...And the New Jersey accents won me over!
All Terabytes (Future is Wild) - They are so cute! The squeaking and chirping sounds they make are adorable! I especially like the Transporters, they look cute as well.
Leopard Seal (Happy Feet) - Every penguin movie with these seals are classic! I loved the leopard seals even when I was too little to really know what they are. Why should Happy Feet be an exception?
The Skuas (Happy Feet) - New Jersey accents! Awesome. Penguin eaters? Awesomer!
Badrap, Spittor, and Haxx (Extreme Dinosaurs) - Yes, the raptor trio. I used to watch this show all the time when I was little! Spittor used to be my favorite...Now its Badrap! Always go for the leader!
Goth (Silverwing series) - In the book and show, Goth is awesome. Cannibalistic bat bent on revenge and power!
Cama Zotz (Silverwing series) - Bat god of the Underworld, worshipped by Goth's species! Not sure if he can be considered a bad guy. He just wants to make the living and dead equal...By killing the living...
Von Talon and Cufflingk (Valiant) - German Nazi Falcons! I used to like Talon more, now I love Cufflingk for reasons I don't know...Must be his voice and sadistic attitude...
Any Talking Giant Carnivorous Reptile (The Wild Thornberrys) - Usually crocs and gators, with the komodo dragon added. They're just so kickbutt, it's hard for me not to like them...
My DeviantART Page:
My Fictionpress Page:
NONE of my In-Progress stories are dead. They will be continued eventually and will be updated based on when my obsession for the category resurfaces
Story(ies) with the highest chances of being updated soon: Bonds
Current Story News: Got up a fanfic dedicated to IsisMasshiro from deviantart. Here's her profile page: http:/// I wrote a Land Before Time fanfic, featuring her Therizinosaurus character, seen here: http:///gallery/750565#/dc5ulz Her art is so awesome with a great sense of humor. I highly recommend having a look see!
In other news, I've decided to share some of my pics of my Super Mario OCs. Some of them are old pics and none of them are good, but enjoy!
Pip the Paratroopa- http:///art/Mario-OC-Young-Pip-355973828
Kops the Koopa Troopa- http:///art/Mario-OC-Kops-355974629
Rattles the Dry Bones- He has no Official OC pic yet, but he is featured in this one: http:///art/Remembering-337037759
Crash the Hammer Bro.- He has multiple pics featuring him, so...
http:///art/Mario-OC-Crash-331918984 ;
http:///art/Brother-Come-Back-332308878 ;
http:///art/I-Thought-We-Were-Friends-333967527 ;
http:///art/Access-Denied-335100487 (This one's just for the morbid fun of it and has no real bearing on any of my stories)
Hollow the Dry Bones- http:///art/Mario-OC-Hollow-355973541
Tipo the Shy Guy- http:///art/Mario-OC-Tipo-359359322
Pyro and Inferno the Fire Bros.- http:///art/Mario-OC-Pyro-and-Inferno-359359594
Flap the Paratroopa- http:///art/Mario-OC-Flap-333318276
Boomer the Boomerang Bro.- http:///art/Mario-OC-Boomer-359358926
Jugem the Lakitu- http:///art/Mario-OC-Jugem-359359857
Frigid and Frost the Ice Bros.- http:///art/Mario-OC-Frost-and-Frigid-359360115
WARNING: Unless you want spoilers, you will NOT explore my DA page any further! Please and thank you :D !
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I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.
The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid.
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae.
The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.
Tihs is bucesae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
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