Chapter 1

Nothing much ever happens here. Living here, in an unpopulated area and not much wildlife to speak of things have been rather quiet around here. It was just another day, taking a long walk on the beach. I was thinking about the future and if life was always gonna be like this.

Ready to turn back I noticed something in the distance a small little, white speck off in the distance. I ran toward it to see what it was. Once I was close enough to see what it was, I was stunned. There, all huddled up, in the middle of the beach, sleeping on the sand was a little baby lugia.

I hid behind a nearby rock to observe it without being seen. It was so small and adorable. It measured about four feet from head to tail. Its wings were large and fully developed. I was exhilarated to be able to see something like this.

I couldn't pass up this opportunity because I didn't know if it would stay or if it would migrate somewhere else. Plus, I knew if I stayed long enough I would get to see its mother.

I was starting to get tired and uncomfortable as I spent thirty minutes leaning on a rock but it was all worth the wait as I noticed it starting to wake up.

It looked around in a daze, It was so cute, I couldn't stop looking and things only got better when it looked directly at me. For a brief moment, I saw something in its eyes that I had never seen before. That brief moment lasted about five seconds before I realized that I wasn't supposed to be spotted.

I hid back behind the rock. I didn't here it panic and I didn't think it would fly away, it wouldn't know how to fly yet anyway. I turned around to see if the lugia was still there, but when I turned around, I realized that it was right beside me.

I jumped back a bit and so did it. I looked into its eyes again to see something odd and amazing at the same time. It's was as if I could read it's emotions by looking into its eyes. I could see that it was slightly worried but I also saw curiosity taking over.

I slowly crawled towards it and it did the same as if it was mimicking my actions. When it was close enough, I reached out my right hand and it did the same with its right wing. I gently touched its wing. It felt soft, smoothed and streamlined. With the lugia's small finger-like digits it felt like we were shaking hands.

I got closer and touched it's cheek while it did the same. It felt almost the same as the wing only with finer feathers. It started to make some soothing high-pitched humming noises. I knew the sounds that it made meant nothing was wrong because when I looked into its eyes again, I saw exactly what I wanted to. I saw relief and happiness but there was one other emotion I couldn't make out.

I stopped crawling and sat in the sand. The lugia went right up beside me and started nuzzling me. It felt like I was in heaven. I've wanted to see a lugia all my life and now there was one right up in my face.

It then laid down in the sand. I laid down beside it, and started to stroke its neck. It started to get weird yet strangely comfortable when it started to pet me. It was amazing how easy it was to get lost in its eyes, it felt like I could see into the lugia's mind myself.

We laid down in the sand for another half-hour cuddling with each other. After a while, I starting to wonder where the lugia's mother was. At that moment, I heard off in the distance a lower pitched noise similar to the ones the the baby made. It's mother was coming. I suddenly realized that I wasn't in a good position to meet a hostile, protective mother. I suddenly started to hyperventilate. I tried to get up as fast as possible, but the young one wrapped its wings around me and tackled me back onto the ground.

Things started getting strange when the baby started petting me and humming to try and calm me down, what was stranger though is that it did actually calm me down a bit. While still in its grip I turned around and looked into its eyes again. What I saw, confused me though, as it seemed that there was more stress in its eyes then when it first met me. I quickly got lost in its eyes once again.

I came back to my senses when the mother called again, I was able to escape the young lugia's grasp against my will. I took a quick glance back at the little one and I began to sprint away from it, but out of nowhere, I ran into an invisible wall. I looked back at the lugia to see that its right wing was rased. I looked back in front of me to find a nearly invisible forcefield. Apparently the young lugia wasn't powerless.

I looked back into the young lugia's eyes to see sadness as it started to whine. It was sad that I wanted to leave it, I never did want to leave it and as I looked into its eyes again, I started to lose focus.

The mother let out another call only this time louder and harsher. It knew I was there. I regained my focus and tried to make my way around the forcefield but the young one knew how to control its powers. I obviously couldn't break my way through the forcefield. I stared back at the lugia to see more fear then before, I couldn't figure it out.

All of a sudden, the mother shot out of the water and flew toward the beach. It landed right in front of me. The mother lugia was HUGE. I looked into her eyes but something was wrong, I couldn't see anything in her eyes, they just looked normal.

Even without the ability I could tell she was angry. I looked up at her as she towered over me.

"Why are you here"

She was telepathically communicating with me it felt amazing. Unfortunately, I was frozen, I couldn't think straight. I finally got my head together. I thought I might as well explain what I was doing.

"The lugia have always fascinated me, all my life I've wanted to see one".

I thinking this rather than talking, I knew she couldn't understand spoken English.

"You see, here nothing exciting ever happens here. This place is underpopulated and I barely have any friends. Seeing the baby lugia here, I couldn't pass up such an amazing opportunity. I only stayed here to observe it, but before I knew it we had befriended each other so quickly and-".

"You humans have caused me enough trouble already, my daughter knows she is not to trust anyone, especially humans".

While the mother was communicating I quickly glanced at the baby lugia. I did not see happiness or a sense of protection in her eyes, but complete and utter fear. The baby was scared of her own mother.

"I will not have my daughter associating with any HUMANS".

Just as she was thinking that her eyes started to glow, she opened up her mouth. I looked inside her mouth to find a bright glowing light. AEROBLAST!! I was about to destroyed by something that I've been waiting forever to see.

I froze, I couldn't move I just stood there looking at the bright light that was about to consume me and in an instant the light shot out towards me. I flinched back as I was about to be obliterated but something strange was going on. I felt no pain, I was still alive, I looked up to see the aeroblast stop inches in front of me. I looked back at the baby lugia in complete surprise to find her right wing raised again. She put a forcefield in front of me. She saved my life.

The aeroblast stopped. The mother looked at me in surprise then looked at her daughter to find that she put up a forcefield. She let out a fierce roar at the baby. I Looked at the young lugia, not to find fear in her eyes but bravery.

They spent some time communicating and yelling at each other. It seemed like they were arguing. While they were communicating, I thought to myself why would the mother hate humans so much. After some quick thinking it was kind of obvious. We were stealing her food, polluting her air and water, and even on several occasions, misinterpreted her as an enemy. It wouldn't have been much of a surprise that she hated what we have done.

"You know" I thought nervously " not every human is responsible for the things we've done to you". What I had thought seemed to catch her attention.

"Oh really and how would you know this".

"There are many people devoted to saving the earth- I mean, your environment. In fact, the majority of humans are against what we have done to hurt you."

The mother remained silent.

"Why would I have come down here to hurt your daughter, I didn't even have any idea she was down here. You shouldn't hold a grudge against humans for what only some humans have done to you. We've realized our mistakes and we're sorry for what we might of done to you. The point is that not everyone is responsible for what's happened and that none of it was intended. There is no reason to hate all humans for what those who are insensitive have done to you".

There was a long pause, everything seemed silent. Finally the mother spoke.

" I have encountered countless people in my life, none of them had friendly intentions toward me, but you... you seem different from the others and for that reason I trust you. But if you do any harm to my daughter, don't expect to live very long beyond that point."

"Don't worry I ensure you that nothing will happen to your daughter".

Just as the mother was about to fly away, I had one last thing to say.

"I have one last question, do you or your daughter have a name"

"You may call me lugia and as for my daughter, I never really thought it was necessary, you may name her to your liking".

The mother then flew off and dived back into the ocean. I stared back at the baby lugia to find her sprinting towards me. She dived onto me and wrapped her wings around me. Once again I saw that unrecognizable emotion in her eyes, except this time it was easy to see what the young one was thinking as her eyes were full of this emotion now. The emotion I saw in the young one's, or as I now call her, Leia's eyes was love.