Disclaimer: I don't own the Mario franchise or any of its characters. Impacto belongs to deviantart's Mloun, I'm just borrowing him (with permission, mind!).
I can't be sure as I haven't been keeping track of time, but I think this one was a slightly faster update than the last one. I really do apaologize and I'm happy to see my readers being so patient and supportive. Thank you guys for being so supportive of not only this story, but of my depression. It really does help knowing there's people out there that cares.
Again, thank you all for your support! :)
Chapter 19
The loud roar echoed throughout the halls of the castle, originating from the Medical Wing. One would think that Bowser's the source, but not this time. No, it was actually Kops! The Koopa Troopa was obviously pissed, as evidence from the growls coming from his beak, Rattles cringing anxiously beside him as the noise was quite unlike his companion's usual behavior. And it didn't get any better as Kops took another deep breath, the Dry Bones beside him bracing himself.
"What?!" Said Shy Guy answered in confusion as he hurried around the corner over to the outraged Koopa Troopa. Upon seeing the black-garbed doctor, Kops glared with unparalleled scorn before carrying on with whatever calm he had left, which wasn't much at all.
"I thought you were going to keep an eye on Pip while we were gone!"
"I am!" Tipo piped defensively, not understanding why the Koopa was yelling at him with such hostility.
"Really?" Kops growled before he stepped back from the door and gestured for the Shy Guy to look inside. Tipo did with little hesitation, only to see the rummaged bed completely vacant. If it was possible, his mask would've paled, although it did display an embarrassed expression.
"Oh." he muttered.
"Yeah." Kops replied sharply.
"Hang your head in shame, Tipo."
"Yes, sir..." And indeed, Tipo slumped, thoroughly disappointed with himself as Kops looked to Rattles.
"I can't believe that kid! We turn our backs for two seconds and he disappears on us! And you know what the sad thing is: he does this ALL THE TIME! Every time without fail! And you wanna know what's even sadder? I let him! Why do I let him?!" he vented to the skeleton before he did a double facepalm, hard enough that it'll probably leave a mark. He was grumbling incoherently under his breath and it was only when Rattles chittered in concern did the living Koopa speak up.
"This kid is gonna be the end of me, I swear..." He gave out a deep, growling breath as he rubbed his temples for a moment. "Alright, come on. He couldn't have gotten too far." He turned to Tipo, his face still carrying some disapproval. "He would still be feeling dazed from the drugs, right?"
Tipo nods, albeit very softly. "Most likely. Although the effects should be starting to fade by now if they haven't already..."
No sooner had he mentioned that than the two Koopas dashed out of the Medical Wing. Sticking close, Kops and Rattles strategically searched through the corridors in an outward spiral formation, moving farther and farther away from the hospital. They made sure no hallway went uninspected, no pebble went unturned, no dust particle went undisturbed. And still there was no sign of their young Paratroopa friend.
"Pip! Pip!" Kops began shouting, his voice echoing through the halls alongside Rattles' frantic chitters. They of course received no response and they widened their search even more, straying deeper into the castle. Speeding their strides as they grew more desperate, they were flat out running when they rounded a corner and Kops felt himself crash into someone.
It was a Dry Bones. Luckily, the impact of the collision wasn't strong enough to scatter the undead creature to pieces and he merely stumbled before regaining balance.
"Sorry," Kops apologized hurriedly, making a move to rush passed the skeleton when the Dry Bones stepped in front of him to stop him. The Koopa Troopa was about to impatiently push him aside when he spoke up.
"Wait! You're the one that watches over the newcomer Paratroopa, right?"
At once, Kops froze and glanced back at Rattles before looking back to the Dry Bones. "You know where he is?" His heart rose with pure relief when the skeleton nodded, although his heart quickly sank again when he got an answer he didn't want to hear.
"He was looking for Hollow," he told the duo. "Said it was Bowser's order, but I still felt the need to find you ju-"
"Shit!" Kops interrupted. Overrun with protective instincts that bordered on parental fear, the Koopa Troopa practically jumped over the Dry Bones and took off towards the Bone Room as fast as he could, almost slamming into a wall as he slid out of sight beyond a corner. Rattles was just as panicked, but took the time to nod to his fellow Dry Bones as thanks before dashing after his living counterpart.
They just hoped they weren't too late...
These tunnels seemed darker than he remembered it, or maybe it was just his gloomy mind influencing his perception. Following Hollow closely, Pip felt a mixture of grim satisfaction as well as a persistent stab of fear. After all, he hasn't forgotten what happened last time he was here and although it was of his own free will this time, it was still terrifying. Every single instinct of self-preservation kept yelling at him to back out of this plan, but as usual, he did his best to ignore them. He remembered people always telling him that suicide was a coward's way out…
Well, whoever said that didn't know what they were talking about. The fear of death is probably the strongest one there is, and to override that takes true bravery in his opinion. With all his attempts came the exhaustive effort of not only squandering his terror, but not showing it as well. This was no exception, especially if Hollow will choose the same method of execution as last time, making the Paratroopa's end anything but quick and painless.
The entire journey has been silent between them, making the living Koopa's inner unease grow. Hollow hadn't given him so much as a glance since their conversation, and obviously had no interest in starting small talk. The demon had a peculiar way of walking, the Paratroopa noted. Instead of staying upright like everyone else, the skeleton would alternate back and forth between a bipedal stance and a four-legged walk. A small spark of curiosity peeked through his depression and he tried to ignore it. But disregarding it only made the feeling stronger and the youngster spoke up in a quiet voice.
"Why do you walk like that...?"
He wasn't expecting an answer and for a short while, Hollow met his expectations before finally giving him a split second glance over his shoulder. "Habit." That was all Hollow said and Pip wasn't sure what he meant before assuming the skeleton was referring to the old fashion way Koopas moved around. It made sense, especially since the biped posture was relatively recent in his parent's generation and the 500 year old Dry Bones must still be getting accustomed to the change. It was interesting, if just for a moment...
Pip glanced around the dark tunnel, wondering how far down they're going and wondering if they'll eventually reach the end. The stories Kops told him echoed through his head, about this being the way to the Underworld and he fiddled with his hands anxiously.
"Um, Hollow...?" he whispered. "How much further...?"
The Dry Bones didn't answer him at all. And he didn't have to. Upon reaching the figurative and literal point-of-no-return, Hollow turned to the young Koopa with a smirk on his face and a dark purr from his rotted throat. A responding wing twitch was the only sign of Pip's unease, but he pushed that feeling aside as he muttered under his breath.
"Please, m-make it quick…" His voice shook a little in a combination of fear and of the tears that started to run down his face.
"I make no promises." Hollow hissed in amusement, his gloved hands clenching and unclenching in obvious eagerness. Pip didn't even get a chance to respond to that before that chilling iron grip close around his throat. Squeezing his eyes tightly shut, he forced himself not to struggle from the uncomfortable hold, even as he felt himself being pushed against the wall, no doubt to keep him from backing out should he change his mind.
It didn't take long at all before the ever growing pain exploded from his chest and strangled squeaks emerged from his throat. And still he did not struggle, trying to keep his mind calm and focused. He could hear Hollow muttering what sounded like incantations, but he could understand none of it. He could feel his body fighting with his will to gain independent control. It took everything the young Paratroopa had not to relinquish that control.
But everything was interrupted when a voice echoed through the tunnels. "Pip…Pip…"
It was Kops. Hollow glared in the direction of the voice; why wasn't he surprised that this was going to happen? Returning his hostile attention to his victim, he snarled out his words in a whisper. "I knew this was a trick."
At this, Pip opened his eyes with a shake of his head, grabbing hold of Hollow's wrists as a gesture to finish it and to also keep him from going after Kops. The Dry Bones hissed with indecision, unsure whether to continue or to get rid of the intruder. On one hand, he couldn't allow a nosy Koopa wandering around his tunnels. On the other, he had a life free for the taking and he had to take advantage while he can. Making a compromise with himself, he decided to end this quickly and hope he said enough of the incantation for this to work. With a savage growl, he released the Paratroopa's throat only to clamp down on it with his beak.
Pip grimaced in even more pain, feeling the sharp edges and the teeth-like projections sink through his scales and skin. Blood was starting to seep through and Pip could feel his wind-pipe beginning to crush under the pressure. The extra pain causing him to lose what control he had, he felt himself struggle relentlessly. Luckily, Hollow had a good grip and he kept increasing the jaw pressure at a steady pace. Out of the corner of his empty eyes, the demon saw the intruding Koopa Troopa appear and he instinctively released his bite from his victim to confront the invader.
Kops froze as Hollow opened his blood-rimmed beak menacingly with a quite demonic-sounding shriek, but seeing his friend unmoving on the ground, he pushed passed the intimidation to charge at the demented undead creature. Tackling him to the ground, he was dismayed to see that he didn't hit hard enough to crumble him into pieces and the skeleton threw him off before pouncing, landing on bare ground as Kops quickly rolled out of the way. Jumping to his feet, he tried again to reduce his opponent to a pile of useless bones, withdrawing into his shell during the charge only to have Hollow leap clean over him.
The Dry Bones quickly took advantage as soon as the other Koopa shot back out of his shell. Before Kops could orientate himself, Hollow lunged and sank his beak mercilessly into the nape of the intruder. Kops cried out as he struggled in panic. He knew the strength of a Koopa's bite and a hold like this had the potential to snap his neck. Growling, he pulled and tugged as he tried to get free, succeeding eventually but not without receiving a few bloody tears.
Wincing heavily as he collapsed to his knees, he could feel blood trickle down his scales and he glared defiantly as Hollow began to snicker, the sticky red liquid dripping from his maw. "Give up, fleshie. Against the dead, you cannot win."
"Well, then," Kops started with a pained smirk. "It's a good thing I brought someone who can."
Before anyone could respond, Rattles pounced on Hollow from behind, the normally peaceful Dry Bones hissing in his own threat as the two rolled about the ground. Whilst the enemy was distracted, Kops timed his charge carefully and gathered all his strength, launching himself at the bundle of bones and smashing into Hollow, finally reducing him into a pile.
Knowing that time was precious, Kops and Rattles hurried over to the seemingly unconscious Pip and started dragging him towards safety. But they weren't even half-way to the exit before Pip jolted awake with a gasp and, much to their surprise, began to struggle.
"No! Let me go!" the Paratroopa screeched, his voice raspy from his experience.
"Calm down, Pip! It's us!" Kops began to reassure, but to even more of their surprise, the young Koopa growled.
"I know it's you! Let me go!" Immediately, Rattles released him, but Kops held stubbornly.
"What're you doing, kid?! We have to get outta here!"
"No!" Pip argued back, struggling even harder despite his body's weakness. "Leave me here, damn it! I want him to kill me!"
"No, you don't!" Kops growled back firmly, trying to hold Pip down, glancing at Rattles in a silent plea for help. The Dry Bones nodded before helping hold his distressed companion down as Kops continued. "Listen to me, Pip! We'r-"
Pip immediately interrupted him. "Let me go!" Then came his friends' greatest surprise yet when Pip managed to bite Kops' hand and tried to pull away from Rattles when the Koopa Troopa jumped back with a yelp. "Hollow! Help!"
"That's enough!" Kops screamed, tackling the Paratroopa down and keeping his head pinned. Pip struggled a bit more before eventually falling still with a whimper.
"Let me go… Why won't you let me go…? Why won't you let me die…?" He sniffled as he broke down completely. "Why won't you let me be happy…?"
At this, Kops looked over at Rattles to see the silent mute looking very distressed at the whole thing. Turning back to Pip, his expression and voice softened. "We do want you to be happy, but this isn't the way." He shook his head sympathetically. "Despite what you might think, we're your friends and we only wanna help you."
"Yeah right!" Pip snapped, turning his teary anger-filled eyes to his restrainer. "If you wanted to help, if you guys were really my friends, you would've helped me escape this hell-hole! You would've helped me find my family! You would've saved me when Bowser took my wings away! But you DIDN'T!"
At once, Kops became angry as well and he couldn't help but snap back. "Of course we didn't! Like we were going to interfere with the orders of a multi-ton, fire-breathing monster just to save feathers that are just going to grow right back!"
Silence as the two glared heatedly at each other before Kops continued. "You think you're going to find happiness this way?! Huh!? You think death is going to solve all your problems? It won't! Keep in mind that our two species are VERY closely related."
"So?!" Pip hissed.
"So," Kops hissed back. "who's to say you can't be brought right back? Who knows, maybe you're close enough to my kind to become a Dry Bones. And then what're you going to do?! If you think your life is so miserable now, imagine what it'll be like as the undead! You think Rattles is happy with his existence?! You think Hollow is?!" He didn't give Pip enough time to answer as he went on. "You act as though you're the only one to have ever gone through this! Well, you're not! Do you think I wanted to give up too when I was first brought here?! Huh?!"
Another moment of silence came, Kops reprimanding glare never softening. "I was kidnapped too when I was around your age, kid. And you know what, I fought through all the adversity, all the feelings of despair I had. I've been through just about everything and guess what: I made the wise choice to just accept that this is what fate wanted for me and I don't regret making that decision."
Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, Kops continued. "Think about what you're doing, kid. Rattles and I are just trying to help you, but if you insist on pushing us away, then fine. Make your choice: Either do what I did and accept things the way they are, accept the fact that this is your new home and try to make the best of it. Or you can go back to Hollow because I'm sure he'll offer a quick way out of it all after what just happened." He said the last part sarcastically as he finally released the Paratroopa, who just remained limp for a long time.
Just as Kops was about to give up on him and turn away, Pip began to sob quietly. "I…I'm sorry. I…I…"
"It's alright, kid." Kops muttered as he and Rattles got the child to his feet and began leading him out without a fuss this time. "Let's get you back to the hospital, make sure Hollow didn't damage us too badly. We already have arrangements to make an appointment with the Lakitus. Both Rattles and I will keep an eye on you until then."
Pip nodded softly, more than eager to put everything behind him as they left the tunnels for hopefully the last time.
That was way too close, but thankfully, Kops and Rattles seemed to have finally talked some sense into our little Paratroopa. We got some additional information about Hollow and even a little more about Kops' past! Stay tuned and stay patient for the next arc of this story and please review in the meantime! Thank you!