![]() Author has written 6 stories for Legend of Zelda, Naruto, Super Smash Brothers, Left 4 Dead, and Silent Hill. I want to give a big shoutout to a very good friend of mine who drew my avatar and the cover art for Animal I Have Become. Please check out her dA here: http:/// Hi! Welcome to my profile page (finally I made one!) Um, there's not much to know about me except for: 1. I love writing. I'm somewhat slow, however. 2. I am solely a yaoi writer. Don't like yaoi? Like I always say, DON'T LIKE, DON'T READ. 3. I accept constructive criticism with open arms. But please nothing unnecessary. A Little More Personal Things I Like MARY ELIZABETH MCGLYNN- No, really. She's the most amazing singer in the world. I would marry her if I legally could. =) Excellent stories Writing Yaoi Godsmack -Sully Erna is a GOD. I plan on marrying him one day. xD (Yes, I will be a polygamist.) Breaking Benjamin Flyleaf Within Temptation Blah, blah, so on and so forth. Things I Dislike Plagiarists. If you want to use parts of my stories or someone else's, LET THE PERSON KNOW. It's not that difficult. Don't accept credit for something that isn't yours. It's not right, maahn. Bugs-Random, I know. xD Racists/discriminators etc. you know the drill. Favorite Games and whatnot Anyone who knew me, knows that this section used to be dedicated to anime. But I'm not so much into anime anymore, and felt it appropriate to update it. And yes, I have Xbox Live. Hit me up! I love: Assassin's Creed I Assassin's Creed II Left 4 Dead I Left 4 Dead II Resident Evils 1-5 (Resident Evil 2 is my favorite.) Silent Hills 1-5 (The Room and Homecoming are my favorites I LOVE HENRY.) Dragon Age Condemned 1&2 COD Modern Warfare TWO- I'm sorry, but all the others are suckish. A little Halo Metal Gear Solid Series (MGS Snake Eater is the most epic-est of all time. Even its theme song is amazing. (But I'd marry/torture Raiden any day. Legend of Zelda Favorite Quote "That's it, Snake.. Hurt me more! Make me feel alive again." -Grey Fox, Metal Gear Solid Other unimportant stuffs Name: Just call me Ice or Icy Gender: Female Age: Eighteeeeen~ Location: Tex-ass Updates/Future Stories/Rants Sorry for the wait on chapter 10, guys. But the good news (or bad news for some, maybe?) is that Animal I Have Become is coming to its close soon! The reason it's good is that you will no longer have to deal with me and my spazzy uploads. xD I estimate one or two more chapters and we are fineesheddd ladies and gents. :3 |