Reviews for It Means I Love You
Coral Q's bff chapter 15 . 4/23/2017
This was beautiful. I just love how raw and broken down their barriers came down and they saw each other for what they were and it's just so freakin' beautiful... Thank you for the lovely story. I loved it.
Coral Q's bff chapter 10 . 4/23/2017
AWWWWW, I'm sorry I know that this fic has been completed for some time and I'm still not finished reading it yet, but I really wanted to review and point out how I just LOVE how you characterize Honda here, he's such an awesome bro. X3
toukarinluv4ever chapter 15 . 6/20/2015
Not rated M t at best for masterbating but that's it get the rating right plz
Draggy2 chapter 15 . 1/10/2014
I enjoyed the story. You used a lot of elements (jou's temper, his relatiosnshios with other characters outside the group, his helplessness but determination) to broaden the narrative. A good read! Jou and Seto's interaction was great as well. Loved the moment in the office when Kaiba confesses.

The relationship between jou and his parents was a bit frustrating. We never met jou's dad though it's implied he's present. And we never know what's up with the mother. For some reason the police didn't know the situation was a family dispute. This could be explained away if necessary but it was just there unexplained. That aside, the mother is doing what to Shizuoka. House-arrest? And both sides of the family are constantly moving? This is all a bit vague. Sounds like more of an issue than just divorce and it's unlikely the mother can deny the father rights to interact with his family. So many questions. Least of all why it took thousands to hunt down a woman who recently moved, her first and last name should be a giant tip unless she's in some sort of protection program. Even calling real estate agents with her name would do it so you can forewarn her mail, etc. Sorry, the story was great... I just got confused at the family situation and how it kept unfolding as it did.

My favourite scenes were when jou goaded seto into saying "I love you" in his office. Beautiful moment. And when Seto walked Jou home then burst into jou's apartment when jou was self conscious. Jou's vulnerability about his mess was completely endearing.

The ending was a bit confusing. Jou kept demanding Seto's feelings in words because he had never said them, but seto had confessed twice: at kaibacorp, and in his own personal study, both times outright saying he loved jou. The ending was also abrupt. Jou never voiced his own feelings directly to seto (thereby admitting they are real), which seemed to be a plot crux and something he deemed fair to demand, and we don't know what jou has ultimately decided to do about his sister.

You develop good relationships between characters and each character comes across individualized in your writing... Bakura and ryou! Or the ishtars! Hehe. Great story length as well. Beautiful tension between the main characters. Work on explaining jou's family relationship and filling in plot holes by the conclusion :D thanks for writing! Love this pairing!
sampre chapter 6 . 2/4/2013
There were a few spelling errors but it doesn't really matter because this was an awesome chapter!
sampre chapter 4 . 2/3/2013
This chapter was really funny! It's like two in the morning and I am trying to keep my laughter as quiet as possible. Good job in this chapter!
LetsBeFrenemies chapter 3 . 12/26/2011

Love this chapter!

Best one so far!
Dontgotaclue88 chapter 15 . 11/8/2011
SOOOOOO CUTE! But it seems as if the ending was rushed. *pouts* , but this was really good and hope you have more fics like this.
Shr00m chapter 15 . 9/29/2011
That is the best ending. Ever. And your writing skills improved throuout the story, which was pretty awesome. ( In short: I love this. )
ShoonatheGOAT chapter 15 . 7/25/2011
Aw this story was so sweet. I loved it. there were a few typos but that's all I found that was wrong with this story. I like the ending a lot, Kaiba was being very romantic, something I can't fathom lol. Good job sweetie :)
Legend of the Blue Eyes chapter 15 . 6/21/2011
I have to say, I really enjoyed this fic. Although Jounouchi and especially Kaiba were OOC for the majority of the fic, I felt that the way you wrote them didn't feel forced and the OOC-ness was not as detrimental as one might initially think. It was worked into the larger plot seamlessly and it never felt like we were reading about anyone except these particular characters. Great job on the characterization and development.

As for the plot though, don't you think the end leaves a few loose ends? I mean, the police crawling all over the city searching for Jounouchi and Shizuka isn't exactly a small deal that can just be wished away lol. It seems like you opened a can of worms at the end that was too large to be resolved. However, other than that, the story was well written and enjoyable.

Hopefully you haven't given up on writing!
prettybutterfly99 chapter 15 . 11/30/2010
Reppu chapter 15 . 4/1/2010
Well, this was a roller coaster ride of a fic! I liked how honest Kaiba could be, and how it was Jou that didn't want to face his feelings. I enjoyed it, thanks for writing!
INACTIVE-Cherry-Wolf chapter 1 . 1/20/2009
oh wow... I just finished reading this story and I love it ;w; very cute! I can't wait to read more from you!
Bara-Minamino chapter 11 . 1/18/2009
Gah! Stupid Joey! Why didn't you just tell Kiaba the truth!
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