Promise Me
Cappy snuck around a grassy field looking for Penelope, they were playing Hide-n-Seek.
Cappy blushed while thinking about Penelope. She had waist length glossy light brown hair, big pink eyes, and she always wore yellow sundresses.
He thought he heard a giggle behind a tree, when he rushed back, there he saw Penelope's back turned to him.
He leaned towards her an evil smirk placed upon his face, when he tapped her shoulder and she turned around their lips met for a moment.
Both their eyes widened in shock, time seemed to stop for Cappy.
They had never shown any affection for each other at all.
Flashbacks seemed to zoom through his head…
Cappy and Penelope were at the mall when Penelope saw some yellow high heel shoes.
Cappy grasped her hand to keep her from running off, the rest of the time there they never let go of each other's hands.
He didn't like her, that wasn't proof.
Penelope and Cappy were walking down the street pointing out things every now-and-then.
When a car lost control and rushed towards Penelope, she shrieked.
Cappy pulled her away and she tripped falling on top of Cappy, they both blushed at how close their faces were their nose's were touching.
No, they were just friends. Right?
Cappy was over at Penelope's house and they were jumping and dancing in her room, the music was blaring so loud that Pashmina had told them twice to lower it. Before being locked out of the room.
Penelope was strutting towards Cappy swinging her hips and head side to side her hair was everywhere, though it looked cute.
Penelope tripped on a stray shoe and they landed on the bed, once again in the same awkward position.
No, no, no, no they were best friends. Nothing more. Right?
Penelope and Cappy were eating breakfast watching Pashmina and Stan.
Pashmina was sitting on Stan's lap and they were making kissy faces at each other.
Cappy and Penelope were laughing and leaning on each other for support when the couple fell out of a chair. When Penelope's lips touched Cappy's cheek.
Maybe. Maybe I do love her.
Cappy felt Penelope lean away as he finally realized he wasn't paying attention that their lips were still connected.
"Penelope I have to talk to you."
"Sure Cappy, and I'm sorry about that-"
"Don't be. But we have to talk about that."
Cappy led her to a tree and sat down, patting the spot next to him he stared at Penelope.
"Penelope, I believe. I love you! Promise me you'll feel like I do forever."
"Oh, Cappy I can't believe it you feel the same way I do! I love you! I Promise."
Penelope seemed to launch at him and kissed him. When they were done, they started laughing and holding hands while walking home.