Pairing: KuroFai
Warnings: Shounen-ai and some brief cussing.
Disclaimer: I don't own Tsubasa
Author's Note: This one…was really random. Almost crackish in a way.
Kurogane knelt before Fai, trying his best to keep a straight expression on his face. He honestly wanted to pull all the hair from his scalp and bang his fists on the floor. He felt like throwing a temper tantrum, but this had to be done. It needed to be done, and sooner was always better than later, right?
He glanced up at the blonde. Fai blinked.
"Shut up, mage and let me do this," Kurogane growled. Taking Fai's hand into his own, he took a deep breath.
"Fai," Kurogane began. The mage looked rather shocked at the sound of Kurogane actually saying his name.
"Will you…um….will you.." the ninja trailed off, his face turning an impossible shade of red. Fai's eyes widened, suddenly understanding what Kurogane was trying to ask.
"Fai, will you-" Kurogane was immediately cut off, swiftly being glomped by the mage. Falling backwards in surprise, Kurogane found Fai sitting on top of him, grinning wildly.
"Yes, yes, YES, Kuro-sama!" Fai exclaimed. He threw his arms around Kurogane and pressed his face against the other man's chest.
"I've been waiting so long for you to ask!"
"You could have proposed just as well-"
"Just think of how our children felt, having an unmarried mommy and daddy!"
"They weren't our chil-"
"And just think of all those sin filled times we're made love, without being properly joined in a union!"
"You enjoyed-"
"But now we can make up for all of-"
Kurogane panted, red in the face, flushed with embarrassment. Fai chuckled and grinned at the crabby ninja. Kurogane sighed.
"Can you just let me say it? For traditions sake?" Kurogane asked. Fai nodded, fighting back a teasing grin.
Kurogane coughed and looked away from the mage.
"Will you, Fai, no, Yui…marry me?"
Fai squealed again, this time smashing his lips against Kurogane's. The larger man rolled his eyes at his goofy lover. Fai could be so…eccentric sometimes.
Fai sighed against Kurogane's cheek, feeling completely content.
"We should start planning the wedding…"Fai trailed off. Something was nagging at the back of his mind. Some terrible, oppressive thought was nagging at him, trying to be remembered. And, when he finally did remember, Fai's blood ran cold.
"Kurogane," Fai's voice was raspy, a look of terror upon his face. The ninja was immediately concerned, for Fai only used Kurogane's full name only when they were mad at each other or the heat of love-making. This was neither.
"What's wrong?"
Fai gulped, eyes wide on fear.
"You haven't old Tomoyo-hime yet, have you?"
Kurogane's expression went blank.
"Oh, shit."
Can you blame them for fearing Tomoyo? She would have a field day with their wedding. Poor Fai, I can picture her forcing him into some traditional brides kimono or something. *Shudders* I feel really sorry for them. So sorry, I might write a sequel…Yay! More KuroFai torture! Muhahahaha!