![]() Author has written 23 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers. NEWS 24 Augest 2011 -HEADDESKHEADDEAKHEADDEAK- I have way to many fics ;A; I'm sorry, guys. They will all be finished... Eventually. It's just that inspiration is a bitch and likes to hit me with ideas at the worst times. I promise I will get better about updating. Sorry... ^Just gonna keep that up there because It's all still relevant... Your Heart is My Home: ... I PROMISE. SOMEDAY it will be finished... Someday. I'm getting some inspiration for it every now and then ;3; Ways to Harm Arthur Kirkland: When I feel like killing him again Pinky Promise: Christmas Chapter coming up~ Almost Paradice: I need to fix some mistakes, maybe get a beta or something. But new chapter will be out soon If You Had Another Chance: Jeanne d' Arc muse is eating at my soul. This one is kind of family stuff and happiness and cute and all that ~ School it starting on Monday. What does that mean? Well. One of two things. 1. I have NO time for anything anymore and have no chance to write AT ALL and all my stories have to go on Haitus. (OHGODPLEASENO ;A;) 2. I have NO time for anything anymore BUT because of free time at school, I have a chance to hand write things in my notebook and can type them up when I get the chance either at home or at school since I have a USB chord now. Let's just hope it's the second. Yo! My name is Kitty. I am a fifteen year old girl who loves to read and write. I got into anime and manga when I was a freshman thanks to my friend Ali. Because of her, I am caught up in Bleach and Kuroshitsuji and am now in the process of reading Pandora Hearts. My favourite manga and animes are Hetalia, Bleach, Kitchen Princess, Pandora Hearts, Full Metal Alchemist, and Kuroshitsuji. I am also the President of my school's Anime Club! Whoo~ I am in Speech and Debate in school! We're awesome :D I'm not very athletic so that's the only sport I do xP I'm really super excited because I'm going to be doing my first cosplay this April! I'ma be Sharon from Pandora Hearts :D So super excited :D I'm also on LiveJorunal. My journal is here so feel free to contact me ;D I have a Deviant Art (though many of you have already stalked... Er found me there xD). That is right here I GOT A TUMBLR DERP~ You can find it here. Please follow meeee~ Finally, here is my Facebook Roleplay account (I RP as America). If you ever have an emergancy and need to talk to me RIGHT away (lol I sound like a mum xD) then, please message me here Thank you for all of your support and stuff~! I makes me so happy! I can definitely see myself improving! If You Had Another Chance: When Jeanne d' Arc was killed, Francis was devastated. When she comes back nearly six hundred years later, he is over-joyed. Now he has another chance at true love and she has a second shot at a life she was never able to have. This is much like Pinky Promise in that it's a family style fic. It documents Jeanne's second life with Francis and their life together. It's gonna be very cute and fluffy~ Pinky Promise (Hetalia): In Progress Alfred and Arthur are newly weds just trying to make ends meet. Barely getting by, they don't believe their lives can get any more complicated until they meet Peter and Lilli, two run away orphans. They don't have the money to care for them, but the children need a stable home and a family to love them. Through all the struggles and hardships, through all the laughter and fun, they manage to become a close family. This idea has eaten my braiiiiin xDDD So, yeah. Please enjoy it! I'm really proud of this one, I don't know why. I just have a good feeling about it :3 Almost Paradice (Hetalia): In Progress Moving to a small hick town after the death of their parents leaves Alfred and Matthew in pretty low spirits, but when they find out the town has banned all music and dancing, Alfred sets out to change that law. Along the way, he makes friends and meets a boy named Arthur who changes his life forever. Can the teens of the town change an unfair law or are the adults still grieving and won't stand for their laws being changed? I'm in Footloose right now for a summer play, so inspiration hit me like THAT! BAM! Yup, this is USUK and LOTS of background noise. I hope you enjoy it~ Your Heart is My Home (Hetalia): SEMI-HIATUS I really... Don't... Know... I had this idea of HEY! What if Iggy worked at McDonald's? And five hours later, this happened. I don't know where I'm going and after the 2nd chapter is posted, updates will be scarce. But if you stick with me, I think this will be a very enjoyable ride :) Updates and Such |