Yay! I got a letter from Sea-Kun! (Aka, Herro Kitty)#

Dear (jerk) England,

Hiya! I can't believe you agreed to do this, you jerk! Does this mean that if I annoy you enough you'll admit I'm a nation?

I don't want to write letters to a jerk like you D:

So that's why you should come to the awesome nation of Sealand! Not that I want to see you or anything. Papa Sweden bought a new videogame for me, but he won't let me play it! You gotta convince him, you jerk!

I think Latvia is knocking on the door so I have to go since he's more important than writing a letter to a jerk like you. See you later (you jerk),

The Awesome NATION of Sealand

Dear Brat,

Yes, I agreed to do this, but that does NOT mean I will give into you! You annoying me is completely different to France annoying me. Mainly because I'm less in danger of being mentally scarred…

Then don't write them. When did you even learn to write, anyway?

You haven't given a single reason to go to your sea fort…

Wait, Sweden did? Are you sure it's safe? Sweden isn't exactly known for his child-friendly video games… Me, Japan and What's-his-face had to babysit America for a month after he played one of Sweden's games… Amnesia, I think it was called…



P.S. Stop hanging out with Prussia. He's a bad influence. If you've already started to call yourself Awesome, then I'm afraid it might be too late…

Aw, Sea-kun! I wuv him…

But seriously, the game amnesia is some messed up shit, man…