![]() Author has written 3 stories for StarTrek: Other, and Hetalia - Axis Powers. Hey all! This is a combo account between Teal Phoenix and Enterprise D (Got no Trouble with Tribbles)! So we're going to do our profiles sorta different. I'll be going first, so hold onto your hats! Hi all! It's Teal Phoenix! I'm a high-schooler, and since boring fill-in-the-blank format suits me less than a boredom suits Broadway, I'm going to type the rest of this out as I wish. I'm a freshman and aspiring writer, in my spare time I draw, talk with friends, write, play video games, and do normal teenager stuff. Fanfiction to me is a way to improve my writing skills and get feedback on my style in a fun way. I'm short, blond, and hyper. I've also been mistaken for a guy several times, once by my own brother who's a couple years older than me. I'm fourteen and my current obsession is Yugioh, though I'll dabble into other things from time to time. I find that muses come to life rather easily and that it seems as if I can write humor. That honestly boggles my mind. I've respected humor writers for quite awhile, to now be considered (at least I think I am, considering all those reviews. All of which I'm insanely happy about.) one is quite a surprise. I always envisioned myself as an angst writer, since I like tugging on heartstrings though I'm unsure why. It just goes to show how strange this world is. For Your Enjoyment (AKA My random facts): -Call me Jay-Jay or Tealy or Teal-chan -I'm Five foot one -Music and writing are two things I can't live without -I'm anti-Twilight, the series sickens me. -I like the concept of thievery while I dislike the actual act -Politics are my kryptonite -I'm a HUGE slash fan -My characters from real stories are sort of alive -I call myself borderline schizophrenic, but aren't all writers that way? Now Tribbles, it's your turn. Have fun. Tribbles~ Ent D, even though I will always be Tribbles to some, so I will stick with it on this profile. Hmn what is there to say about me, I am bisexual, love walking downtown with my friends, and am easily amused. Copy and Paste Stuff If you support gay marriage and want to show it, paste this into your profile. (\_/) Quotes Tealy: The threat is not threatening if you have to pause... Tealy: "Ah, redshirts. So innocent. Fresh out of the academy and dead in five minutes." ^^ Worf: "Death to the opposition!" Tealy: "You don't name your KIDS after Star Trek characters! You name your CATS after Star Trek characters!" (rolls eyes) Tealy: (looking for a picture of worf) I believe this is him. (clicks it) Tealy: Spoiler Alert: The Axis Powers Lose |