![]() Author has written 12 stories for Naruto, Love Hina, To Love-Ru, and Jungle Book. Hello everyone! I'm Ookami88. I love to read (manga, fantasy and criminal books) and watch good shows (anime). I'm 23 and you're probably thinking that I'm too old to watch anime and cartoons. Well, you may take that opinion and... throw it to trash! From when there is an age limit for watching cartoons? Don't take me wrong, I'm not some crazy otaku (manga/anime fanatic) but I enjoy a good plot and some crazyness that you won't find in 'adult movies'. But now I mostly enjoy a good anime (in 90's there were some very good cartoons...) or read manga. As you can see there are 5 stories written by me. I appreciate any constructive critique, as they are what makes author better him/herself. Just without much flames, please. I also welcome anyone who wants to share their ideas with me. Just send me a PM. Hope you'll enjoy my fanfics! And check this out: http:///klik/UXdWY2AB XXX My fav pairings: NaruHina - They just deserve to be together; so different outside but still very similiar inside, a perfect couple! SasuSaku - Not really my fav but someone has to bonk this Uchiha Ego out of him, if he ever goes back to being good. Who's better than a girl with legendary strenght of Slug Sannin Tsunade? :D ShikaTema - What to say? He's lazy, she's forceful, Nara's men curse in work. ChoIno - Always thought they would compliment each other. InuKag - Hanyou and a school student/priestess-in-training. They ended up together so no more is to be said. IchiHime - He's grumpy and serious, she's mostly childish and naive. A funny couple, don't you think? RenjiRukia - Both are childhood friends with each other. There was always this spark between them whenever they fought! XXX My not liked pairings: Kiba/Shino/Hina - I have nothing against bug-boy and dog breath but I think those two are more like older brothers for their shy teammate than a love interests. Naruto/older women - I mean seriously NarutoAnko? NarutoKurenai? NarutoTSUME? NarutoTSUNADE?! It's just a little too much for my taste... NaruSaku - I really don't see them together. No matter how many arguments you bring out I just don't see it happening... XXX My hated pairings: SasuHina - Seriously whoever got this idea had to be drunk to see that one. NejiHina - INCEST IS BAD! YaoiPairs - Just thinking about NaruSasu or whatever other is making me sick (nothing against gays, just those stories are making me sick). XXX Challenges I took and work on: - Brown Phantom's Hidden Bloodline Challenge, "The Legacy of Uzushiogakure" - Chewie Cookies' Feral Naruto Story, "Naruto: Lost and Found" - ICHeart's Naruto/Starcraft crossover, "Beyond the Ninja Realm" - Project Naruto Emperor, "Rise of the West" - Project "Wish Upon a Star", Angel Hinata XXX IF YOU IGNORE THIS WITHOUT READING IT YOU HAVE NO HEART...BUT IF YOU FIND YOU CANNOT STOP UNTIL YOU REACH THE END THEN YOU MUST HAVE A VERY BIG HEART. Mummy...Johnny brought a gun to school |