Ah! The Elements that are among us!

Chapter 1

Freyja, the Goddess sat in her chair high above the floor that looked over Yggdrasil,

Heaven's main computer. The sound of electronic humming vibrated through the

Chamber, mixed with the sound of musical chimes as buttons were pushed or scanners

were being used.

"Just another day on the job." Freyja thought to herself, it wasn't the fact that she

hated her job. Her job was very important; she was the System Administrator for the

entire Yggdrasil System. It was her duty to make sure that the System was always

running efficient, and productively.

As she sat there watching the other Goddess around her working, she also reflected on

their jobs as well, all the jobs on the floor where important. Freyja also knew that it

would be impossible for her to do all their jobs by herself, and she was proud to have all

of the goddess work with her. There were three other goddesses that helped Freyja

maintain Yggdrasil. They sat in front of it, always with a keen eye, alert to any problems

that it would have. Their names were Chrono, Ere and Ex and these Goddesses were

considered the best in heaven for this duty. With these Goddesses, Yggdrasil had

reached a maximum percentage efficiency that is required only of the best. Any problem

that had affected the Yggdrasil would easily be fixed and never really caused a problem.

Freyja looked on as Chrono, Ere, and Ex continued to work on maintaining Yggdrasil. An

alarm began ringing from below, form Chrono's station,

"System Error!?" She said out loud. Freyja head turned a little bit, breaking her train of

thought. She stood up and said, "Where is the Error?"

"Still searching Miss Freyja!" Ex said, a few beeps later and then Ex said, "It's coming

from the Hermod's Program!"

"Try to restart the Program!" Freyja called from above, Chrono was already on it, a few

beeps and than a buzzing sound came up, "Unable to restart the Program!"

"Miss Freyja! I have identified the problem. There is a connection problem in Grid A-32L6!

I'm bringing it up on screen." Ere called up.

Freyja turned towards a computer screen that had appeared before her. Connection

Three on the Grid was flashing red.

"We are losing connection Two, Four, and Six, in the same Grid." Ere added. With that

Freyja tried to restart the program herself using an authorized code that she had, but

she got the same message, it was unable to restart the Program. Freyja then turned to

another Goddess that was scrambling to help restart the Program and said, "Asyer! Go

down to the Grid and try and restart the Program manually! If we get it restarted before

you get there, we will inform you." Asyer got up and said, "Yes, Ma'am!" as she left the

Control Room.

Freyja then turned to the Three Goddesses in front of her, "Okay, we need to re-secure

Lines Two, Four, and Six. Ere and Chrono, I want you on that. Ex, try and reconnect Line

Three, we need to make sure whatever this is doesn't get into the

Yggdrasil main-frame. That's our main concern right now!"

The three Goddesses turned to their stations, and began to fulfill the orders. Freyja

turned and looked into the connection problem, and ran a scan to make sure the

connection problem was not spreading to the Yggdrasil main-frame. The scan reported

that the problem was contained, 'Thank Goddess for that.' Freyja thought to herself, and

she continued to monitor the situation from her position, three lights still glowed orange,

but they where still holding, one was red. With the combination of lights and alarms that

mixed in eyes and ears it was enough to almost put Freyja in a trance. She was racking

her brain for any kind of a solution to this Problem. Freyja knew the Yggdrasil and the

Hermod's program better than most Goddesses, and she also knew the Grid that was

affected; it was a Grid that held very-sensitive items about Goddesses, and other

important things. There had never been a lost connection problem before, and she was

already stressing out over this problem.

"Miss Freyja!" Ere's voice form below that snapped her out of trance. "We've lost

Connection Two and Four!" Freyja turned to her screen, and now had three red lights

flashing, and only one orange, 'Where is Asyer?' She thought to herself. After two more

minutes of failed attempts at getting the connections to restart, a telephone rang

behind her. Freyja picked up the phone, "Freyja!"

"Miss Freyja! This Asyer, I'm sorry that it took me so long, but I found the Grid. We have

a problem! Connection Lines numbers Two, Three, and Four were severed, but six is

barely hanging on. I can replace the connections but it will take some time." Asyer said

over the receiver.

"Do what you have to do and get back to the Control Room." Freyja said. She hung up

the receiver, then turning to Ere, Ex and Chrono to gave out the next set of orders,

"Restoration of the Lines are in Progress. Ex, I want you to scan all the connections

make sure there are no more surprises. Ere, scan the Grid; make sure everything is still

where it was last time we scanned it. Chrono, look for access codes, I want to know

who got in, and what was accessed." The Three Goddesses went to work; soon the only

color that showed on the screen was green, showing that all the connections were


Ere, Ex and Chrono worked feverishly to complete their tasks that were set out from

Freyja. It would take a few minutes for the scans to be completed. As they worked

Freyja sat on her chair, setting up a report that she knew she would have to make. After

a few minutes of waiting and a minute after Asyer had returned to the Control Room.

The first scan report came from Ex.

"Miss Freyja, the scan shows there are no further problems in the Hermods Program."

Freyja breathed a sigh of relief at the news. Ex jumped into the scans with Ere and

Chrono. The sound of scanning continued to flow upwards to Freyja's ears and her mind

was not in the trance that seemed to disturb her thinking process only a few moments

ago. Freyja continued to watch the floor, wishing that she would not hear anymore

news from the three Goddesses below her; she watched their as hands seemed to flow

over the controls.

"Miss Freyja! Scan is completed." Ere spoke up. Freyja looked at the screen that

appeared before her. Four files were flashing red; Freyja's heart seemed to escape out

of throat with her last breath. A fourth file flashed an orange color, along with the red

files. She pushed on one of the red files; it read "Belldandy, Goddess First Class.

Information Incomplete!" Freyja turned to a phone that was situated behind her chair,

but as she was about picked the receiver, Chrono called up.

"Miss Freyja! We found the Access Code!" her heart seemed to skip a beat for a

moment. She actually went down to the floor, and stood over Chrono and watched as

she pulled up the codes. Ex, Ere and Asyer were even watching the codes that were

coming up in front of all of them.

"The code appears to be a Tumbler Code, it's linked to the main binary code we have in

Yggdrasil's Main Computer. I'm still trying to register the codes, see who they belong to."

Chrono said. With that Ere, and Ex jumped in to help her, in a few minutes a new screen

popped up.

"What!" Freyja thought to herself as she saw the new information that appeared in

front of the five Goddesses.

"The Hermod Program's most restricted area was accessed by a Tumbler Code that is

registered to Third Class Land Spirits!" Asyer said out loud.

Freyja turned away from the four Goddesses and went back to her station, and walked

over to the phone she was going to pick up before, but this time she did. She held the

receiver to her ear and waited.

"This is Freyja! Yes! Yes, it was in Hermod's Program! It was accessed with a tumbler

code. Yes! We registered the codes, and they all are registered to Land Spirits-Third

Class. Yes! There are some files that are missing information! Yes, I will prepare a report

and….understood! I will prepare the report and give it before the Council." Freyja put

the receiver down, and turned to the four shocked Goddesses that were looking at her.

"Asyer! You are in charge until I return; I must report this break-in of the Program to the

High Council." Freyja said, as Asyer nodded to her. Freyja turned, closing a report in her

hand, and walked out of the Control Room.