Hey. It's me TKK. I hope you enjoy my first fanfiction ever. This is inspired by the anime Mahou Sensei Negima. I decided that these abilities would mesh nicely with the ninja world of Naruto and who better to give those abilities to than Naruto. That is about all I have to say except for the disclaimer.

I do not own Naruto or any other Anime for that matter. I really wish that I did. I really do.

"Hello World" Speaking

"Hello World" Thinking, flashbacks, reading, spells and jutsu

"Hello World" Demonic Speaking

"Hello World" Demonic Thinking

Chapter 1

The Smallest of Mistakes

It truly is amazing how the smallest of changes can alter everything in the end. It's amazing how the tiniest of slipups can either come back to bite you or be a blessing in disguise. When you think about it, a lot of life really comes down to luck. Every step you take could be the one where you trip over your own feet and the guy behind you either steps on you neck and kills you or perhaps the person of your dreams will end up on top of you and looking into your eyes. Luck, Destiny, and Fate are all really what you make of them but always remember that you have free will. But sometimes, it feels like something is tweaking events in a certain way to get you to do certain things. This is one of those times, where something as simple as opening a scroll upside-down can alter everything. What will Naruto do when he finds out whom his parents were and that he has a bloodline that was thought to be lost to the world?

We currently find our favorite blond hero lying in a patch of grass with the Scroll of Seals to his side. How a mere academy student, not even a genin, managed to break into the Hokage's personal vault, steal a scroll with enormous value to all of their enemies, and get out without getting caught by the 20 odd chunin, 9 jonin, and 3 or 4 ANBU that were on duty, no will ever be able to explain. The closest that anyone will every get to figuring out how this massive breach of security happened is the saying, "Pure dumb luck." But hey, people have always said that Naruto had the devil's own luck, perhaps it is some sort of retribution for his crappy lot in life, or the good karma he builds up just by not going demonic on the villagers. Kami-sama knows that the boy has every right to hate the villagers, but one can't completely blame them. It is, after all, one of the natural flaws with humanity that it fears what it does not understand and fear easily turns to hatred.

But we are getting off point. The important fact here is that Naruto is about to open the Scroll of Seals to try to learn the jutsu that will not only allow him to graduate from the academy but will also become one of his signature techniques in the future. The only problem is that somewhere during the commotion of stealing a highly classified document, sneaking past countless ninja that were guarding the scroll, and getting to the patch of forest that he was told to go to, he had managed to flip the scroll upside-down.

Naruto, sitting up from his resting position, grabs hold of the scroll and does what comes naturally from opening and closing many scrolls of varying sizes. He opened the scroll only to find that the kanji for the technique he was to learn was written strangely. Instead of opening the scroll and seeing a load of techniques, what he first saw was unintelligible and foreign kanji that he had never read before, seconds later, he realized that he was holding the scroll upside-down. Blushing a little in embarrassment from the rather elementary mistake and happy that no one was there to see him do something so completely characteristic of the dead-last that he was categorized as, he promptly flipped the scroll to read the true beginning. However, he was met with the first of a long string of surprises of that night when a letter fell out that was actually addressed to one Uzumaki Naruto. Somewhere between flabbergasted and completely confused, perhaps flabber-fused or con-gasted (?), he wondered why there was a letter addressed to him in the Forbidden Scroll. Then he had a realization, this was the Forbidden Scroll and if he hadn't found this letter now, he probably would have never found it. Letting curiosity get the better of him, he began to read the letter and found the second surprise of this night.

Dear Naruto,

Hello, if you are reading this letter than it means that I am dead. I hope that you have been able to live a good life, but if I know people half as well as I think I do, then the likelihood of that is very low. In that case I am sorry for your life up until now and know that I deeply regret that I am leaving you alone. First and foremost, you need to know that I am your mother.

Naruto abruptly stopped reading. He reread this part several times before feeling all hope of meeting his long lost mother die. However, as one dream died another dream had come true in that he had finally found out who his parents were. It also came with the reassuring knowledge that his parents didn't abandon him.

My name is Uzumaki Kushina and I am the last of our clan except for you. As the last of the Uzumaki clan it falls upon your soldiers to bring our clan back to greatness and to show the world what the Uzumaki are made of.

Now that came as a shock. There was one part of him that was sad that his entire family was gone yet another was gleeful that he knew who they were at all and that he even came from a clan, a powerful and respectable clan at that.

Also, never doubt that I love you with all of my heart and always will. I can't tell you what your father's name is because his enemies will try to hunt you down, but know that he loves you too and always will. You will always be our son and we hope to see you one day far away.

Naruto was now doing his best to hold back the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes. For the first time ever, someone had said that they loved him, that they cared about him, and he now knew, for the first time, that his parents didn't hate him like the people at the orphanage had told him countless times, but that they loved him. It's amazing, how much a single instance of acceptance means to someone who has never had any, even if it is from their dead parents. Naruto blinked away unshed tears and wiped the one that had managed to escape and continued reading.

Now sochi-kun (son) Naruto's heart felt like it wanted to fly and break at the same time after reading that. I don't have much time before I have to leave so I will tell you about our bloodline.

Naruto had to stop reading again at this. Not only did he have parents that loved him, not only did he come from a reputable clan, but he also had a bloodline! This was starting to become overwhelming. The identity of his parents, or at least one, the knowledge that they loved him, and the fact that he has a clan with a bloodline were all revealed to him. Almost all of the major mysteries of his life were being answered by one letter that he would have never gotten if not for his fluke. The only answer the eluded him now was the reason that the entire village hated him. However he had long resigned himself to never learning the truth behind their hatred after being refused an answer every time he asked someone. Getting back on track, he kept reading.

Our bloodline, while sounding very simple, allows us to naturally use a set of abilities that are completely unique to our clan and to be able to unlock this ability in other people using a specific ritual. Our ability is to be able to split our chakra back into the base components, mana (the mental energy) and ki (the physical energy), and wield them to do things no other ninja could do. Mana is used to launch spells of varying power and elements while ki is used to amplify and project physical attacks. Learning to do either of these takes hard work and study to master.

In order to learn our art, below you will find two blood seals. The first is a scroll of three beginner spells that you will find useful and how to cast spells in general. The second scroll is our summoning contract with the Ermines. Let me warn you now, do not call them ferrets, many an Uzumaki has made that mistake and it never ends well. After you unseal the contract, sign your name with blood and put a hand print under it. Make these seals and put some blood and chakra into the technique: Boar, Dog, Monkey, Bird, and Sheep. Because you are my son and current heir of the Uzumaki, your first summon will be the head tutor and your future familiar, Albert Chamomile, regardless of the amount of chakra you use. Along with being the head tutor for the Uzumaki clan, he is also the leading authority for pactio and other mana powered seals. He will be your teacher in the ways of our clan.

Naruto, my son, my time is drawing to an end, I prey for your happiness and that you get the life that you deserve. Just remember that I love you with all of my heart and so does your father.

Lovingly yours,

Uzumaki Kushina

Naruto wiped the tears that had long fallen. He broke a promise that he had made long ago and sat down and cried. The relief that there was someone who loved him even if he couldn't meet them, the sadness of knowing that he would never meet his family, the rage at knowing that he might have never found this letter, all of these emotions and more swirled around in a maelstrom of conflicting feelings. Naruto stood up while wiping his tear streaked cheeks. He looked at the scroll with a new determination and followed the instructions from his mother's letter.

He easily drew blood by pricking his thumb on his unusually sharp canines then smeared the blood across the seal for the ermine contract and repeated the process to sign the contract itself. He looked at the scroll again to memorize the five hand seals and went through them before slamming his hands into the ground. A complex seal array sprouted from his hand and covered the ground before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

Sitting there in the middle of the dissipating smoke was a creature that, if he hadn't been prepared, he would have immediately called a white ferret. The entire creature was snow white except for the patch of black on the end of its tail. Its beady black eyes just somehow screamed mischief while its two whiskers and tiny arms and legs made it look more like a plush toy than a powerful and intelligent summon. From its size, it didn't look like it could overpower a common house cat.

Then it spoke. It spoke in a voice that one could only expect would come out of a creature of its size. "Hey there aniki, (big brother) my name it Albert Chamomile but you can call be Chamo," he said while pulling a cigarette out of seemingly nowhere. A better question than where did the cigarette came from was how the hell was he holding it considering his complete lack of fingers.

Writing off the details as an ermine thing, Naruto responded, "Oh, hi. My name is Uzumaki Naruto, nice to meet you."

The small creature did an ermine version of a smile before dashing up Naruto's clothes and taking a seat on his shoulder. "Aniki, I get the feeling that we are going to get along very well," he said with that same ermine smile. Then he noticed the rather large scroll that was lying across Naruto's lap. "Hey Aniki, what is that big scroll?"

Naruto pondered what he meant before remembering that he had the Forbidden Scroll of Seals across his lap and that he was supposed to learn a jutsu from it. Naruto let out a nervous chuckle while scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. "Oh, um, I kinda forgot about that. Hehehe."

Chamo fought off the urge to face plant right off his shoulder, "Well then, what is it and why do you have it?" This led to Naruto explaining the whole situation with school, graduating, Mizuki telling him about the "hidden exam" and leading right up until he summoned Chamo after reading the letter. Now Chamo, being a devious little bastard himself, instantly saw the foul play from Mizuki but decided to not tell Naruto for one simple reason. How often does a not-even-genin kid get a chance to look in the Forbidden Scroll of Seals? Why pass up a wonderful opportunity for a powerful technique?

Following Chamo's prompting, Naruto began to read the scroll and saw the very first jutsu on it was called kage bushin no jutsu. Naruto began learning the technique with the help of his tutor and familiar, Chamo. While Chamo was watching Naruto learn the technique he learned a few things about his new charge. One was that, just like every other Uzumaki out there, Naruto had ridiculous amounts of Chakra which was good because only half of it would be usable for spells and the other half physical techniques. Unfortunately, this also resulted in his chakra control being absolutely abysmal. Chamo knew that if Naruto was going to have even half-way decent chakra control anytime soon, he was going to need a staff. And not just any staff, he would need the most powerful staff in the Uzumaki clan. This was the same staff that was the weapon of the Thousand Master, the founder of the Uzumaki clan. This was the same staff that would be passed down from clan head to clan heir to help them master their special abilities. This was the same staff that was Naruto's birthright and future weapon. This was the same staff that Chamo had no idea where it was located, but that was a simple matter to correct. After seeing Naruto finally create a clone, Chamo decided that now was as good a time as any for his Aniki to summon his future staff.

"Hey, Aniki," he called, "I'm going to teach you your first spell in the Uzumaki style. It is invaluable to any Uzumaki incase they are disarmed during combat." Naruto was a sucker for any new technique to get stronger, and agreed wholeheartedly to learn this new spell. "Good Aniki. Alright, this is one of the few Uzumaki techniques that can be used without a wand or something else to focus your power and one of the simplest spells that exist. It is also one of very few spells that can be done with chakra because of how simple it is. Just repeat after me and imagine reaching out and calling something towards you. Say the words Mea Virga."

Naruto nodded and concentrated on his energy. He followed his familiar's instructions and said the spell.

Mea Virga (My Staff)

Naruto felt a piece of his mind leave his body and travel to an unknown location. He couldn't see, couldn't hear, couldn't feel, but he knew where he was and he knew what was around him. He was deep within the walls of some kind of house or compound. He felt himself being guided through the dark, dank maze of the compound as he neared an exit. He found himself in open air and flew strait for Naruto's current position. The staff made its way to Naruto as he was still controlling it. The staff's sense of observation was focused on Naruto as Naruto watched his staff. It's surreal to observe oneself with a sense that they have never experienced before. It's like a blind man seeing his own reflection for the first time.

Naruto shook his head to free himself from the train of thought and grabbed the staff. It was a long wooden stick that was a little less than twice Naruto's height. It was wrapped in what looked like white bandages until the end. The end deviated from the strait line of the rest into what could only be described as the love child between a question mark and a lightning bolt. It was also at this curious ending that the bandages covering the rest of the staff separated into three separate pieces that shot out as if blown by a nonexistent wind.

"Aniki, with this staff you'll be able to access the full power of the Uzumaki bloodline, and it will help you focus your mana, ki, and chakra. Put it on your back and it will lock on automatically. Then try the kage bushin no jutsu again." (Shadow clone technique)

Naruto nodded to show that he understood. He went through the hand seals for the technique and tried to summon as much chakra as when he got it to work the first time. Where the first time he barely got the clone to appear at all, this time it came far more easily and there were six more than last time. That meant that he wasted that much chakra and that his chakra control was that pathetic beforehand. No wonder he was never able to pull off a simple bushin no matter how hard he tried.

Chamo was thinking along a similar train of thought. "Hmm, it looks like Aniki's control has gotten better like I thought it would. From what I saw before I would say that it is low genin level now. Not bad considering the chakra he would have wasted on a simple henge before could kill a normal genin." "Aniki," Chamo shouted out loud to get Naruto attention, "Now that we have the staff, we should work on the Uzumaki techniques in the scroll that is still in the letter."

Naruto decided that Chamo hadn't led him wrong yet and quickly unsealed the last scroll. It was small scroll that was labeled, "Uzumaki Novice Scroll." Naruto laughed a little at how true that was before opening the scroll. There he found the three easiest elemental spells that existed, how they worked, and the appropriate way to channel his energy. However, before he started he realized something important. He had no idea how to control or use mana.

"Chamo, how to I actually use mana?" It was a simple question with a not-so-simple answer.

"Aniki, mana is the mental aspect of your chakra that is used to fuel your spells. For now, the only way for you to use it is to use a spell key that will allow you to split your chakra into mana and ki. The spell key that you will use will be the key that all Uzumaki use in the beginning. Practe Bigi Nar. After you use the spell key to access and channel your mana, you say the chant and name of the spell. The more complicated and powerful the spells, the longer the chants usually are while the beginner spells don't even need one. After you get to a certain level of skill, you can use a personalized spell key to use more mana and use larger more powerful spells but for now, the beginner key is plenty."

Once Naruto was done asking Chamo questions and felt that he understood what to do, he grabbed his staff from behind him and began chanting.

Practe Bigi Nar Ardescat (Practe Bigi Nar Burn)

To say that Naruto was disappointed with the result would be like saying that Orochimaru is only a little creepy. It's so understated that it's practically a lie. Naruto was expecting a stream of fire or a towering inferno. No. What he got was the equivalent of lighting a match. In fact, it would be far easier and more convenient to actually light a match. But he guessed if he ever needed a light, this spell would be useful one day. He moved on to the next one.

Practe Bigi Nar Lux (Practe Bigi Nar Light)

This one was slightly more impressive than the fire one. Instead of a small flame, Naruto got a medium sized orb of light that floated at the end of his staff. It also turned out that he could will the orb to move around him and make it go a couple of meters away. Naruto stopped channeling mana to the spell so he could try the last one when the small orb cracked then shattered violently. It released a blinding flash of light that stunned Naruto and Chamo. After recovering from being temporarily blinded, Naruto put that little bit of info away to use at a later date. The spell turned out to be an easy flashlight and, if needed, a flash grenade to blind enemies. He could definitely see use for that. Onto the next and final spell.

Practe Bigi Nar Vente (Practe Bigi Nar Breeze)

Now, from the other spells that Naruto had used, he was expecting a light breeze like the name says. He was expecting something that could maybe lift a few leaves from a tree. What he was not expecting was for a huge gale to exit his body in all direction, sending poor Chamo nearly flying through the woods and skipping along the grounds until he hit a tree. Mercifully, he was relatively unscathed if not a little dizzy. He was extremely lucky that he decided to lean the scroll against the shack he was training in front of or else his letters and the Scroll of Seals would have been blown away also. But then again, it was already stated that the boy had the devil's own luck. Ah, it seems that Chamo has made his way back into the clearing.

"Aniki, that was amazing. I have never seen a Vente spell that powerful before. Your affinity for wind must be incredibly powerful," then it seemed the Chamo realized something because he made the most perverted look an ermine could possibly make, "Hey Aniki, I didn't tell you about the Uzumaki Curse did I."

Now Chamo had Naruto attention, "No you didn't. What's going to happen? I'm not going to die or grow extra limbs now am I?" he asked in a near panic.

"No Aniki, none of that will happen. The real curse on the Uzumaki is that every member has one element that they are strongest in and that element becomes their primary element. Well, that is a part of the curse; the curse is that the Uzumaki are infamous for having obscene amounts of chakra, mana, and ki. Not to mention the difficulty of trying to control three different types of energy at once. This basically means that chakra control has always been a major issue for the Uzumaki clan. To solve this problem, they came up with using staffs and wands like the one you're holding that help to regulate and control their various energies, because once an Uzumaki accesses their mana, their bodies have to regulate all three different energy sources. However, the only way that the body can keep all of these energies in check is for the body and mind to be calm and focused, but there are times when being calm simply is not possible. Some example are when one is sneezing or angry," said Chamo before he was interrupted by Naruto.

"So my clan had problems with control, but they fixed it with staffs like this one," said Naruto in confusion, "Why is this worthy of being called a curse?"

"I wasn't finished," stated Chamo before flicking Naruto with his tail for interrupting him, "When an Uzumaki loses control of their powers, random events happen. This leads to what has been affectionately coined as the Uzumaki Curse. There have been cases where powerful Uzumaki had powerful curses. One used to simple catch fire every time he went to sleep. His wife was a powerful ice specialist that would always freeze the entire room when she slept also. Everyone always knew when they did…certain activities…because they could flood an entire floor. There was once an Uzumaki that every time he burped a fireball flew out and others that could cause blackouts when they got upset," Chamo stopped speaking when he noticed that his Aniki wasn't listening anymore.

Chamo watched his face and eyes as emotions passed through. The most prominent emotions he could see were a wishful longing and sorrow to know his family. He saw the desire to get to know his family mix the new dream to create his own, he saw the sadness of knowing that he will never meet them contradict the happiness of at least knowing who they are, or were, for the first time. Then he saw the one emotion that overshadowed the rest, an adamant determination to make his parents proud and bring back his clan to its former glory. That same determination to make the world see him for who he is, Uzumaki Naruto, heir of the Uzumaki clan, holder of the Ermine contract, and future master of chakra, mana, and ki. It was at that moment that Chamo saw in Naruto the makings of the next Thousand Master.

It was to this scene that Iruka arrived and spotted Naruto in the clearing, him, staff in hand, looking like he had just found his purpose in life. This nearly caused Iruka to pause but there were matters that were much more important, namely the large valuable scroll that was leaning against the cabin. "Naruto, what the hell do you think you are doing stealing the Forbidden Scroll. Do you have any idea how much trouble you're in?"

Naruto just looked at him while scratching the back of his head in embarrassment, "Hehehe, I guess you found me. I only got to learn one jutsu out of the scroll but my friend Chamo here helped me learn a lot of other stuff," he said as he held up the white ermine on the palm of his hand to show.

Iruka looked at the ermine skeptically but dismissed it as less important than the scroll, "Naruto, you've been here learning all of this time?" Upon getting a nod from the blond boy he asked another question, "Naruto, where did you get that scroll over there," he said indicating the Scroll of Seals.

Naruto gave a toothy smile to his sensei, "Oh this? Mizuki-sensei told me about this scroll and about this place too. He told me that if I showed you a skill from this scroll, I'd definitely graduate," Naruto said with that big toothy grin of his.

That was when Chamo's ears picked up the sound of air being sliced. "Aniki, dodge right NOW," he warned urgently. Something about his voice told Naruto to listen so he did as instructed and jumped the hell out of the way. Iruka, unfortunately, was so stunned by the fact that the ermine spoke that he didn't dodge the barrage of kunai that nailed him to the wall.

Mizuki appeared crouched on a nearby tree limb, "Naruto, give me the scroll," he commanded.

"No, don't give him the scroll even if you die," shouted Iruka, "That is a dangerous scroll that has forbidden ninjutsu sealed within it, and Mizuki used you in order to get his hands on it."

"Naruto, there's no point in you having it. I'll tell you the truth," Mizuki began which prompted Iruka to scream at him to not say whatever he was about to say but he continued anyway, "Naruto, you know about the demon fox being sealed twelve years ago right?" This was giving Naruto a very bad feeling and Chamo had an even worse one about where this was going. "Naruto, the truth is that you are the demon fox that killed Iruka's parents and nearly destroyed the village. You were sealed away by the very man you admire." Mizuki's voice then became quieter, like some sick corruption of calm logic, "Didn't you find it odd how everyone hated you?" A simple question that, any other time, could have easily been ignored. A simple question that was devastating for the young blond. His fingers clenched around his staff until the knuckles turned white as his anguish sent his chakra, mana, and ki haywire. His energy dragged the wind along for the ride creating his namesake. Naruto Uzumaki, a small boy in pain, was surrounded on all side by a maelstrom of gale force winds.

Chamo, having made the intelligent choice of hopping inside Naruto's shirt when Mizuki appeared, popped his head out of Naruto's collar. "Aniki, you have to calm down," he tried to tell Naruto but he was too far from the world. He was trapped in his memories, reliving his tragic past as pieces of the puzzle fit themselves together with frightening clarity. Chamo would have no choice but to hope he got through to him, "Naruto, you aren't the demon fox, you aren't the Kyuubi. Would a demon cry after reading that letter? Would a demon try to have friends? Would a demon be my Aniki? You are Uzumaki Naruto, the heir of the Uzumaki clan, sole wielder of the Mahou Uzumaki (Mystic Whirlpool) bloodline, and this village's future hokage." Just when Chamo was about to say something else, he noticed that the wall of wind around them was slowly dissipating.

Iruka and Mizuki watched the wall of wind in wonder. (A/N alliteration) They both could have sworn that they heard a voice from within the super-localized storm that was the Uzumaki, but it didn't sound like Naruto's voice and they couldn't make out what it was saying over the howling winds. Then the storm began to dissipate and both of them met a surprise when the wind and dirt finally settled. There was Naruto, holding that strange staff of his, pointed strait at Mizuki, and glowing in a bright white light. Then they heard it.

Practe Bigi Nar Vente

What came out of this made the gust from the first spell look like a summer breeze. Mizuki tried his best to stay attached to the tree, and in the end he succeeded in keeping his feet firmly attached to that tree. It was just too bad that the tree didn't do that good of a job keeping itself attached to the ground. Mizuki, that tree, and about half a dozen others were thrown through the air and launched away at very literal breakneck speeds. Mizuki, from what could only be described as pure unadulterated luck, managed not to be killed by the many tons of wood flying though the air along with him. However, he did not manage to avoid being pinned to the ground by the very tree he was standing on. Naruto let a small smile slip onto his face as he fell to one knee from the exhaustion of using almost all of the mana in that one attack. He heard Chamo yell his name as he crawled out of his jacket and watched over him and saw Iruka limp his way closer to him.

Iruka stopped in front of the blond boy and plopped himself down on his butt, partly out of exhaustion from getting stabbed so many times and partly so that he is at eye level with the kneeling boy. "Naruto, close your eye. There is something that I want to give you." Naruto looked skeptical seeing how Mizuki said he killed Iruka's parents not five minutes ago. However, with a little prodding from Chamo, he acquiesced to Iruka's request. When he opened his eyes though, he looked up to see that Iruka was no longer wearing his hitai-ate. He slowly reached up and touched the cool metal and traced the engraved symbol like it was a holy message in Braille. On his head was the symbol of one becoming a ninja and reaching adulthood in the village hidden in the leaves. Naruto did the only thing that he could think of; he tackled Iruka in the biggest hug he could give.

Omake (my first one, also an exhibition of Chamo's abilities)

Naruto gave a toothy smile to his sensei, "Oh this? Mizuki-sensei told me about this scroll and about this place too. He told me that if I showed you a skill from this scroll, I'd definitely graduate," Naruto said with that big toothy grin of his.

That was when Chamo's ears picked up the sound of air being sliced. Chamo suddenly jumped from Naruto's shoulder and cast a spell.

Camo magi camo magister, Reflexio. (Chamo's personal spell key, Reflection)

In front of Chamo appeared a large spinning disk of ice that blocked and deflected the barrage of kunai. Both Iruka and Mizuki had the same WTF look on their faces at seeing Chamo use what they thought was a jutsu. But the small ermine wasn't done yet.

Frigerans Exarmatio (freezing disarmament)

Mizuki saw the blast of icy wind coming towards him but didn't have time to dodge. He tried to protect himself as best he could as what he thought was a jutsu was soon upon him. The first thing that the spell did was blow away all of his fuuma shuriken and his weapons pouch. He opened his eyes only to see his sleeves were freezing over before quickly shattering. Soon his entire sleeve was gone but the spell didn't end, it kept going and going until Mizuki was stripped of all of his clothes.

Mizuki was left covering himself as well as he could while Iruka was pointedly looking anywhere but at him. Naruto cocked his head to the side in a show of confusion before turning to Iruka. "Iruka-sensei, isn't that supposed to be bigger?"

Poor Iruka couldn't even sputter a response while Mizuki turned red in either embarrassment or anger; it was hard to tell. "Your damn ferret just hit me with a blast of cold, it's not usually like that," yelled the traitor in his defense.

"Sure it isn't," came an unconvinced reply from behind Mizuki. He had just enough time to widen his eyes in surprise before being knocked unconscious and falling out of the tree. Chamo landed daintily on the back of his head, before looking at the other two and saying "Well that was easy."

Iruka looked like his brain was having a meltdown. He then heard the distinct sound of a puff of smoke to his right and saw Naruto with seven different clones. "So Iruka-sensei," they all spoke in tandem, "do I get to graduate now? Iruka-sensei? Iruka-sensei! Chamo, he fainted."

Well, that was the first chapter of Naruto of the Mystic Whirlpool. I really like the Negima series and it just works with Naruto. Also, I know that I am a new writer but please give a review. Complements are appreciated as are constructive criticism. If there is a large hole in the plot that I didn't see, tell me so I can fix it. Also, if anyone knows of a good English to Latin translator I would appreciate it.

Go ahead and write a review.