So we left off with our totally AWESOME hero and heroine about to kick one another's behinds… right…?

There might be some pervyness with Kyuubi… sorry…

So let's get to the story!!

Hinata stood, feet apart, hands in front of her, rigid as a board. She knew he did not want to face her, not out of arrogance, mind you, but out of fear that he would hurt her. Naruto did not know that she could practically hold her own against anyone.

Naruto simply stood waiting for this farce to be over. They really didn't expect him to harm the little woman that stood not twenty feet from him. He could kill her, not on purpose of course, but still, one horribly placed kick, punch, or attack would kill her. He was surprised when she took a defensive stance and seemed ready to give him a challenge with this fight.

He waited and waited for either of them to pop out and say, "Ha-ha, fooled you!" But no such surprise came. So Naruto dropped into what he saw as a stance. Loose muscles, relaxed joints, and blank face. He had fought this way for as long as he could remember.

They faced each other off for what seem hours and when Gai had about had enough and was about to leave, he watched as Hinata suddenly bolted across the field and aim a kick at the side of her opponent's head.

Naruto's eyes widened and he ducked just in time and whirled a safe distance from the hellion who had attacked him. Hinata followed him, placing attack after attack, willing him to fight back so Gai could observe him. But Naruto kept dodging and evading her.

She placed a kick by his head but he scrunched down and the attack hit nothing but air. He was quick; she had to give him that. Even Tenten had roused herself from her nap to watch them duke it out.

Naruto put his first offensive move in the form of a foot behind hers and pulled her leg out from under her. Hinata landed ungracefully on her bottom and watched as Naruto's blank face was now a 'Ha, I got you' smirk.

'OH, now, you've done it Naru-kun' Hinata thought with fake anger, she was happy that he was actually fighting back now. She maneuvered her weight and sprang up and hit two back tucks and landed on her feet and then brought her hand up and wagged her fingers at Naruto, an invitation to come and get it.

Naruto's smirk became a full fledged grin and he obliged her, charging her with magnificent speed. Hinata looked ready when he grasped her around the middle, but was shocked all the same; he had such speed!

She tucked under herself and escaped his hold and hooked her leg around ankles and pulled hard. This little move caused the man of such great girth and weight, to fall flat to the ground.

Hinata mounted him; her knees under his arms, hers hands splayed beside his head.

"Do you yield?" Hinata gasped, adrenaline making her unaware of the position she held.

Meanwhile, in the dark crevice of Naruto's mind, Kyuubi grew restless. "Take her. Look at her. She enjoys the way she now sits atop you!"

Naruto pushed away the fox. "No." he seethed.

Naruto looked at the goddess above him and smiled, raising himself up off the ground until he was eye level with the fighting hellion, his nose dusting hers. "Never." he teased, then he settled down in the dirt and put his arms behind his head, the very image of comfort.

Hinata rolled her eyes at the male arrogance she had never witnessed in the young man. She rolled off him and assumed her stance once more. Waiting for him to get off his cute posterior and fight her like he meant it.

"Alright! Your choice, not mine." Hinata shrugged, not wanting to continuing, but having to because of the lack of opponents. They resumed their fighting, like clockwork. One attacked, the other dodged.

Hinata remembered times like these. Times with her friends, training. Laughing, playing around. She had none of that now. Not since she had abnegated her claim to the heir of her clan.

Unbeknownst to either of the people fighting, Gai had seen enough and left quietly, not wanting to anger either one of them. He had watched both Kiba and Tenten leave when they had gotten bored with the spar. But Gai had stayed waiting to gather enough information to tell the Hokage. Now that he had it he was leaving.

Naruto marveled at the speed the little woman before him had. To yank a man of his height and weigh off of his feet took muscle, and a lot of it. She had it. He had never had to fight one of the women who had owned him. Normally, because the women who bought him were fragile things, he doubled as a bodyguard as well as whatever she wanted him for.

But not with Hinata. Nothing was normal with her. He had not had to do one thing that he normally did with her that he had done with anyone else. He didn't even have to dress like he did when he was owned by another woman; they normally preferred him to dress shirtless or in form fitting clothing. But not Hinata. Hell, she about had a heart attack when he walked around in nothing but his trousers.

But, he kind of liked that becoming blush that stole over he cheeks when he did, though. It made her look angelic. Her breathing got shallow to, like she had just run a course, and that combined with that blush, he had to hold himself in check.

What do you think?

…………………………………Oh my pulling your leg, how could I quit after only 752 words…

Sorry couldn't resist doing that!!

Enjoy the rest!!

"Wait! Stop! Enough, Naruto!" he chastised himself. He was used to wanting things he had no hope of getting, but he normally pushed the wanting beside. Why couldn't do that now? He had done so a million times before with the thought of freedom and love. Then he had been there so long he had forgotten what freedom was.

'You will never be worthy of anyone, especially a woman of you own. You are nothing but a machine for a short time's pleasure, nothing more. You have no heart…' A voice snapped out of nowhere.

The voice stung like a million bees. He hated it, hated being exactly what she had said, hated knowing that he would never have the love he wanted so desperately, hated knowing that it was true.

He stopped mid-motion and had Hinata barrel into him with the force of a wild bear. They tumbled for a time and finally landed Naruto straddling the small woman.

As if on reflex, his legs seized up and his body weight pressed the tinier form into the ground. As if he had done the position a million times, which he had, he gripped both of her hands and held them above her head.

Hinata suddenly felt her head being forced up and looking into the eyes of the man she had never seen before. These weren't the eyes of the sweet, meek, gentle man she had found at the hospital. These were the eyes of a man desperate and furious.

She wondered briefly about what he was angry about. But that thought wasn't entertained long, as Hinata's mouth was soon being burned by the heat of a insane kiss.

Naruto's mouth scorched against hers with a cunning accuracy that was part art form and part natural talent. It was nothing like the awkward kisses she'd tried in the past. He kissed her aggressively, demanding and coaxing at the same time. Like he wanted her, as if he needed her to respond to his kisses, touches.

Hinata relaxed against the hold of the enraged male that held her captive, her heart fluttered like a bird caught in a snare. Naruto accepted the act with a sweep of his tongue, seeking the woman that was hidden behind the shy, shuddering girl that was Hinata.

Naruto growled low in his chest, she tasted sweet, so unbelievably sweet. The sound startled Hinata, it sounded like a wild animal was with her instead of Naruto.

'Well', she thought, 'we are outside…' she let the thought slip past her then snagged it back. She was outside! Outside of all places! She stilled under the hold of the man above her.

Naruto was to preoccupied to notice that Hinata was no longer responding to his kisses. But he did notice when she let loose a gasp. He raised his head with a laziness that said he had all the time in the world. As he looked upon the woman, he realized what he was doing and with whom.

"Hinata, I… I… I am so sorry." He injected in a small voice. The whispered words did not even begin to convey how sorry he was for forcing this on her. The sweet, shy lady who had given him a second chance at a life with some meaning. He had soiled her, tarnished her worth among others of her class. Naruto relinquished his place above her and stood. Naruto's eyes roamed over the woman; her mouth was swollen from his kisses, her eyes dilated, the white irises gone from waxen snow to smokey cream.

Hinata followed suit and looked frantically around for Gai. 'He must have left before we had finished.' Hinata thought. She looked up at Naruto and saw the pain in his eyes.

"Naruto, I was shocked. I was not… I am not… I did not mean for you to feel rejected… I have never been touched as you have touched me…" Hinata said as her gaze finding a stray piece of twig very interesting at the moment.

Never been touched as he had touched her! Naruto was stunned. Were men here utter fools? So blind, that they would let this woman, with her kind nature and beauty, go by this long with out being claimed in a marriage?

Obviously they were.

But Naruto let her comment go by without any words from him. She didn't need him criticizing her love life. Lord knows, she could say more than enough about his. Hinata grew red-faced when Naruto said nothing.

But she read the look in his eyes when he looked at her, the look of understanding and compassion. She released a sigh she had not known she had held. They made their way home in an oddly comfortable silence.

When they returned home they each nibbled on whatever they found they were hunger for and went to bed early. Naruto hoped she would fall asleep on the couch again, so he would have some excuse to sidle up in Hinata's bed again.

"Hahaha… and you say I'm perverted" the ever present feather-duster loomed in the back of Naruto's head. Snickering at the thoughts going through Naruto's mind, making the spirit edgy with anticipation.

'Will you SHUT UP!?' He griped back at the animal-spirit. This got the animal to cease his comments. The rest of the night was silent from the Kyuubi but Naruto got almost no sleep.

He kept dreaming of a pale goddess, who accepted the gold god, loving him with all her heart even thought the god though he did not deserve the female deity's love and devotion.

He awoke periodically every hour almost but finally gained the sleep he wanted around two o' clock. He slept cautiously, just dozing in and out of a peaceful sleep for the rest of the night until dawn.

But the pale goddess still haunted his dreams. A lovely phantom of the woman who slept in the other room. So unaware of the events that transpired within the mind of the man who wanted her more than he knew he wanted his own freedom.

ok peoples

what'd you think?

and for those You, When No One Else lovers it will be up by Friday, April 18, 2008

love you buddies bye bye