Author has written 10 stories for Bones. So who am I? I'm a Christian, wife, mother, writer, and all around crazy person who thinks sanity is way overrated. I love writing, reading, computer games, and the life God has blessed me with. Favorite TV shows, past and present: All Star Trek Battlestar Galactica Bones Buffy the Vampire Slayer Angel Law and Order Favorite pairings: Buffy/Angel Bones/Booth Hodgins/Angela Willow/Oz Some other stuff - Right now the only fanfic I've been writing is for the television show "Bones." The show just seems to lend itself to fanfiction! Having said that, I have no intention of breaking the law or infringing on anyone's copyright, so if I'm ever asked to stop I will. My fanfiction philosophy (is there such a thing?) is to keep the characters IC and the story as close to canon as possible. My attitude is if you want a character to behave a certain way and the canon of the show doesn't support it, make up another character! I find non-canon character death stories very difficult to read (I can't finish 98% of them) even if they are well written. It's just the way I'm wired. I use fanfiction to practice writing skills I hope to use in my paying fiction. I also promise that if I start a fiction, I will do all I can to finish it, even if it takes a while. Smacking me to remind me might help, worth a try! I love reading other people's fanfic as you can tell by all my favorite stories. Always like hearing from readers, feel free to send me a message! I am grateful for all your responses and while I don't always answer back (sorry) I am touched by the things you write to me. I will try to do a better job of responding in the future. Just be patient with me, I have this thing called a life and it's a challenge to find time for everything! Update (4/29/13): So yeah, I haven't updated in a while. I know I said I would finish what I start, and I have at least one fanfiction (the 100 prompts one) that I should really get back to someday. I'm looking for ways back in, so please, if you are a reader, be patient. |