Chapter 16
One week later at Brennan's apartment
"In other news today Crime Boss Anthony Salvalzo has been indicted on charges of murder, attempted murder, arson, and money laundering. The FBI credits three of their fallen agents for finally bringing one of the worst criminals in DC history in," the news anchor on the television said. Booth turned the volume down and looked over to Brennan who was sitting next to him on her sofa.
"Well nothing left to do but see if he's convicted," he told her.
"I certainly hope he is. So many lives were ruined because of him," Brennan agreed. Silence settled between the partners as they stared at the screen watching the news unfold. Both were happy that life had settled back into some sort of a normal pattern. Booth had left the hospital this morning, earlier than the doctors expected. Brennan had promised to keep an eye on him and refused to let him go home to his place. Parker would be over soon and she was sure that a father-son afternoon would be just what the doctor ordered.
The Squint Squad had made regular visits to see Booth at Walter Reed and despite what the FBI agent said, Hodgins, Zach, and he grew to be more like best friends. There were still some things that they wouldn't talk about but they certainly were closer. Angela teased them about being girly and the faces they made, made Brennan and the forensic artist laugh.
The silence in the room had grown oppressive and now Booth turned to Bones. The look of consternation on her face made him wonder what was going on in her head.
"Bones, are you all right?" He asked.
"How can I be?" She wondered. Not exactly prepared for her answer Booth had a confused look on his face.
"I killed someone," the forensic anthropologist murmured. At this, her partner pulled her close to him and kissed her hair.
"Bones, you protected yourself and you saved me. I know that you didn't want to do it but Sam forced your hand," he told her.
"Still I took a life. I'm as bad as those people we arrest Booth," Brennan told him.
"Don't think like that. You will never be as bad as the people that we bust. I refuse to let you believe that. The State's Attorney cleared you; it was self-defense. Both he and Cullen agreed that if anyone asked, you have full protection as if you actually worked for the FBI," Booth hoped that his words were reaching her. She turned his head to look at him and gave him a slight smile. Her mind was telling her that he was right but her conscience was still arguing with him. In fact the forensic anthropologist surprised her partner by not belaboring the point, he'd made.
"Again I am sorry that I couldn't protect you from doing what you had to do," Booth hoped that she would open up later when they lay in bed.
"Well I have a gun and to not expect to use it is kind of unintelligent. I never realized what it really felt like until I had to use it and hopefully I won't have to for the rest of my life," Brennan told him.
"So if we stick to our old division of labor, then you won't have to. I shoot them, you cuff them," the G-man nodded.
"Sounds good to me," she smiled and she came up to meet Booth's lips as he came down to meet hers. The forensic anthropologist grabbed hold of his cotton t-shirt and pulled him closer. Her elbow accidentally bumped into the gauze that Booth still wore to protect his stitches. Booth tensed up and she quickly let go of him.
"I'm sorry," she said.
"Not your fault. It's just a shame that the doctor told me to take it easy until next week," he smirked. Brennan chuckled at his dirty insinuation.
"Well once those stitches come out, there's no telling what will happen," she told him.
"Is that a threat or a promise?" Booth asked. Brennan's answer was to pull him close and kiss him.
"What did Cullen whisper to you in the hospital?" She asked.
"He told me that we'd discuss everything when I came back to work and that I should focus on getting better," he told her.
"That's all he said?" Brennan looked at him incredulously.
"That and I'll be chained to my desk for three weeks before being able to go into full active duty," Booth nodded. Just then a knock on the door prompted Brennan to leave her comfy seat on top of Booth and answer it.
"Tempe!" Parker's high-pitched voice filled the apartment.
"Parker! Come on in," Brennan couldn't help but smile.
"Daddy!" Again the little boy's voice called out as he entered the apartment.
"Bub! Come here buddy," Booth opened his arms and took his son into them. Brennan watched the reunion and smiled. She turned to Rebecca and said,
"Thanks for bringing him over. Booth and I really appreciate it,"
"I'm just glad that both of you are ok. I'll be back to pick him up on Sunday," Rebecca gave a slight smile and then left Brennan standing in the doorway.
"Come on Tempe! Daddy promised we'd watch Rat-tat-touee," Parker told her excitedly.
"I'll be right there," Brennan smiled as she closed the doorway. She couldn't think of a better way to spend the weekend with the two men that meant the most to her.
The End
Hope you all enjoyed this. Thanks so much for all the reviews. Have a happy and safe holiday. :) Another fic is hopefully coming this upcoming weekend.