A/N: Yes, a new story! Sorta new, though it's been simmering on the back burner for a while...

For those of you who were spoiled by my quick updates with "Closure" and "Are You Smarter than a Serial Killer," please understand that like those two, this story is unfinished - I only have the first 4 chapters written. Therefore more time will pass between updates.

But I promise I'll finish it. It may take a while, but I'll get to the end of the tale at some point.

Disclaimer: Nope, don't own them. Glad HH likes fanfic!

So, anyway, here's the beginning...

"I can't believe it," Hodgins said as he slumped into a hard wooden chair in the conference room Caroline Julian had herded the team into.

"With all the evidence we have," Brennan said as she chose a seat next to Booth, "what makes Heather Taffet think she has any chance of a jury finding her not guilty?"

Caroline shook her head as she looked at this group of smart people. "Cherie, she thinks she has a chance because she and her lawyer," she winced to herself – why did her ex-husband have to take on cases like this? – "believe they can convince a jury that you all fabricated the evidence we're using."

"But that's ridiculous!" Brennan protested. "The evidence wasn't fabricated – we gathered it properly! Once the jury sees the facts they'll find her guilty."

Caroline rolled her eyes. "Oh Lord, how can a roomful of smart people be so dumb? Dr. Brennan, you of all people should know that juries can be swayed by something besides facts."

Brennan's cheeks colored. She tried to cover up her embarrassment by pouring water from the glass pitcher on the table.

Cam spoke up her arms crossed on the polished table. "Ms. Julian, two questions; one, what do we need to do to bolster your case, and two, are you planning to charge any of my people for their actions in this case?"

"Well," Caroline said, flipping open a folder, "To answer your first question – Dr. Saroyan, I don't normally want to tell you how to run your lab, but in this case, I demand that Bug-man over there have nothing more to do with anything with the evidence. I know it's closing the barn door after the horse has bolted, but it's better than nothing."

Hodgins frowned, dropping his gaze to his clenched hands on the table. He'd expected this. It didn't mean he had to like it. He felt Angela's eyes on him – it made him feel better and worse at the same time.

"Fine," Cam said. "Dr. Hodgins will not be involved in our reexamination of the case. Anything else?"

"Well, in our detention of Ms. Taffet we got a warrant for her home," Caroline said. "I'm having everything sent to the Jeffersonian. See if you can come up with something to throw in that woman's face so she'll accept a deal."

"A deal?" Hodgins said, glaring at Julian. "She's killed people! She almost killed me, Dr. Brennan, and Booth! And you want to cut her a deal?"

"DOC-ter Hodgins!" Caroline snapped back. "Your stealing of evidence is exactly the reason it would be better to accept a deal. Do you have ANY idea what the sentence is for stealing evidence and then destroying said evidence?"

"If he hadn't, I'd probably be dead now," Booth said in a low voice. "Does that count for anything?"

Caroline looked at the FBI agent, noting the dark circles under his eyes and the slump of his shoulders. "Booth, out of all the FBI agents I'm forced to work with, you usually annoy me the least. So yes, the fact that AUSA Taffet was alleged to be pulling illegal strings in this does count for something. It's why I'm working on persuading the government to waive any charges."

She turned to the group in general. "However, if you all want that to be a done deal, you're gonna have to work on burying us in evidence. So get your squinty butts in gear and get it done!"

She was shoving her files into her portfolio when Booth spoke up again. "Caroline, what about my brother?"

"Cherie, you know I'd do anything for you but I'm not authorized to represent anyone before a military tribunal. Best I can give you is persuading the civil authorities to let the Navy handle him."

Booth frowned. "I know, but…I have to do something."

Caroline felt her resolve crumbling as she looked at those big brown eyes pleading with her. Lord how does that partner of his resist him? If I were younger… "All right, Booth, I'll make a couple of phone calls. There might be someone I can recommend for your brother. All right?"

"Yeah, thanks," Booth said with a nod. Dr. Brennan was watching him, clearly worried. Caroline stuffed the rest of her files in her bag. "All right, people, I got places to go. Get me that evidence!"

People stood and began to drift towards the door. Hodgins looked at Booth and Brennan, then steeling himself, went up to the agent. "Booth man, thanks for defending me there."

Booth looked at him, his eyes hard. "I did it for Bones. I know she doesn't want to see you in jail."

Hodgins flinched. Angela joined the small group by the door.. Cam hung back, frowning.

"Booth," Angela said. "You need to understand just how bad Jack feels –"

"I don't care, Angela," Booth said. "Hodgins, I don't have anything to say to you. So just do your job and stay away from me." With that Booth strode out of the room.

Brennan sighed. "I'll talk to him, Jack. He's having a rough time.- you know how it was."

Hodgins sighed, his hands shoved into his jacket pockets. "Yeah. I get it."

Cam decided to step in. She clapped her hands to get the team's attention. "Okay, people. Dr. Hodgins, I'm going to ask you to work through some of our other cases so the rest of us can concentrate on gathering evidence. Let's go!"


He came home to find her sitting on the green couch. "Well?" she asked.

He sat down and began to rub her tense shoulders. "Heather agreed to plead not guilty – for now."

"What do you mean, 'for now?'" she snapped, her eyes widening.

"Shh," he said, wrapping his arms around her. "If it looks like we can't dismiss the evidence, she thinks pleading guilty will be the best for you."

"She's wrong!" the woman insisted. "I'm not going to let that witch of a doctor take Heather away from me!"

"Sweetheart, Heather's just trying to protect you," he said, kissing her forehead. "That's why she tried to tie up all the loose ends – for you."

The woman shook her head, angry tears in her eyes. "If that woman takes Heather away from me, I swear I'll take someone from her!"