Thank you for your kind reviews. This is the last chapter. It's longer than most of my chapters but I don't think you will mind.
I don't own Bones.
Moving slowly, Booth walked through the brush and undergrowth as quietly as he could but he knew he was failing to maintain the silence they needed. His head was throbbing, his legs felt like water and the child trailing him was exhausted and hungry. He was certain that if he hadn't been hurt they'd already be in Harper's Ferry but the weakness he'd been dealing with since he'd been hurt had greatly affected him and he worried that he was going to die before he got Kathy to safety.
They'd been following the river for about thirty minutes and he was certain they weren't too far from highway 340. Cursing his weakness Booth plodded along, his head muzzy and his strength slowly leaving him. The child aware that Booth was in distress had stopped holding onto his jacket and had taken his hand in hers. Moving in front of him, she started pulling him steadily behind her. Watching where she was walking, she kept the river to her left and moved cautiously through the woods, her FBI agent now docile, letting her lead.
Approaching a piece of heavy undergrowth, Kathy made the decision to veer towards the river, pulling Booth behind her. Once they were closer to the river, the child decided it would be easier to walk on the strip of beach, so she pulled Booth down the slight incline to the strip of beach and then walked downstream with fewer obstructions in their path. Spotting the bridge crossing the river in the distant, Kathy began to feel hope that her nightmare was almost over.
Moving steadily, Kathy suddenly felt her federal agent release her hand. Turning she saw him fall to the ground, his eyes closed, his breathing shallow. Rushing to his side, Kathy knelt down beside him and rubbed his shoulder, "It's alright, you rest for a few minutes and then we'll go, just rest."
Moving up river, Small kept his eyes on the tracks while White kept an eye on the surrounding woods. Shaking his head, Small sighed, "They keep stopping. I don't like it."
Stepping out onto the river bank, White peered ahead, "Booth is getting weak. We need to hurry."
Nodding his head, Small agreed, "You're right, they're following the river. Let's pick up the pace. I don't think they're that far ahead of us. They've stopped so many times I think we've almost caught up with them."
Following Cogan, Trooper and Curry soon heard the distant sound of the river ahead. Curry remarked, "When we get to the river, I bet he heads up river. I bet he's thinking he can cut off Booth before he gets to Highway 340."
Shaking his head, Trooper responded, "I won't take that bet. I think he'll do the same thing. Let's try to hurry. Cogan is still ahead of us."
Nodding his head, Curry started moving faster, Trooper close on his heels.
Sitting next to Booth, Kathy thought she heard a noise down river. Afraid, she shook Booth's shoulders, but he was unconscious and she couldn't get him to wake up. Nervous, she flipped the holster open on Booth's hip and pulled his .45 from it's resting place. Moving around Booth, she squatted in front of him, "Don't worry, I'll protect you."
Resting the barrel of the gun on her knees, she soon saw someone approaching them. Soon her father was close enough for her to recognize him even though the sun was starting to set, making it more difficult to see the man.
Cogan, spying his daughter squatting in front of a man laying on the ground, motioned for the girl to come to him, "I knew I hurt that bastard. Kathy, you come here."
Terrified, the child held up the heavy gun and screamed, "No, you go away. Leave us alone."
Furious, Cogan took a few steps closer, "If you don't drop that gun and come here I'm going to beat the shit out of you. No one pulls a gun on me, not even my own daughter."
Shaking her head, the child screamed once more, "You go away, Dad. Leave us alone. Booth and me are going to that town across the river. You leave us alone."
His temper barely under control, Cogan took another step and raised his rifle, "You see this rifle, I'm going to shoot your friend and then I'm going take that gun from you and I'm going to give you a well deserved whipping you hear me?"
Shouting in anger and fright, Kathy raised her gun and warned him, "I'll shoot you like you shot my Mom. I'll shoot you if you don't leave us alone. We want to go to town. Leave us alone."
Sneering, Cogan lifted his gun and aimed it at Booth's head, "I warned you, you stupid girl."
Moving his finger towards the trigger, Cogan heard the sound of the crack of a rifle shot and immediately afterward felt intense pain in his lower chest. Dropping his rifle, he looked down at the bright red blossom growing on his chest. Puzzled, he placed his hand over the wetness and fell to the ground.
Terrified the pre-teen turned and aimed her gun at Small and White and they approached, "Leave us alone. Please leave us alone."
Lowering his rifle to the ground, Small held his hands up, "Sweetie . . . Kathy . . . I'm a friend of Booth's. Me and Bill are here to help him and you. . . . You saw what I did to your Dad, I did that to protect you and Booth. . . . Lower the gun, Sweetie."
Trembling, Kathy slowly lowered the gun and started to cry, "Please help us. Please help us."
Racing to Booth's side, Agent White knelt by the agent and felt for Booth's pulse. Retrieving his phone from his jacket pocket, he noticed he had bars, "Thank God."
Small, walking over to where Bruce Cogan lay, retrieved the man's rifle from the ground and slipped the strap holding the shotgun against the murderer's back away from him. He then frisked the downed man and removed a knife from a sheath at the man's waist. Once that was accomplished, he felt for Cogan's pulse. Standing up, he carried the confiscated weapons over to where Booth lay and informed White, "The guy is still alive."
Laying across Booth's chest, Kathy stared into the face of her friend, "Please wake up Booth. Please wake up."
Waking, Booth stared at the ceiling and puzzled over what he was seeing. Reaching up to touch the wound on his head, Booth felt clean gauze instead of the squishy pad he'd been feeling for the last two days. Spying a pole with a bag hanging from it, tubes descending to his arm, he realized he was safe. Fidgeting, he turned to look around the room and spied his wife, asleep on a chair. Concerned, Booth tried to remain silent so that he wouldn't disturb her but his need to speak to her was almost overwhelming. His dilemma was taken out of his hands when she opened her eyes and smiled at him. "Thank goodness, I was beginning to worry." Standing she moved over to the bed and kissed him.
Her kiss a balm that he needed, Booth returned the kiss, taking comfort from her.
A nurse peeking into the room around the door, smiled and withdrew from the doorway, closing the door behind her.
Satisfied that he was awake and aware, Brennan remarked, "We were all worried about you."
His curiosity demanding an answer, Booth asked, "Bones, what are you doing here?"
Leaning over and kissing him again, Brennan pushed away the fear that had been nibbling at her since she'd arrived and found him unresponsive. "They called me and told me that you'd been located and that you were in the hospital with a severe concussion and dehydration. I had to come, Booth. I needed to make sure you were okay."
Placing his hands on her arms, Booth returned her kiss, "I'm fine. I have a headache but I think I'm okay. The last thing I remember was walking through the woods with Kathy. Is she okay? Nothing happened to her did it?"
Shaking her head, Brennan sighed, "Booth, she's fine. They told me that several agents were out looking for you and Kathy and found you next to the river. Cogan tried to kill you but one of the agents shot him before he got the chance. Cogan died on the operating table shortly after they started surgery. I would have been here sooner but no one told me where you were until six hours after you were found. I guess the situation was chaotic. I drove up here as soon as possible, but there was an accident on the 270 just below Germantown and I was trapped there for four hours while they tried to clear it up."
Kissing her again, Booth smiled, "You should have stayed home. I'm leaving here as soon as I can."
Entering the room, Dr. Meade frowned, "No, I'm afraid not, Agent Booth. I need you to stay until at least tomorrow. You're dehydrated and suffering from a severe concussion. Your wound site is infected and that sir is not good since we're talking about your head. We have you on antibiotics for that plus I'm not happy about the fact that the only water you did manage to drink was river water for the last couple of days. I can't let you go home until I see your fever go down at least."
Turning his gaze towards Brennan, Booth complained, "Bones, I want to go home. Take me home."
Shaking her head, Brennan placed her hand on his face and frowned, "No, Booth. You were unconscious for two days. This is the first time you've opened your eyes since they found you. You need to stay here until at least tomorrow. I'll be here so you won't be alone. Christine is with Dad so we don't have to rush home."
Annoyed, Booth turned to look at the doctor, "Fine. I'm hungry. When do I get to eat?"
Before he could answer, the door opened and a young girl raced into the room. Running over to the bed, Kathy climbed up on the bed and threw her arms around Booth's neck. Crying, the child kissed the agent's cheek. "I was so worried about you. They wouldn't let me see you until the doctors saw me and they made me eat and then they made me talk to some men and then I had to talk to my mom on the phone and then I talked to my grandma and then I told them I had to see you but they told me I had to wait for you to wake up and you did so here I am." Taking a deep breath, Kathy looked at Brennan, "Who are you?"
Smiling, Brennan answered the question, "I'm Booth''s wife, Dr. Temperance Brennan."
"Oh, I have a message for you." Glancing at Booth, Kathy wiped the tears from her face and turned her gaze back to Brennan, "Booth made me promise to tell you that he loves you when I saw you." Patting his chest, Kathy leaned down and then placed her hands on the sides of his face, "See, I remembered to tell her."
Chuckling, Booth winked at the child, "Thank you, Kathy. When are you going home?"
Swiveling around, Kathy pointed at Agent White who was standing in the doorway, "That man is going to take me to see my Mom. He said I could see you first so we waited for you to wake up."
Leaning around Kathy to see who she was pointing at, Booth smiled, "You take care of Kathy, Agent White."
Smiling, Bill nodded his head, "You bet although as far as I can tell, she can take care of herself."
Uncertain, Booth smiled at Kathy, "It was nice knowing you Kathy. Thank you for taking care of me."
Proud, Kathy smiled, "You're my friend, Booth. I had to take care of you."
Sliding down from the bed, Kathy waved at Booth as she walked over to where White was standing. "Okay, we can go see Mom now."
Taking the child's hand in his, the agent grinned, "Well, let's go then."
Watching the girl and the agent leave the room, Dr. Meade smiled, "That kid is a real trooper. She should be a nervous wreck but not her. She was bragging a little while ago that she plans to be an FBI agent when she grows up."
Glancing at the closed door, Booth smiled, "She did better than most adults I've had to deal with."
Patting Booth's shoulder, Meade informed him, "I'll have a light meal brought in for you." Patting him again he left the room, leaving Brennan and Booth alone.
Leaning over and kissing him, Brennan admitted, "I was very worried when they couldn't find you."
Moving over, Booth held his arm out, "Want to snuggle? I know I could use a real snuggle."
Taking her shoes off, Brennan laid on the bed on her side. Draping her arm around his chest, Brennan rested her head on his shoulder, "I love you Booth. I've loved you for a long time. I don't want to imagine my life without you. It's too unbearable."
His arm around her shoulders, Booth leaned down and kissed the top of her head, "I don't want to imagine a life without you either, Bones. I love you."
At home, sitting on their bed, Booth was flipping through the channels trying to find something interesting to watch when he noticed Brennan enter their bedroom, "Hey, I think I'm going to go downstairs and watch a movie. It's boring up here and I can't find anything to watch on TV."
Walking over to the closet, Brennan opened the door and retrieved Booth's memento box. Standing she turned and stared at her husband. "When you were missing, I . . . I did something that you may not approve of."
Wary, Booth flicked his gaze between his cedar box and Brennan's sad face, "Uh . . . what?"
Carrying the box over to the bed, Brennan sat down on the mattress next to her husband and opened the box. Removing the letter she'd opened, she turned and held it up for Booth to see."I was feeling sad that we couldn't find you and so I looked through your memento box. You've showed me some of the items in the box before, so I didn't see any harm in looking at them again . . . . I found this letter addressed to me and I opened it."
Rubbing his eyes, Booth leaned back on the headboard, "I probably should have thrown that away. Too much has happened since I wrote that."
Shaking her head slowly, Brennan asked, "Why didn't you? After you started a relationship with Hannah would you really have liked for me to have seen this letter if you had died?"
Smiling, Booth reached over and took the letter in his hands, "Yes, I think I would have. Everything in the letter is true and I meant what I wrote." Staring at the envelope, Booth frowned, "I was afraid that if I died over there, we'd have unfinished business between us and I didn't want that to happen. I wanted you to know that I loved you. I should have told you before you went over to Maluku but I didn't. Maybe that whole Hannah thing may have never happened if I'd just had the courage to tell you that . . . You needed to hear it Bones even if I couldn't do it in person. I didn't want you to think I blamed you for anything that happened between us. I loved you and I wanted to make sure that you knew that."
Reaching out and taking the envelope back, Brennan held it in her lap, "Thank you, Booth. If you had died it would have meant everything to read this letter. Thank you."
Reaching over and pulling her into a firm embrace, Booth sighed, "I love you Bones. I love you now more than ever. Don't ever forget that. When I was up on that mountain, I kept thinking of you and how I needed to get home to you and Christine. The thought of you being alone almost drove me crazy. It made me move when I didn't think I could move anymore."
"You asked Kathy to tell me that you loved me." Wiping a tear from her cheek, Brennan sniffed, "You were afraid that you were going to die and you asked the child to tell me that you loved me."
Smiling, Booth rubbed her back, "Yes, I wanted to remind you that I loved you. I didn't want you to think I left you on purpose. I'll never do that, Bones."
Leaning upwards, Brennan kissed her husband with an intense passion. Surprised, Booth returned the kiss until he felt entirely breathless.
Separating, Booth breathed deeply, "I'm fine, Bones. I'll be good as new in a few days, you'll see."
Kissing him lightly on the lips, Brennan smiled, "I know you will be. Are you hungry? I can go get you something."
Rolling over with her in his arms, Booth stared into her crystal blue eyes, "I'm very hungry, Bones, but not for food."
This is the last chapter of this story. Thank you reviewing it. I appreciated all of your reviews.