Reviews for The Lady in the Lake
Guest chapter 13 . 6/29/2012
Stupid ending
random individual chapter 10 . 3/20/2010
"Montana law requires parental notification..."

Um, HELLO, parental notification laws only apply if the mother is under the age of 18. If she was working in the mayor's office and living apart from her parents, she wasn't a minor. Plus, Brennan estimated her age in mid-20s to early 30s if I am recalling the earlier chapters correctly.

A more salient question is whether there was anywhere she could reasonably obtain an abortion in Montana. In the red states, one may have to travel across several counties, or even cross state lines, in order to obtain an abortion, because there are no abortion providers.
LeahElizabeth chapter 1 . 3/12/2009
Very good so far. I'm going to read the next few chapters.
mumrulz chapter 13 . 3/30/2008
And what a nice fluffy note to end a case heavy fic on. :-)

Another nice moment between then, when Brennan thanks him for looking out for her at the crime scene.

I have enjoyed this fic, you are very good at thinking out the cases & all the ins & outs of them, in a very logical manner.

Will look forward to whatever you serve up to us next.:-):-):-)
MoonlightGardenias chapter 13 . 3/30/2008
Glad to see that Booth and Brennan could find such a nice way to end the evening.;)...Great story; I look forward to reading any more.
JackO'NeillIsTheMan chapter 13 . 3/30/2008
Yay! I got the first chapter of the next one and I can't wait to read it.
mumrulz chapter 12 . 3/25/2008
Ok the case is now solved & soon they will be heading back home. Hopefully Booth & Brennan have able to conduct themselves in a professional manner while working on the case, & that Cullen is not aware of their personal relationship & given cause to break the partnership up.

You definately have a talent for coming up with case ideas & how to work them as well as tying up loose ends.

**“Temperance?” This time Booth’s voice sank in and she turned to him. He ignored the blood and brain matter that covered her front and wrapped his arms around her. At that moment it didn’t matter what the others in the room thought, it only mattered that she was all right.

...I thought that this show of caring was vry sweet.

Looking forward to seeing how things continue once they get back to DC. :-):-):-)
MoonlightGardenias chapter 12 . 3/23/2008
Glad that the case has been wrapped up, though I'm sure that being there would have been a scary experience. Everything in the case seems to be wrapped up, so I'll be waiting to see how you wrap this one up.
mendenbar chapter 12 . 3/23/2008
Not an unexpected end for Woodbridge, but still, wow! If I were Brennan, I don't think I would want those clothes back under any circumstancess!
mumrulz chapter 11 . 3/20/2008
Good to see Brennan this time hypothesizing over motives for the murder. Normally it is Booth & Brennan usually wants to wait for all the evidence before coming to a conclusion. LOL. He must be rubbing off on her.

**“Don’t for get what I said sweetie, enjoy the scenery,” a little chuckle came from the artist .

...Angela never gives up :-) Although this time Brennan should really take her advise. I think that they have been so focused on the case & acting professional, that they have forgotten that they do actually have a personal 'romantic' relationship...right down to the fact that they sleep in seperate motel rooms. LOL.

What with the dirt & the duct tape rolls as evidence, Tunney has no option but to come clean...& dobs everyone in it with him.

The loose ends are tying up nicely. Well done!:-):-):-)
MoonlightGardenias chapter 11 . 3/16/2008
So Tunney finally admitted it, I guess that's a start. It'll move the case along a little, but I know that it probably won't be that easy. Hope that things for Bobby work out too. Great update, I look forward to reading more!
mumrulz chapter 10 . 3/5/2008
Still enjoying this mystery. The pieces of the puzzle are starting to come together.

To what extent is Steve Croft involved?

Will they be Sam Tunney's fingerprints?

Who was the father of Sarah Dietrich's baby?

A lot of theorizing going on by Booth, Brennan & Bill.

Waiting for the next chapters to find out how close they are to the truth & answers to the above questions. :-):-):-)
allymcnally chapter 7 . 3/2/2008
Good chapter. Which episode were you referring to whe Brennan shot Sam while Booth was bleeding on the floor?
mumrulz chapter 9 . 2/27/2008
Haven't quite made up my mind about Croft yet. Good guy for Bobby or bad guy for the case? But I am very suspicious of his nephew Steve. lol.

Despite Brennan's conviction that her & kids just don't seem to understand each other, she is getting along very well with Bobby.

Wonder what the results of his tests will be?

A few more clues are turning up. Looking forward to the next chapter to see if these clues will end up leading anywhere. :-):-):-)
MoonlightGardenias chapter 9 . 2/24/2008
I liked the little moment between Brennan and Bobby, because even though it was brief, you could tell at the end there (when Booth was looking at her), that she was concerned about him. Of course she would be, but with the possibility of him going into foster care, it probably wouldn't rest easily on her. This seems a little off, but maybe that's just me. Anyway, I liked the update; looking forward to reading more next week!
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