Author has written 69 stories for Sailor Moon, Star Wars, Real Adventures of Jonny Quest, Dragon Ball Z, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, New Jedi Order, Chronicles of Narnia, Babylon 5, Law and Order: CI, X-Files, Firefly, Bones, Lost, and Warehouse 13.
19 MARCH 2010: I will no longer be posting my stories to this website. All new stories will be posted to my LiveJournal and/or AO3. I will not be removing my stories from this website, so no fear for your favorites and bookmarks. Feel free to follow me on either LJ or AO3 to get the latest fics.
This is the profile for the author formerly known as littleredduckie. I changed my pen name here so it would match the name I use on LiveJournal, to try to limit confusion for those who use both. No, my stories have not changed, just my pen name.
A note about "Falling and Fallen": I have reworked and finished this story and reposted under the title "Life Less Ordinary." Even if you've read every chaper of "Falling and Fallen," I would suggest that you read "Life Less Ordinary in its entirety. Most of the changes are minor, but they will add up in the end.