Author has written 36 stories for Lord of the Rings. 3/1: Still posting "Small and Passing Thing" (long story). Also adding chapters to "Runaway", which will be posted in its entirety (35 chapters) before the end of March. Have begun posting "Shire". Three stories at once? you say. Yes. You have the right of it.11/8: Have begun posting "A Small and Passing Thing", the sequel to "The Rebel". Alert reader Bob noticed that Meliloc Brandybuck was "Melilot" in the version of "Down and Out". Correction has now been made. Think what you like... either he's Melilot's twin brother, or there's a coincidence of names (as in "Merimac" and "Merimas"). It is important to get Meliloc straight as he will be appearing in "Solid Ground", a story to be posted sometime in the near future, I hope. If you happen to miss any mentions of Melilot where it ought to read "Meliloc" please drop me a line. It is more complicated because I am also using Melilot now as a character in several stories. If you cannot access ffnet for some reason, look at , as I am posting simultaneously to both sites 6/19: Ahem. The chapter count for "Merlin" does not reflect the actual number of chapters. For some reason, thinks there is one more chapter than is actually there. Chronological setting of stories thus far: Pre-Quest: 1418: 1419: 1420-1421: sometime after 1429: ("Young Steward" stories) 1434: 1435: "Ruffians" (Merry and Estella) 1437: "If Wishes Were Ponies" (Merry Brandybuck and Merry Gamgee go to Rohan) 1438: "FirstBorn" (8yo Faramir Took; story set 2-1/2 years after "Flames" ends) 1440: 1441: "At the End of His Rope" (which continues to about 1445) ("Thain") 1444: "Seeing Red" 1450-1455: "Where the Merlin Cries" (Fastred and Elanor) 1454-1455: "Truth" (Frodo Gardner) 1456: "Much Ado about Merry" (Frodo Gardner) 1463: "On Solid Ground" (Faramir and Goldi) sometime after 1484: If a story appears on the list but is not available at , it is in progress, outlined and awaiting writing at the very least. As noted above, if you cannot access ffnet for some reason, look at , as I am posting simultaneously to both sites. |