Author has written 4 stories for Lord of the Rings, and Yami no Matsuei. Hi. I tend to draw much more than I write these days. My work can be found at: http:/// Some fandoms are set in stone though and I still follow: Lord of the Ring's, Star Trek - The Original Series Sherlock Holmes, BBC Sherlock, TMNT, Dr. Who (predominantly the fourth Dr), Inuyasha, Due South, Batman, Naruto, Gundam Wing. 3 2015 - Update. Mainframe: Still alive! - But severely overworked. Stories will be continued when I can find the time to actually crowbar in some sleep to my work schedule. These stories are for fun and whilst I have very much enjoyed writing them and sharing them with you all online - constructive feedback will be the only feedback I respond to. The "Guest" who left that nasty, immature comment has since been blocked and their poison remove. Have a nice day. |