Author's note: Okay, this is not only my first Yami no Matsuei fic, but it's the first time I'm doing the whole chapter thing. My goal in doing this is to get more feedback from readers and because it seems to be more popular than the whole really long one-shot thing. .;; I'll try to post fairly regularly, and don't be too harsh on me - I've only seen the anime! I have no idea what goes on in the manga, just the things I've heard spoken of. Please let me know if you like it. Future chapters will be longer, I promise! That being said…on to the fic!

There were reasons Watari Yutaka kept to himself in his lab. He was known to be amiable, clumsy, and absent-minded by everyone. In truth, however, he saw a lot more than anyone else at EnMaCho. Watari, Tsuzuki, Hisoka, and Konoe were sitting in a meeting led by Tatsumi. As the stoic secretary lectured about that month's budget expenditures, Watari was busy watching his companions. Tsuzuki looked to be half-asleep, his arm propped up to keep his head from hitting the meticulously polished table. Beside him, Hisoka listened to Tatsumi, but Watari noticed that the boy would occasionally glance over at his partner.

'Ah,' Watari noted with interest, 'his body is leaning toward Tsuzuki's…'

Based on his scientific knowledge of the subconscious, he knew that Hisoka's body language indicated an unspoken attraction toward Tsuzuki. Filing that tidbit away for later experimentation, he allowed his attention to momentarily focus on Tatsumi's speech. The secretary was droning on about the most effective ways to keep within one's given budget, occasionally throwing pointed glares at Tsuzuki for added effect. Seeing the Shinigami's lack of attention, Tatsumi frowned and continued his speech.

'Ah, Tsuzuki's going to get it later,' Watari noted with amusement. He could already picture the man turning chibi, big watery amethyst eyes looking reproachful. Of course, he would look to Hisoka to help him escape Tatsumi's rage. 'Interesting,' Watari thought, 'that he seems to gravitate toward Bon instinctively.' Anyway, Hisoka would only scoff and call him an idiot, while Tatsumi would begin to -

He paused his train of thought, blinking as 003 pecked at him from her perch on his shoulder. He was about to scold her when Tatsumi spoke.

"And what was I just saying, Watari-san?" He sounded like a strict schoolmaster. Everyone turned to look at Watari, even Tsuzuki, and the scientist gulped.

"Umm…you were saying…" He wasn't sure whether to make a guess or have fun with it, so he chose the latter. "You were saying that boxers really don't suit Tsuzuki-san because briefs accentuate his body so much better." Pause. "Right?"

Tatsumi stared at him for a moment, his expression neutral. Sighing, he shook his pointing stick at Watari.

"Please pay attention, Watari-san. You of all people could try to learn what I'm telling you here."

Nodding nonchalantly, Watari made another note, this time on the fact that after his little comment, Tatsumi was resolutely avoiding looking at Tsuzuki. The secretary wound the meeting down, finally permitting everyone to get back to work.

Back in his lab, Watari looked through his notes on his fellow Shinigami, smiling slyly at what he read.

"Oh Bon," he sighed, "you're too obvious. And Tsuzuki, you're too oblivious."

Making a 'tsking' noise, he turned to his notes on Tatsumi.

"Oh dear…now this is sad. Pining after someone who's obviously in love with someone else…Well, okay, let's see what we can do about that."

As far as he knew, Tatsumi's love life after his death was non-existent. Well, Watari hadn't dated anyone either, but still! Tatsumi was far too reserved for his own good.

"Don't you think it's time he loosened up, 003? There's no harm in pushing him in the right direction. Let's see…all I have to do is find someone to get him to open up. Who? Can't be Tsuzuki, we have to set him up with Bon later…definitely not Terazuma! Well gosh…I guess that just leaves me, doesn't it?"

003 squawked in response, nipping at his chin lightly.

"I know, girl. I'll be careful with this. We are talking about Tatsumi, after all. I'll just…flirt with him some, get him to open up. That's all. Once that's done, he'll be sure to be happier! And that means more funding for us!"