Author has written 9 stories for Lord of the Rings. Back from the land of the newly dead ~ yes, folks, it takes someone like Marigold to get me writing again. You can thank her for the new story. Charter Member of PHF Anonymous and darned proud of it! I used to be a closet Pervy Hobbit Fancier, but the closet got too full... I'm also a shield maiden in the service of Eowyn, Maid of Rohan. My horse of choice is a Tennessee Walker (TWH - For The Ride Of Your Life). I fancy myself as a decent whip though I've never driven in competition. I once got to drive a two horse sled and talk about your horse power! Whoever came up with the combustion engine horse power rating never drove a two-in-hand! I'm a romantic trapped in an Engineer's body. My brain constantly battles with itself over which half should rule, hence my odd writing style and even stranger ideas. I attempt to build historically accurate Antebellum costumes for horse show clients, Victorian clothing for actors to wear, and Elizabethan outfits for the heck of it. I also make a darned tootin' beautiful wedding dress (if I don't say so myself). I live in the land of Glitter and Sleeze, Neon and Nightclubs, where we blow up our buildings whenever someone says, "Hey, it's time to redecorate" - Viva Las Vegas! |