NOTE - The epilogue is no longer on Yes, even I am beginning to get paranoid... It can be found on my website (see profile for URL). This pisses me off, too. Carry on.

Wow. I thought that there might still be another chapter after this one, but I guess not. This is it - the final chapter. Yeah...I'm in shock, too. This is so bittersweet... I want to thank everyone who's followed this story from the beginning or has jumped in in the middle. It means more than you can know that so many people liked this story so much. I always kept expecting to get a negative review, but I never did. You've all been so helpful and supportive, and I love you all to pieces. Don't fret, though, because there's gonna be an epilogue. Probably just a one-shot, but it'll be long. That'll be posted soon, and I've already started planning my next Yami fic... I hope this chapter satisfies you guys. I tried to keep it from being too mushy, but you know how that goes. I love you guys so much!

Kara Angitia - I'm glad you liked Tsuzuki's little trick. He certainly thought it was clever (although I think Hisoka was less impressed...)

Konnie-chan - There you don't have to take sides. I told you I'm a happy ending person!

Ardwynna Morrigu - Thank you! It's always most gratifying to hear that the emotion was realistic...that can be really hard to pull off at times.

Tysoyo Kalli - Oh, there's an ending here. I can't bear to keep them apart for too long!

Kyraille Fade - Ahh, you're still here! Phew. I was afraid you had decided to stop reading. I'm so glad to hear from you! I'm glad you like all the cuteness and angst, and I hope you enjoy this chapter, too!

Ikki - I agree completely. Not only is it painful, but it can be embarrassing to admit to a major mistake. Enjoy this chapter, it should answer your question!

Hisoka couldn't help but keep glancing at Tsuzuki, his concern for the older man winning out over his inhibitions. Ever since Watari had used that inhibitor on him, he had been all the more aware of his partner's emotions. At the moment, Tsuzuki was chewing on his pencil restlessly, a wave of worry emanating off of him.

"Tsuzuki," he said quietly, "please stop fidgeting so much. It's making me nervous."

The older Shinigami paused, the gnawed pencil hanging between his lips. He dropped it, letting it clank to the desktop.

"Sorry, 'Soka. I'm just worried..."

The younger man nodded.

"I know. So am I."

Tsuzuki looked at him with surprise.

"You are?"

Hisoka frowned, crossing his arms defensively.

"I'm not completely heartless, Tsuzuki."

The older man's eyes widened incredulously.

"That's not what I meant, 'Soka! I know you're not heartless...not at all..."

The boy looked away, sighing. Tsuzuki bit his lip, staring at his partner.

"Hisoka," he said solemnly, "if...if I ever do anything to hurt you like Watari hurt Tatsumi..."

"Baka, how could you? We're not a couple."

Tsuzuki winced, lowering his eyes.


Hisoka looked over at him, frowning deeply. He could feel a resigned sadness from the older man, a muted longing. Directed...toward him? Could it be?

"Tsuzuki...if you were ever to hurt me like that, I know you wouldn't have meant to do it. I know you wouldn't purposely hurt me," he whispered.

The violet-eyed man smiled warmly, causing his younger partner to blush.

Watari opened his eyes blearily, trying to blink away the sleep in them. He started to raise his head, but stopped, hissing in pain. He remembered that he had been sitting at the lab table. 'I must have fallen asleep. neck is so stiff... I definitely can't move it. I wonder if I call for help, will anyone come? I wonder if I can even yell that loud,' he mused, trying to ignore his sore muscles.

"Help..." he called weakly, amusing himself. 'Oh, to be alone...' That thought sobered the scientist, making him raise his head despite the pain. He stared at the table sullenly. 'Well,'s been two days since I told him. What now? He hasn't so much as looked at me since then. In fact, I can only remember even seeing him at the office once...and that was from far away. I can't very well wait around for him to talk to me first. But...I'm afraid to approach him. I can't bear to think of him looking at me with disdain...'

Watari groaned, massaging his neck gently. 'Ugh, it hurts so bad! My neck, I mean. Owww...'

"Oww, dammit! Oww, I say!" he yelled, startling 003 from her perch atop a shelf. She fluttered out of the lab, leaving her master to talk to himself.

Tatsumi blinked as 003 flew into his office through the cracked door, landing atop his desk in a huff. He stared at the tiny owl for a moment, trying to figure out why she would be in there rather than with her master.

"Have you come to chastise me, too?" he murmured, petting her feathers gently. She cooed, hopping around in a circle. The secretary smiled faintly.

"You're as adorably amusing as your master, you know. Although I always thought it was dogs that were supposed to resemble their owners, not owls."

He tilted his head thoughtfully.

"Though...I suppose Watari has always been special..."

Tatsumi thought back to the stunt Tsuzuki had pulled. 'Take my own advice, eh. Well...maybe I should...' He looked down at 003 fondly, carefully cupping her in the palm of his hand.

"Come on, let's get you back to your proper home," he told her.

Watari cracked his neck, hissing when his muscles protested. 'Man...maybe I need some coffee... But I don't want to risk running into Seii...'

He sighed, picking at his fingernails sullenly. He didn't hear the footfalls in the hallway, only looking up as the lab door was opened and 003 flew over to land on his shoulder.

"She somehow wandered into my office. I thought I should return her," Tatsumi explained. He frowned at Watari's tousled look.

"Ahh...thanks, Se- Tatsumi," he said nervously.

"...Seii is fine," the secretary responded, giving the man a weak smile.

The scientist blinked, staring at him with hopeful, yet pained eyes.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, not willing to take his eyes off his partner.

Tatsumi adjusted his glasses, forcing himself to meet the other man's gaze.

"I know." He sighed. "I think...that I can understand what you did, to an extent."

Watari looked away guiltily.

"I didn't mean to hurt you."

The Kagetsukai nodded.

"I know."

"...Can you forgive me?" Watari whispered, raw emotion swimming in his eyes.

Tatsumi paused, carefully considering his answer.

"...That depends."

Watari looked at him, something akin to dread growing in his eyes.

"Will you make that meal for me again?"

The scientist blinked.

"Of course," he said, risking a small smirk.

Tatsumi's eyes softened slightly.

"Well...I suppose I can forgive you this time, then."

The blonde smiled, jumping up and running to the secretary. He threw his arms around the other man tightly, burying his face in the crook of the taller man's neck.

"...Are we still together...?" he ventured, his voice worried.

"I didn't know we were ever apart," Tatsumi responded, tightening his arms around Watari. He felt the younger man whimper gratefully.



"I love you," Tatsumi whispered, his voice holding the emotions he could not readily express.

"Oh god, have no idea. Love you so much," the blonde mumbled into his shoulder.

Hisoka looked up from his paperwork, a wistful smile on his face. He looked over to Tsuzuki, waiting until the man noticed his staring.


The boy smiled at him.

"Everything's okay now."

Tsuzuki frowned in confusion. The empath rolled his eyes.

"They made up, baka."

"Oh. I'm happy for them..."

Hisoka's smile wilted at the faint wave of jealousy he felt.

"Are you, really?"

Tsuzuki looked up, startled.

"Yeah, I am."

"You just wish you had someone like that." Hisoka looked away. "I think everyone feels that way at some point in their lives..."

The violet-eyed man smiled.

"Yeah, and some people don't realize that they have someone who loves them very much right in front of them..."

Hisoka looked at his partner. The irony of that statement didn't escape him.

"...Sometimes, people just need to ask," he mumbled, pretending to work on his papers again.

Tsuzuki sighed, going back to his doodling. 'Maybe one day I will ask, 'Soka. Maybe one day...'